Edu Consilium : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Pendidikan Islam <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Edu Consilium : Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Pendidikan Islam</strong> is an official, peer-reviewed, open access, and electronic system journal published by Study Program of Islamic Educational Guidance and Counseling, Faculty of Education, State Islamic Institute of Madura. Edu Consilium: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Pendidikan Islam publishes research manuscripts, and concept/ theoretical papers in the field of <strong>Islamic Educational Guidance and Counseling</strong> (career counseling, marriage and family counseling, educational counseling, school and islamic school counseling, counseling in islamic boarding schools, cross- and multicultiral counseling, and developmental counseling) and <strong>Population and Family Planning</strong> (pre-marriage counseling, marriage and family life, growth and development of adolescence, and parenting). Reports of high quality <strong>Islamic Educational Guidance and Counseling</strong> research and <strong>Population and Family Planning</strong> research involving any methodology will be welcome. The Journal receives original works from all researchers. This jounal is publised twice every year in February and September.</p> en-US <p>The journal operates an Open Access policy under a&nbsp;<em>Creative Commons Non-Commercial 4.0 International license</em>. Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:&nbsp;</p> <ol> <li class="show">Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a&nbsp; <p><img src="/public/site/images/jamiels/88x311.png" alt=""><a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener">&nbsp;Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License</a></p> <p>that allows others to share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format, and adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material.</p> </li> <li class="show">Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (see&nbsp;<a href="">The Effect of Open Access</a>).</li> </ol> (Ishlakhatus Sa'idah) (Moh. Zaiful Rosyid) Fri, 11 Oct 2024 20:11:32 +0700 OJS 60 Mirror of the Self: Exploring the Influence of Self-Esteem and Narcissism on Social Media Addiction in college student <p>Social media addiction is a concerning condition because it will disturb a person's mental health. This study aims to analyze the effect of self-esteem and narcissism on social media addiction. This study uses quantitative research using survey and correlational research designs. The subjects of this study amounted to 65 people and the research data were revealed using the self-esteem scale, narcissistic scale, and social media addiction scale. The results showed that there was a negative correlation</p> <p>between self-esteem and social media addiction, then statistics also hurt social media addiction.</p> <p>negative impact on social media addiction. It is recommended that future researchers conduct an in-depth investigation of the complex interactions between narcissism, self-esteem, and social media use. narcissistic, self-esteem, and social media use, and develop more effective strategies to reduce the negative effects of social media addiction. strategies to reduce negative effects.</p> Ulva Widia Mentari, Farid Imam Kholidin, Eko Sujadi Copyright (c) 2024 Ulva Widia Mentari Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Psychological Impact of Social Networking Sites on Indian Adolescents <p>Social media plays an important role in our life. All the youths living in India and different parts of the world are engaged in social media platform they are busy in themselves to meet new people, make new friends and chat with them. It has been seen that not only young people but also old people are also engaged in social media platform. It is true that there are some merits and demerits in everything. Sometimes excessive use to social networking sites can cause a negative psychological impact on the minds of young people. This research paper will focus on the positive use of social networking sites, effect on the mind on the adolescents due to the excessive use of social networking sites and to suggest some solution to it. Social media has also caused some prominent changes in the attitudes and lifestyles of the adolescents.</p> Debajyoti Gupta, Ferah Diba Izgi Copyright (c) 2024 Debajyoti Gupta Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Child Abuse, Marital Satisfaction and Premarital Counseling: How do They Relate One Another? <p>One of the reasons for the increase in child abuse in recent years is the actions of those closest to the child, including one or both of their parents. Parents who commit such&nbsp; violence are triggered by several factors, including lack of insight into married life and not getting satisfaction in their marriage. This study aims to describe how premarital counseling can promote marriage satisfaction and anticipating potential child abuse. This study uses literature research with a descriptive approach. This research concerns with systematic and scientific collection of library sources which include books, scientific journals, and related research findings, then analyzed descriptively so as to achieve the research objectives. The results of the discussion show that in premarital counseling, the materials are provided comprehensively which includes the Law on Domestic Violence. Child Protection Law, Munakahat Law, Implementation of Family Functions in Child Protection, Caring for Love in the Family and Conflict Management in the Family as recommended by the Director General of Islamic Community Guidance Regulation Number 542 of 2013. By understanding comprehensively and applying such recommended points, prospective partner can achieve their marriage satisfaction and minimize potential child abuse.</p> Hadiarni, Kiki Mariah, Wenda Asmita Copyright (c) 2024 Kiki Mariah Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique untuk Mereduksi Psikosomatis Pada Ibu Rumah Tangga <p><span lang="EN-US">The purpose of this study was to find out whether the Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique is effective in reducing psychosomatic symptoms in housewives. The research method used is experimental research. This type of research is a one group pretest-posttest design study. Sample data collection in this study used the purposive sampling method. Purposive sampling is a sampling technique with certain considerations. The reason for using this purposive sampling technique is because it is suitable for quantitative research, or studies that do not generalize. Data collection was obtained by filling in psychosomatic problem scale. The analysis used by researchers to determine the influence of each variable uses a non-parametric analysis test technique, namely the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. As for testing the hypothesis that reads Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique is effective for reducing psychosomatic in housewives, based on the results in the table based on the results in the table obtained Z count of -2.023 with Asymp.sig (2-tailed) of 0.043. So it can be concluded that the Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique is effective for reducing psychosomatic symptoms in housewives.</span></p> Mahmuddah Dewi Edmawati, Hadi Warsito, Aldila Fitri RNM, Akhmad Setyawan Copyright (c) 2024 Mahmuddah Dewi Edmawati, Hadi Warsito, Aldila Fitri RNM, Akhmad Setyawan Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Gaya Hidup Hedonis Mahasiswa: Bagaimana Kontribusi Kontrol Diri dan Konformitas Teman Sebaya? <p><span lang="ZH-CN">A hedonic lifestyle is one where every activity is related to pleasure or life satisfaction. One of the factors that influences a hedonic lifestyle is self-control and peer conformity. This research aims to determine the influence of self-control and peer conformity on hedonic lifestyles and to find out how much influence self-control and peer conformity have on hedonic lifestyles in students. The research method used is quantitative research. The location of this research is the Tarbiyah Institute of the Madura State Islamic Religion Faculty. Sampling in this study used a purposive random sampling technique. The respondents in this research were 137 students. Data collection techniques included the Self-Control Scale, the Peer Conformity Scale, and the Hedonic Lifestyle Scale. The data analysis technique used is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS software. The results of this study show: first, self-control and peer conformity influence students' hedonic lifestyles (Ha accepted). The basis for making this decision is the significance value of self-control (0.000 &lt; 0.05) and the significance value of peer conformity (0.001 &lt; 0.05); secondly, the variables self-control </span><span lang="ZH-CN">(X<sub>1</sub>) </span><span lang="ZH-CN">and peer conformity </span><span lang="ZH-CN">(X<sub>2</sub>) </span><span lang="ZH-CN">simultaneously influence the hedonic lifestyle variable (Y) by 42.7%. Meanwhile, it is possible that it is influenced by other variables outside the variables that were not examined in this research.</span></p> Ishlakhatus Sa'idah, Sri Rizqi Wahyuningrum, Diana Vidya Fakhriyani, Anna Aisa Copyright (c) Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Dinamika Kesejahteraan Psikologis Remaja di Jawa Timur <p><em><span lang="IN">Adolescents' psychological well-being is influenced by several factors, namely age, gender and parents' work. The aim of this research was to determine the dynamics of adolescent psychological well-being in East Java. This research is a quantitative descriptive study. Data collection was carried out through a survey using a research instrument in the form of a scale of adolescent psychological well-being which was distributed via Google Form. The population studied were teenagers aged 12-18 years who were currently attending junior high and high school in East Java. The sample was chosen randomly using a random sampling technique, with a total of 413 respondents. The results of this research show that the psychological well-being of teenagers in East Java in the 12-18 year age range is generally quite good, even in the high category. There is no significant difference in psychological well-being between male and female adolescents.In general, psychological well-being also tends to be high in various age ranges, with the peak occurring at age 17 years. In the context of socio-economic factors, the psychological well-being of adolescents is also relatively high, although adolescents with socio-economic backgrounds whose parents earn below the Minimum Wage (UMR) have a higher level of psychological well-being than those who earn above the minimum wage.</span></em></p> Dhita Werdhikaning Tyas Asih, Sri Wahyuni, Nurul Hofifah, Mohammad Agil Agustinu, Junaidi Romadhon, Ditenta Kurnia Tasya, Ari Khusumadewi Copyright (c) 2024 Dhita Werdhikaning Tyas Asih, Sri Wahyuni, Nurul Hofifah, Mohammad Agil Agustinu, Junaidi Romadhon, Ditenta Kurnia Tasya, Ari Khusumadewi Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Konseling Kelompok dengan Bibliokonseling untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Peserta Didik di SMP Negeri 14 Pontianak <p><span lang="ZH-CN">This research is based on high learning motivation which is needed to increase the desire to learn in students. At SMP Negeri 14 Pontianak it was found that there were still students who were identified as lacking motivation in studying in class VIII A. This was characterized by students lacking interest in learning, not enthusiastic about participating in learning, lack of desire to do assignments well, students' environmental conditions are less supportive, they do not get appreciation if they get high grades and students do not have aspirations. The aim of this research is to test the effectiveness of group counseling services using bibliocounseling techniques on the level of students learning motivation. This research uses an experimental research method in the form of Pre-Experimental Design with One-Group Pretest and Posttest Design. The sample in the study was taken using a purposive sampling technique from a population of 34 students, namely 5 students who had low learning motivation. Based on calculations, the Pre-test result was 69.6 in the very low category and the Post-test was 101.4 in the high category. Next, the calculated T was obtained using the Paired Sample T-test, namely -10.577 with a Sig value. (2 tailed) 0.00 &lt; 0.05 which means Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, and with an N-Gain score of 63.05%. So, it can be concluded that group counseling using bibliocounseling techniques is quite effective in increasing the learning motivation of class VIII A students at SMP Negeri 14 Pontianak.</span></p> Zaidul Mustofa, Yuline, Halida Copyright (c) 2024 Zaidul Mustofa, Yuline, Halida Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Evaluation and Supervision of Tutoring Services at Junior High School 7 Malang <p><span lang="ZH-CN">Evaluation of the tutoring program is an important part of assessing the extent to which the tutoring program that the BK SMPN 7 Malang teacher provides to students has been implemented. This evaluation aims to determine the suitability of the tutoring program that has been carried out by guidance and counseling teachers at SMPN 7 Malang based on the six standards and criteria for professional counselors set by the Indonesian Guidance and Counseling Association (ABKIN) as an adaptation of the program evaluation set by the South Carolina Guidance and Counseling Program Model. This research uses quantitative methods. The technique used in collecting data uses instruments, which in this research were carried out and shared directly in the form of a Google Form. The instrument used in collecting research data is a tutoring evaluation instrument that has already been used with adjustments made by the current evaluator in an effort to achieve a better tutoring evaluation instrument. The results of the evaluation of basic tutoring services have been implemented fully and entirely, with a percentage of 86.26%.</span></p> Ahmad Fitra Rasyadi, Aisyah Ummu Hamidah, Aisya Rachmawati Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Fitra Rasyadi, Aisyah Ummu Hamidah, Aisya Rachmawati Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Efek Self-Regulation Terhadap Fear of Missing Out Melalui Variabel Mediasi Self-Esteem Pada Siswa <p><span lang="ZH-CN">Fear of missing out, which is defined fear of losing valuable moments of another individual or group where the individual cannot be present and is marked by the desire to remain connected to what others are doing over the Internet. The factors that influence the level of fear are self-regulation and self-esteem. The aim of the study was to find out the effects of self-regulation on fear of being left behind through self-esteem mediation variables in students. This research uses quantitative with explanatory correlation types. This research has one independent variable, namely self-regulation, one mediator variable that is self-esteem, and one dependent variable which is fear of loss. Subject picking using random sampling. Respondents in the study were 75 people. Data collection using 3 instruments; scale fear of missing out, scale self regulation and scale of self-esteem. Data analysis using analytical path based regression and mediation using bootstraping bias corrected with confidential intervals of 95%. Results of the study show that there is an effect of self - regulation on fear of Missing out through self - estiem mediation variables in students</span></p> Zainul Majdi, Sulma Mafirja, Suhaili Copyright (c) 2024 Zainul Majdi, Sulma Mafirja, Suhaili Fri, 13 Sep 2024 00:00:00 +0700