Ghuru: International Journal of Teacher Education <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p><strong>Ghuru: International Journal of Teacher Education (P-ISSN: XXXX-XXXX &amp; E-ISSN: XXXX-XXXX)</strong> is an open-access research journal published by the Pendidikan Profesi Guru (PPG) Program of the Faculty of Tarbiyah at IAIN Madura in July and January. This journal serves as a platform to communicate the results of various research activities conducted individually or in groups by lecturers, teachers, students, education observers, government agencies, and similar organizations. The diverse research outcomes are expected to contribute to the development of knowledge, technology, and the arts in the field of education, aiming to create professional educators. Therefore, each published article must be aligned with these goals and objectives.</p> </div> en-US (Mochamad Arifin Alatas) (Eko Ari Widodo) Tue, 30 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Increasing the Understanding of Islamic Education Material through Discovery Learning for 7th Grade Students at SMP Ibnu Cholil Bangkalan <p>This research was motivated by the low learning outcomes of students in understanding the subject of Islamic Education about emulating the obedience of the angels of Allah SWT at SMP Ibnu Cholil Bangkalan. The aim of this study was to enhance students' learning outcomes in understanding the subject through Discovery Learning at the seventh grade of SMP Ibnu Cholil Bangkalan. The research method employed was Classroom Action Research consisting of two cycles, each comprising planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages. The results indicated that the implementation of Discovery Learning significantly improved students' average scores. Cycle 1 showed an increase in scores from 66.7 to 75.2, with an achievement rate of 76.9%. In Cycle 2, the average score reached 82.6, with all students achieving a 100% mastery level. Student activities were rated positively across various learning aspects, while the teachers' ability to manage the learning process was also found to be effective. Despite some students noting a somewhat noisy learning environment, overall, students responded positively to the subject matter, the learning materials, and the teaching methods employed by the teachers.</p> Mu’min, Ali Nurhadi, Mochamad Arifin Alatas Copyright (c) 2024 Ghuru: International Journal of Teacher Education Tue, 30 Jul 2024 20:55:44 +0700 Increasing Motivation and Learning Outcomes: The Implementation of the Inquiry Learning Model in An-Nur Pajeruan Islamic Junior High School Students <p>Islamic religious education in schools was often considered a less interesting subject. It has an impact on student motivation and learning outcomes in these subjects. One way to overcome this was by changing the approach and methods of learning activities. This research aimed to describe the results of applying the inquiry learning model to Islamic Religious Education subjects in increasing student motivation and learning outcomes. It was classroom action research conducted in the 7<sup>th</sup> grade of <em>An-Nur Pajeruan Kedungdung</em> Islamic Junior High School in the 2023/2024 academic year. This research used observation sheets and test sheets as data collection instruments. The collected data was analyzed using quantitative descriptive analysis. The research's outcome showed that applying the inquiry learning model could increase 7<sup>th</sup> grade students' motivation and learning outcomes at <em>An-Nur Pajeruan Kedungdung</em> Islamic Junior High School in 2023/2024. It was based on the level of motivation in the Good category from cycle I of 45%, increasing in cycle II by 90%. In line with growing learning motivation, student learning completion also increases. Student learning completeness in cycle I was 60% and increased in cycle II by 100%. Thus, the inquiry learning model could be applied in&nbsp; Islamic Religious Education&nbsp; subjects at the Junior High School level to increase student motivation and learning outcomes.</p> Zuhdi, Nor Hasan, Maimun, Dewi Rosikhoh Copyright (c) 2024 Ghuru: International Journal of Teacher Education Tue, 30 Jul 2024 21:14:54 +0700 Integration of Digital Technology in Social Studies Teaching and Learning to Improve Student Motivation and Learning Outcomes <p>This study examines the effectiveness of integrating digital technology in Social Studies learning on junior high school students' motivation and learning outcomes. Using a mixed methods sequential explanatory design, the study involved 200 students divided into experimental and control groups. Quantitative analysis results showed significant differences in learning outcomes (t(198) = 4.72, p &lt; 0.001, d = 0.67) and learning motivation (t(198) = 3.89, p &lt; 0.001, d = 0.55) between the two groups. The experimental group demonstrated a greater increase in post-test scores (M = 82.45, SD = 7.23) compared to the control group (M = 75.18, SD = 8.56). Qualitative analysis revealed positive perceptions from students and teachers towards digital technology integration, with 85% of students reporting increased learning interest. Significant development in students' digital skills was also observed, with average scores increasing from 2.8 to 4.2 over one semester. Long-term impact was evident from 75% of students in the experimental group reporting continued use of learned digital skills after 6 months. These findings indicate that integrating digital technology in Social Studies learning can enhance students' motivation, learning outcomes, and digital skills, as well as provide a more contextual and meaningful learning experience.</p> Ahmad Imam Khairi Copyright (c) 2024 Ghuru: International Journal of Teacher Education Tue, 30 Jul 2024 21:50:07 +0700 Implementation of Problem Based Learning (PBL) Method in Improving Student Learning Outcomes <p>The low academic achievement compared to other subjects at SMKN 2 Pamekasan indicates the continued difficulty in achieving the goals of Islamic Education learning. Therefore, an appropriate approach is needed so that students can understand the material. The purpose of this Classroom Action Research (CAR) study is to: 1) Describe how Problem-Based Learning Method implemented at SMKN 2 Pamekasan to enhance students' learning outcomes about the Quran and Hadith. 2) Determine how Problem-Based Learning Method, when applied to Quran and Hadith learning at SMKN 2 Pamekasan, can improve students' learning outcomes. The research findings indicate that the use of Problem-Based Learning Method (PBM) can enhance students' learning outcomes, especially when they engage in classroom presentations and participate in group discussions. Students show more enthusiasm to actively participate in classroom discussions and become part of the learning process. The learning outcomes of 10 students increased by 25% from 70% (24 students) in cycle I to 95% (32 students) in cycle II.</p> Zainullah, Abd. Mukhid, Kacung Wahyudi Copyright (c) 2024 Ghuru: International Journal of Teacher Education Wed, 31 Jul 2024 11:54:39 +0700 The Role of the Library in Enhancing Student Literacy at MA Sumber Bungur Pakong Pamekasan <p>The role of the school library is very important in increasing students' literacy and interest in reading at Madrasah Aliyah Sumber Bungur Pakong Pamekasan. This research aims to determine the role of school libraries in increasing student literacy at MA Sumber Bungur Pamekasan. This research uses a qualitative approach, data is collected through direct observation, interviews with school principals and librarians. The results of the research show that one of the roles of libraries in increasing student literacy is by developing book collections in the school library at MA Sumber Bungur which are very diverse and relevant to students' needs. Apart from that, the school principal provides book recommendations and holds interesting activities to increase students' interest in reading. It was also found that students who regularly visit the library tend to have better literacy skills and a high interest in reading.&nbsp; Thus, the school library at MA Sumber Bungur can be considered the main driver in increasing students' literacy and interest in reading.</p> Halimatus Sa’diyah, Luluk Dewi Purwati Copyright (c) 2024 Ghuru: International Journal of Teacher Education Wed, 31 Jul 2024 15:34:47 +0700 Application of The Independent Learning Curriculum in Indonesian Language Subjects for Class VIII SMPN 1 Pakong <p>This research is motivated by the author’s interest in the implementation of the latest curriculum issued by the government, in this research it is more directed at the junior high school level. The independent learning curriculum is a curriculum that frees teachers to create learning that is educational and enjoyable. Current pedagogical competence also requires teachers to be able to model and implement the learning process. This research uses a descriptive qualitative research approach with field research type. The data source in this research comes from SMPN 1 Pakong and the data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and documentation. Its validity was checked using extended researcher presence in the field,deeper observations and triangulation. The research results show that: 1) Pre-learning or before teaching and learning activities take place, theachers must prepare learning tools such as: learning objective flow (ATP), learning objectives (TP), learning outcomes (CP) and teaching modules. 2) The learning that takes place at SMPN 1 Pakong is going well, where the school also implements differentiated learning, and the learning flow is in accordance with the teaching modules previously designed by the teacher. 3) In post-learning, some students felt happy and some found it difficult to implements this independent curriculum. However, as an educator, the indonesian language teacher at the school continues to protect and guide students who have difficulty implementing learning that is very different from before.</p> Moh. Kholilur Rahman, Agus Purnomo Ahmad Putikadyanto Copyright (c) 2024 Ghuru: International Journal of Teacher Education Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:23:35 +0700