Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law 2025-02-11T10:46:13+07:00 Bhismoadi Tri Wahyu Faizal Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law</strong> (P-ISSN: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2715-0003</a>; E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2714-5514</a>) Is an open access journal published by the Sharia Economic Law Study Program of the Faculty of Sharia IAIN Madura. This journal is anually published twice a year in June and December since 2019. Jurnal al-Huquq publishes conceptual-based and research-based articles on contemporary issues of Sharia Economic Law in Indonesia and other countries. Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law provides an opportunity for researchers, academics, professionals, practitioners and students in the field of Sharia Economic Law to contribute and share the knowledge in form of a research manuscript and in the form of a reflective thought study on Sharia Economic Law. Users are allowed to search, read, download, copy, distribute, and use the articles for other legitimate purposes.</p> <hr> Mengintegrasikan Prinsip Keadilan Berbasis Finansial Dalam Peraturan Denda Tilang: Kajian Maqasid Syari'ah di Pengadilan Negeri Kota Metro 2025-02-11T10:46:13+07:00 Amanda Paula Widuleh Mu’adil Faizin Firmansyah <p style="text-align: justify;">Penerapan peraturan denda tilang menimbulkan berbagai persoalan, seperti besaran denda yang dinilai memberatkan menurut sebagian masyarakat dan angka pelanggaran di Kota Metro yang semakin bertambah. Dengan demikian penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis penerapan peraturan denda tilang di Pengadilan Negeri Metro Kelas IB melalui lensa maqashid syari'ah. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif yang berjenis normatif-empiris dengan menggabungkan pendekatan normatif (konseptual, perundang-undangan) dan pendekatan empiris (sosiologis), peneliti mengumpulkan data primer maupun sekunder dari Undang-Undang nomor 22 tahun 2009, SOP prosedur perkara lalu lintas di Pengadilan Negeri, artikel jurnal literatur terkait penelitian ini, dan hasil wawancara dengan masyarakat pelanggar lalu lintas. Analisis difokuskan pada bagaimana penerapan peraturan denda tilang dapat mencerminkan prinsip-prinsip maqashid syari'ah, yaitu menjaga keadilan, kemaslahatan, dan proporsionalitas dalam penerapannya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan denda tilang tidak hanya bertujuan untuk menegakkan hukum lalu lintas, tetapi juga berkontribusi penting terhadap penyesuaian kebijakan hukum dengan prinsip syari’ah untuk mencapai tujuan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan hukum yang berkualitas. Rekomendasi terhadap peraturan tersebut yaitu, memberikan sanksi denda maksimal terhadap pelanggar lalu lintas yang berulang kali melanggar peraturan. Selain itu, Pemerintah perlu mempertimbangkan usulan pengalokasian denda tilang guna memfasilitasi pembuatan SIM pelanggar yang bertujuan menekan jumlah pelanggaran lalu lintas serta meningkatkan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan lalu lintas. (The implementation of traffic fine regulations raises various problems, such as the amount of fines that are considered burdensome by some people and the increasing number of violations in Metro City. Thus, this study aims to analyze the implementation of traffic fine regulations at the Metro Class IB District Court through the lens of maqashid sharia. The researcher uses a qualitative research method that is normative-empirical by combining a normative approach (conceptual, legislation) and an empirical approach (sociological), the researcher collects primary and secondary data from Law Number 22 of 2009, SOP for traffic case procedures at the District Court, journal articles related to this research, and the results of interviews with traffic violators. The analysis focuses on how the implementation of traffic fine regulations can reflect the principles of maqashid sharia, namely maintaining justice, welfare, and proportionality in its implementation. The results of the study indicate that the traffic fine policy is not only aimed at enforcing traffic law, but also makes an important contribution to adjusting legal policies with sharia principles to achieve the goals of community welfare and quality law. Recommendations for the regulation are to impose maximum fines on traffic violators who repeatedly violate the regulations. In addition, the Government needs to consider the proposal to allocate fines to facilitate the issuance of SIMs for violators which aims to reduce the number of traffic violations and increase compliance with traffic regulations.)</p> 2025-02-10T08:37:30+07:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Huquq: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Economic Law