Al-Manhaj: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Family Law <p align="justify"><strong>Al-Manhaj: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Family Law</strong> (P-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2714-5522</a>; E-ISSN <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2715-0097</a>) published twice a year, always places Islamic Family Law, and Islamic Civil Law in the central focus of academic inquiry and invites any comprehensive observation of Islam Family Law as a normative Islam and a system of society and Muslims as those who practice the religion with their many facets.</p> <p align="justify">The subject covers textual and fieldwork studies with various perspectives on Islamic Family Law, Islam and gender discourse, and the legal drafting of Islamic Civil law. In the beginning, the journal only served as a scholarly forum for the lecturers, professors, and students at the State Institute of Islamic Studies. However, due to the later development, the journal has successfully invited scholars and researchers outside the Institute to contribute.</p> en-US (Akhmad Farid Mawardi Sufyan) (Akhmad Farid Mawardi Sufyan) Tue, 31 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Marital Rape Perspektif Teori Egaliter Ali Jum’ah dan Relevansinya terhadap Hukum Indonesia <p style="text-align: justify;">Studi ini bertujuan mengkaji tentang <em>marital rape</em> melalui pendekatan teori egaliter Ali Jum’ah dan relevansinya dengan hukum di Indonesia. Isu <em>marital rape</em> penting untuk dikaji dengan pendekatan egaliter, sebab relasi seksual antara suami istri pada dasarnya berlandaskan musyawarah dan kerelaan. Penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian <em>library research</em> (kepustakaan). Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang bagaimana Teori Egaliter dan Marital Rape: Ontologi dan Fakta Sosialnya; bagaimana Pendekatan dan Epistemologi Teori Egaliter; dan Bagaimana Relevansi Teori Egaliter terhadap Hukum di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan; <em>Pertama</em>, teori egaliter adalah sesuatu yang erat dengan nilai keadilan dan kesetaraan sebagai upaya preventif atas perilaku diskriminasi; <em>Kedua</em>, bahwa <em>marital rape</em> dalam pandangan teori egaliter merupakan kriminalitas yang melawan nilai-nilai agama. Sebab tidak menjunjung prinsip musyawarah dan kerelaan; <em>Ketiga</em>, teori egaliter relevan dengan hukum di Indonesia, yakni sama-sama menyuarakan prinsip kesetaraan dalam berkeluarga dengan musyawarah dan berbagi pendapat satu sama lain. Perbedaannya, dalam UU PKDRT masih terdapat keumuman pasal dalam butir pasal aturannya, yakni terkait eksplisitas korban. (This study aims to examine marital rape through Ali Jum’ah's egalitarian theoretical approach and its relevance to law in Indonesia. The issue of marital rape is important to study with an egalitarian approach, because sexual relations between husband and wife are basically based on deliberation and consent. The research used is qualitative research with the type of library research. The problem formulation in this research is about how the Egalitarian and Marital Rape Theory: Ontology and Social Facts; how to Approach and Epistemology of Egalitarian Theory; and how is the Relevance of Egalitarian Theory to Law in Indonesia. The results of this research state; first, egalitarian theory is something that is closely related to the values ​​of justice and equality as a preventive measure for discriminatory behavior; second, that marital rape in the view of egalitarian theory is a crime that goes against religious values. Because it does not uphold the principles of deliberation and consent; Third, egalitarian theory is relevant to law in Indonesia, namely that we both voice the principle of equality in family through deliberation and sharing opinions with each other. The difference is, in the PKDRT Law there are still general articles in the articles of the regulations, namely regarding the explicitness of victims.)</p> Muhammad Nurravi Alamsyah Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Manhaj: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Family Law Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Analisis Kesiapan Remaja Menjadi Orang Tua Perspektif Hukum Positif dan Psikologi Islam <p>This article aims to evaluate the extent to which early married couples are ready to become parents in Bugul Kidul District, Pasuruan City. Research shows that during the 2023-2024 period, there were 17 cases of early marriage in Bugul Kidul District, with Kepel District recording the highest number, namely 6 cases. Factors that encourage early marriage include social pressure, economic conditions, lack of education about reproductive health, and local culture. The impact of early marriage on readiness for parenthood is significant, with young couples often lacking in emotional,&nbsp;physical and financial maturity. This results in difficulties in&nbsp;parenting and problems in the couple's relationship. This&nbsp;research concludes that early marriage in Bugul Kidul District is&nbsp;a problem that requires serious attention from various parties.&nbsp;Comprehensive interventions are needed, including education&nbsp;about reproductive health, strengthening the family economy,&nbsp;and psychological assistance for young couples to increase their&nbsp;readiness to assume the role of parents.&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> Athiyah Zakiyah, Nimas Ayu Jihan ‘Aatika, Nilna Mardlotillah, Muhammad Hikam Manzis Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Manhaj: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Family Law Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0700 Politik Hukum Keluarga Islam di Thailand (Dualisme Aturan Negara dan Agama) <p>Tulisan ini mengkaji beberapa peraturan yang tercermin dalam kebijakan negara dan upaya masyarakat Muslim untuk mempertahankan nilai-nilai agama mereka dalam konteks kehidupan keluarga. Meskipun Thailand mayoritas penduduknya beragama Buddha, masyarakat Muslim, khususnya di wilayah selatan, memiliki tradisi hukum keluarga yang berlandaskan pada ajaran Islam. Negara Thailand memberikan ruang terbatas bagi penerapan hukum Islam dalam urusan keluarga melalui pengadilan agama (<em>Shari'ah Court</em>), namun tetap mempertahankan kontrol terhadap sistem peradilan yang lebih luas berbasis hukum sipil. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menerapkan analisis studi kasus, analisis konten, observasi partisipatif, dan analisis silang. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwasanya politik hukum keluarga di Thailand, Pertama, terdapat dualisme aturan yakni aturan negara dan agama yang berpengaruh pada hak sipil dan pelayanan publik umat muslim. Kedua, budaya penduduk mayoritas tetap mempengaruhi sistem tradisi perkawinan umat muslim. Ketiga, Implikasi dualisme aturan ini berdampak pada banyak ketentuan dalam hukum keluarga, misalnya dalam masalah usia perkawinan, tata cara dan prosedur perkawinan, pertunangan, pencatatan perkawinan, syarat perkawinan, wali, saksi nikah, kursus pra-perkawinan, perkawinan beda agama, perkawinan sejenis. Bahkan dalam aturan mengenai perkawinan sejenis aturan negara belum bisa mengakui dan belum mengkategorikannya sebagai perbuatan yang menyimpang atau bahkan kriminal. (This paper examines some of the regulations reflected in state policies and the efforts of muslim communities to maintain their religious values in the context of family life. Although Thailand is predominantly Buddhist, the muslim community, particularly in the south has a tradition of family based on Islamic teachings. The Thailand state provides limited scope for the application of Islamic law in family matters through religious courts (<em>Shari’ah Courts</em>),but still maintains control over the broader civil law-based justice system. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying case study analysis, content analysis, participant observation, and cross analysis. The results of this study indicate that family law politics in Thailand, First, there is a dualism of rules, namely state and religious rules that affect civil rights and public services for muslims. Second, the culture of the majority population still influences the muslim marriage tradition system. Third, the implications of this dualism of rules have an aimpact on many provisons in family law, for example in marriage age, marriage procedures, engagement, marriage registration, marriage requirements, guardians, marriage witnesses, pre-marriage courses, interfaith marriages, Even in the rules regarding same-sex marriages, state regulations have not been able to recognize and have not categorized it as a deviant or even criminal act).</p> Nor Mohammad Abdoeh Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Manhaj: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Family Law Mon, 17 Mar 2025 09:42:31 +0700 Implementasi Keadilan Sosial Double Movement Fazlur Rahman dalam Pembagian Harta Waris Keluarga Adat Jawa <p>Studi ini mengkaji fenomena pembagian waris adat Jawa mengenai pembagian harta saat pewaris masih hidup (<em>hibah</em>) dan pembagian yang mempertimbangkan kebutuhan masing-masing ahli waris. Keadilan sosial <em>Double Movement</em> Fazlur Rahman menyoroti pentingnya konteks historis dalam memahami teks-teks agama dan pengaplikasiannya yang mengarah pada kesesuaian dan ketidaksesuaian praktik lokal dengan prinsip-prinsip teoritis yang diusulkan untuk mencapai tujuan keadilan sosial. Rumusan masalah pertama membahas bentuk keadilan sosial ekonomi dan peran dalam keluarga dalam pembagian waris adat Jawa. Kedua, struktur sosial dan sistem kekerabatan dalam waris adat Jawa. Ketiga, implikasi keadilan sosial dalam pembagian harta waris (kepemilikan aset/harta, gender). Pendekatan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif dan data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dengan ahli waris dan <em>wahib</em> (pemberi hibah) serta melalui observasi langsung dan analisis dokumen terkait. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa praktik pembagian harta waris masih dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai adat Jawa yang turun-temurun, meskipun mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai Islam seperti musyawarah keluarga. Dari kasus yang terjadi, menunjukkan penerapan prinsip-prinsip keadilan sosial dan hukum yang sesuai dalam pembagian harta warisan untuk mencapai kesejahteraan dan keharmonisan keluarga. Meski harus tetap sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip dasar syariat, fleksibilitas dalam pembagian waris dapat dilakukan dengan persetujuan semua ahli waris. (This study examines the phenomenon of customary inheritance division in Java regarding the division of assets while the testator is still alive (grant) and the division that considers the needs of each heir. Fazlur Rahman's Double Movement social justice highlights the importance of historical context in understanding religious texts and their application that leads to the suitability and incompatibility of local practices with the theoretical principles proposed to achieve the goal of social justice. The first problem formulation discusses forms of socio-economic justice and roles within the family in the division of Javanese customary inheritance. Second, the social structure and kinship system in Javanese customary inheritance. Third, the implications of social justice in the division of inheritance (asset ownership, gender. The research approach uses qualitative and data is collected through interviews with heirs and wahib (grantors) as well as through direct observation and analysis of related documents. The results of the research on the practice of dividing inheritance property are still influenced by Javanese traditional values that have been passed down from generation to generation, although it implements Islamic values such as family deliberation. From the cases that occur, it shows the application of the principles of social justice and appropriate law in the division of inheritance to achieve family welfare and harmony. Although it must remain in accordance with the basic principles of Shari'ah, flexibility in the distribution of inheritance can be done with the consent of all heirs).</p> Moh. Rafi Irvanul Vaza Wasurip, Zaenul Mahmudi Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Manhaj: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Family Law Mon, 17 Mar 2025 10:08:00 +0700 Fikih Migran: Harmonisasi Keluarga Pekerja Pada Masyarakat Lombok Timur <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisa bagaimana hukum Islam melihat harmonisasi dalam keluarga pekerja migran di lombok Timur. Dalam Islam, keluarga yang harmonis adalah keluarga yang dipenuhi <em>sakinah</em> (ketenangan hati), <em>mawaddah</em> (cinta), dan <em>rahmah</em> (kasih sayang). Fenomena suami bekerja di luar negeri untuk mendapatkan penghidupan yang lebih baik menimbulkan pro&nbsp;dan&nbsp;kontra&nbsp;ditengah&nbsp;masyarakat&nbsp;dikarenakan&nbsp;dapat&nbsp;memengaruhi&nbsp;keharmonisan&nbsp;keluarga.&nbsp;Penelitian&nbsp;ini&nbsp;menggunakan&nbsp;pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Rumusan masalah penelitian ini yaitu bagaimana konsep normatif harmonisasi keluarga, kemudian bagaimana faktor yang melatarbelakangi harmonisasi tersebut serta bagaimana implikasinya.&nbsp;Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep normatif harmonisasi keluarga dalam fikih Migran dipengaruhi oleh kurangnya lapangan pekerjaan dan rendahnya kondisi ekonomi, minimnya pendapatan, laki-laki sebagai pencari nafkah utama dalam keluarga, membiayai pendidikan anak. Adapun harmonisasi keluarga&nbsp;pekerja&nbsp;migran&nbsp;dan&nbsp;fakta&nbsp;sosial&nbsp;yang&nbsp;melatarbelakanginya terdiri dari aspek positif dan negatif. Sedangkan implikasi harmonisasi keluarga perspektif fıkıh migran mencakup kewajiban suami untuk memenuhi nafkah keluarga, durasi keberadaan suami di luar negeri, serta pemenuhan hak keluarga. (This research aims to analyze how Islamic law sees harmonization in migrant workers' families in East Lombok. In Islam, a harmonious family is a family filled with <em>sakinah </em>(peace of heart), <em>mawaddah</em>, and <em>rahmah </em>(compassion). The phenomenon of husbands working abroad to earn a better living leads to pros and cons in the community because it can affect family harmony. This study used a qualitative approach to case study types. The formulation of this research problem is how the normative concept of family harmonization is, then how the factors behind the harmonization are based and how the implications are. The results of this study show that the normative concept of family harmonization in migrant fiqh is influenced by the lack of employment and low economic conditions, lack of income, men as the main breadwinner in the family and pay for children's education. The harmonization of migrant workers' families and the social facts behind them consist of positive and negative aspects. Meanwhile, the implications of family harmonization, the perspective of fıkıh migration includes the husband's obligation to provide for the family, time limits on making a living, and the fulfillment of family rights.)</p> Qonita Rhodiya, Ahyat Habibi Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Manhaj: Journal of Indonesian Islamic Family Law Mon, 17 Mar 2025 10:22:04 +0700