Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law 2024-12-02T10:38:34+07:00 Bhismoadi Tri Wahyu Faizal Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law</strong> (P-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2715-0003</a>; E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2714-5514</a>) Is an open access journal published by the Sharia Economic Law Study Program of the Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura. This journal is anually published twice a year in June and December since 2019. Jurnal al-Huquq publishes conceptual-based and research-based articles on contemporary issues of Sharia Economic Law in Indonesia and other countries. Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law provides an opportunity for researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students in the field of Sharia Economic Law to contribute and share the knowledge in form of a research manuscript and in the form of a reflective thought study on Sharia Economic Law. Users are allowed to search, read, download, copy, distribute, and use the articles for other legitimate purposes.</p> <hr> Barter in the Modern Era: Study of Buying and Selling Rice Fields with Rice Fields from Sharia Economic Law Perspective in Tanjung Pauh Mudik Village 2024-09-14T09:33:55+07:00 Darti Busni Eva Sumanti Doli Witro Raid Alghani <p style="text-align: justify;">This article aims to determine the practice of buying and selling paddy fields with paddy fields carried out in Tanjung Pauh Mudik Village, Danau Barat District, Kerinci Regency. The practice of buying and selling rice fields focuses on how prices are determined when buying and selling and how sharia economic law reviews the buying and selling practices. This research is qualitative field research which aims to understand the phenomenon of what the researcher observes. The approach used in this research is a sociological approach. The primary data comes from data related to the buying and selling of rice fields that occurred in Tanjung Pauh Village. Meanwhile, secondary data is supporting data, namely in the form of archives, documentation, and books related to the issue of buying and selling rice fields with rice fields. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique used is the Miles and Huberman data analysis technique which consists of data collection, data reduction, data display (data presentation), and conclusion drawing/verification (drawing conclusions). The results of the analysis concluded that the practice of buying and selling rice fields for rice fields carried out by the people of Tanjung Pauh Mudik Village has been carried out for a long time and no one knows since when they have been doing this. The factors that encourage people to sell rice fields in Tanjung Pauh Mudik Village include first, so that the rice fields, which are their main land for earning a living, are not lost or reduced. Second, to add or expand the rice fields they own. Third, improve the welfare of the population. The sale and purchase of rice fields and rice fields in Tanjung Pauh Mudik Village according to the perspective of sharia economic law is included in the barter buying and selling system. Buying and selling in this system is permitted as long as it meets the specified conditions and pillars. Most of the buying and selling of paddy fields and rice fields carried out in terms of sharia economic law has fulfilled the requirements and terms of barter buying and selling, although there are still some things that have not been fulfilled, including firstly in terms of the requirements for mitlan bi mitslin and in terms of the person who is entering into the contract (subject).</p> 2024-06-03T10:00:24+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law Penerapan Pembiayaan Murabahahah pada Nasabah Non-Muslim di Bank Syariah Indonesia Perspektif Fatwa DSN-MUI Nomor 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000 2024-09-14T09:34:49+07:00 Amaliah Al Azmi <p style="text-align: justify;">Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan pembiayaan <em>murabahah</em> pada nasabah non-Muslim di Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) dari perspektif dari Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional (DSN) Nomor 4/DSN-MUI/IX/2000. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus di BSI KCP Bojonegoro Sumberrejo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa macam produk pembiayaan yang ada di BSI KCP Bojonegoro Sumberrejo yaitu <em>murabahah, rahn</em>, <em>ijarah</em> dan <em>musyarakah mutanaqisah. </em>Dari total 1200 nasabah, 200 di antaranya merupakan nasabah pembiayaan <em>murabahah </em>dan 6 di antaranya merupakan nasabah non-Muslim yang mengambil pembiayan BSI Usaha Mikro. Penerapan akad <em>murabahah</em> pada nasabah non-Muslim di BSI KCP Bojonegoro Sumberrejo telah memenuhi prinsip-prinsip syariah sesuai dengan Fatwa DSN Nomor 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000, seperti keadilan, keterbukaan, dan tanpa riba. Tidak ada perbedaan dalam penerapan akad murabahah antara nasabah Muslim dan non-Muslim. Seluruh rukun dan syarat akad <em>murabahah</em> dipenuhi sesuai dengan prinsip syariah yang berlaku. Dengan demikian, penelitian ini menekankan pentingnya keadilan dan transparansi dalam pembiayaan syariah serta menunjukkan bahwa produk pembiayaan syariah seperti <em>murabahah</em> dapat diterima secara universal tanpa memandang agama. (This study aims to analyze the application of murabahah financing to non-Muslim customers at Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) from the perspective of the National Sharia Council Fatwa (DSN) Number 4/DSN-MUI/IX/2000. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach at BSI KCP Bojonegoro Sumberrejo. The results show that there are various financing products at BSI KCP Bojonegoro Sumberrejo, including murabahah, rahn, ijarah, and musyarakah mutanaqisah. Out of a total of 1,200 customers, 200 are murabahah financing customers, and 6 are non-Muslim customers who have taken BSI Micro Business financing. The application of murabahah contracts to non-Muslim customers at BSI KCP Bojonegoro Sumberrejo meets the sharia principles in accordance with DSN Fatwa Number 04/DSN-MUI/IV/2000, such as justice, transparency, and being free of usury. There is no difference in the application of murabahah contracts between Muslim and non-Muslim customers. All the pillars and conditions of the murabahah contract are fulfilled according to the applicable sharia principles. Thus, this study emphasizes the importance of justice and transparency in sharia financing and shows that sharia financing products like murabahah can be universally accepted regardless of religion)</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law BDS’ Movement in Ethical Consumption for Maslahah Based on Fatwa MUI No. 83 of 2023 2024-12-02T10:38:34+07:00 Anni Muslimah Purnamawati <p style="text-align: justify;">BDS' Movement well known in Indonesia as namely Gerakan Boikot, which BDS is acronym of Boycott, Divestment, and Sanction. BDS’ Movement is a humanitarian action carried out by societies to oppose Israel's aggressive attacks on Gaza, Palestine and other humanitarian violations. When November 8th 2023, Indonesia Ulama Council (MUI) that fatwa commission issued confirming that supporting Israel aggression against Palestine is haram. It was published in Fatwa No. 83 of 2023 about the Law on Support for the struggle of Palestinian. This paper aim to address to following question about to analysis the extent to which BDS’ Movement has been carried out in society, the ethical consumption of BDS’ Movement, and the problems based on MUI Fatwa No. 83 of 2023. The research method was carried out using a qualitative descriptive method using data sources such as articles, journals, books, interviews and fatwa studies. The results of this research, first, the largest BDS’ movement was characterized by the boycott of products affiliated with Israel in companies in the manufacturing sectors of consumer goods, food and beverage, and fast food. Second, BDS’ Movement towards ethical consumption makes consumers more wiser, shows consumer’s maturity. The value is consistency being boycotted. Third, regarding maslahah, if boycott is not a solution, however, boycott is part of to show our humanity. Indeed, what is happening in Palestine is a physical problem, so it must be resolved physically as well. Boycott is part of a person's wisdom. If we cannot do everything, don’t leave everything, maa laa yudraku kulluh laa yutraku kulluh. Boycott is a personal as well as human being. If there are individuals who can boycott more than others, then we should not underestimate others.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law The Environmental Impact Analysis of the Scrap Iron Cutting Industry in Kamal-Bangkalan Regency: A Sharia Economic Law Perspective 2024-11-20T21:19:37+07:00 Dodik Pranata Wijaya <p style="text-align: justify;">The sunken or damaged ships cutting scrap metal business in Tanjung Jati Kamal Village, Bangkalan, Madura, has sparked controversy among local residents. Ship dismantling is performed by using heavy machinery which generates dense smoke that affects the ecosystem and poses health risks to the local community. This research aims to assess the severity of the negative consequences of environmental pollution and to investigate the extent to which existing regulations govern the pollution generated. To enhance the study, it examines the principles of sharia economics to determine if these economic activities align with sound economic principles. Utilizing empirical legal research methods, this study relies on primary data obtained directly from the research site through interviews with local residents, workers, and teachers in the vicinity of the industry. Additionally, secondary data is gathered from credible news sources, books, and scientific journals concerning scrap metal cutting activities. The findings indicate that scrap metal cutting contributes to environmental pollution and adversely affects public health, particularly the children. While relevant regulations exist, there is a need for enforcement and more specific law to regulate the standard operating procedures for scrap metal cutters. Moreover, the practice does not align well with the principles of sharia economic law.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law Implementation of I’Adah al- Nadzar in The DSN-MUI Fatwa on Kafalah bil Ujrah 2024-11-20T21:12:41+07:00 Panji Adam Agus Putra <p style="text-align: justify;">The kafalah (guarantee) contract initially fell within the domain of tabarru (charitable) contracts. However, there is a difference of opinion (ikhtilaf) among scholars regarding the ruling of the kafalah bil ujrah contract (a guarantee contract accompanied by a fee). This study aims to explore the concept of I’adah al-Nadzhar and the opinions of scholars regarding the ruling of the kafalah bil ujrah contract, as well as the implementation of I’adah al-Nadzhar in DSN-MUI's fatwas. The results of the research show that the concept of I’adah al-Nadzhar is, in simple terms, a re-examination of previous scholarly opinions due to difficulties in their application, followed by adopting a new opinion, considered marjuh (weaker), as a guideline. The majority (jumhur) of scholars view the kafalah bil ujrah contract as prohibited because it resembles riba (interest). However, the National Sharia Council-Indonesian Ulema Council (DSN-MUI) permits the kafalah bil ujrah contract in several of its fatwas. Contrary to the view of the majority of Islamic jurists regarding the ruling of the kafalah bil ujrah contract, the DSN-MUI, based on the consideration of I’adah al-Nadzhar or re-examination, allows the kafalah bil ujrah contract. This is based on the reasoning that the ujrah is given for the jah (dignity/reputation) of the guarantor (kafil), the presence of hajjah (necessity), and to avoid harm (daf' al-dharar).</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law Penerapan Teori Luqathah Terhadap Pengelolaan Barang Hilang dan Temuan di PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) 2024-11-20T21:15:23+07:00 Rizwan Zamaludin Ahmad misbakh zainul musthofa <p style="text-align: justify;">Pengelolaan barang hilang dan temuan di PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) (PT KAI) memunculkan kebutuhan akan sistem yang efektif dan efisien. Hal ini disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor, termasuk kelalaian penumpang dan keterbatasan pengawasan di stasiun kereta. PT KAI telah memperkenalkan layanan digital seperti Customer Care atau KAI121 untuk memfasilitasi pelaporan barang hilang dan temuan, yang memungkinkan penumpang untuk melaporkan barang dengan cepat dan memantau statusnya secara real-time. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan prinsip Luqathah dalam pengelolaan barang hilang dan temuan di PT KAI. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan hukum empiris dan metode penelitian lapangan untuk mengumpulkan data langsung dari lokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa PT KAI menerapkan prinsip-prinsip Luqathah dalam pengelolaan barang hilang dan temuan dengan melibatkan berbagai pihak, termasuk Polsuska, Kondektur, Petugas Pengawas Peron, dan Petugas Pengatur Perjalanan Kereta Api (PPKA). Pengelolaan barang hilang dan temuan oleh PT KAI mencerminkan upaya untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik sambil mematuhi nilai-nilai etika dan hukum Islam yang terkandung dalam teori Luqathah. Saran dari penulis adalah memanfaatkan platform digital untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan transparansi dalam penanganan barang hilang dan temuan, seperti penggunaan media sosial atau contact center 121 untuk menginformasikan setiap barang temuan melalui verifikasi yang ketat serta keterbukaan bagi konsumen atau masyarakat mengenai informasi dan kategori barang serta masa penyimpanan yang lebih terperinci. (The management of lost and found items at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) (PT KAI) raises the need for an effective and efficient system. This is due to various factors, including passenger negligence and limited supervision at train stations. PT KAI has introduced digital services such as Customer Care or KAI121 to facilitate the reporting of lost and found items, allowing passengers to quickly report items and monitor their status in real-time. This research aims to analyze the application of the Luqathah principle in the management of lost and found items at PT KAI. The research method uses an empirical legal approach and field research method to collect data directly from the research location. The results showed that PT KAI applies the principles of Luqathah in the management of lost and found items by involving various parties, including Polsuska, Conductors, Platform Supervisory Officers, and Train Travel Control Officers (PPKA). The management of lost and found items by PT KAI reflects an effort to provide the best service while complying with the ethical values and Islamic law contained in the Luqathah theory. The author's suggestion is to utilize digital platforms to improve efficiency and transparency in handling lost and found items, such as the use of social media or contact center 121 to inform every item found through strict verification and openness for consumers or the public regarding information and categories of goods and a more detailed storage period).</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law