Kiddo: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini 2024-07-01T21:07:30+07:00 Luthfatun Nisa' Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><strong>KIDDO:Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini</strong>&nbsp;(Print ISSN : <strong><a href="">2716-0572</a></strong>) E-ISSN: <a href=""><strong>2716-1641</strong></a>) DOI: <strong><a href="/index.php/kiddo" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></strong>&nbsp;) is a peer-reviewed open-access journal and follows a single-blind review policy, aimed to interchange for the result of early childhood research analyzes issues, trend, paractices, and policies from birth through age eight. The journal publishes the needs of early childhood academics, related fundamental and current theories, and for practitioners, related teaching and learning methode, child care programs, curriculum, facilities, special needs, child development, family-school relation ship, and more.&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify"><strong>KIDDO:Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini</strong>&nbsp;is an open access journal and free access (and free Registration). The authors can register online on website and not charge any fee from registration process. The authors form university or researched can cite reference from this journal and giving benefits from organization itself.&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify"><strong>KIDDO:Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini</strong> is&nbsp; published by Early Childhood Islamic Education Deparment IAIN Madura. This journal provides an opportunity to share detailed insights from academics and practitioner associated with early childhood, stimulation, or family education issues ect.&nbsp;</p> Implementation of Transformative Learning in Fostering the Spirit of Early Childhood Entrepreneurship in Child Friendly PAUD 2024-06-11T11:43:46+07:00 Thorik Aziz Ria Astuti Yuniatari Achmad Muhlis Nida’ul Munafiah Dina Rosfalia Nabila Ardhana Reswari Jamaluddin Shiddiq <p>This study aims to describe the implementation of transformative learning in fostering entrepreneurship spirit in early childhood at Al Falah Kindergarten Surabaya. The research method involves interviews with teachers and principals, observation, and documentation using purposive sampling technique in determining data sources. The results showed that transformative learning in Child Friendly PAUD, (Al-Falah Surabaya Kindergarten), is implemented through a centre-based approach (BCCT). Early childhood is actively involved in the learning process, while the teacher's role is more as a facilitator. Transformative activities such as Cooking Class, Market Day, Almsgiving and Outing Class are the main means in shaping entrepreneurial character, including independence, courage, and creativity, in early childhood.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Thorik Aziz, Ria Astuti, Yuniatari, Achmad Muhlis, Nida’ul Munafiah, Dina Rosfalia Nabila, Jamaluddin Shiddiq Implementasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Dalam Pembelajaran Ramah Anak Untuk Membentuk Karakter Anak Usia Dini 4-5 Tahun 2024-05-24T23:38:18+07:00 Suadah Dewi Pusparini Musayyadah <p>Pancasila values are the basis for citizen of Indonesian behavior. Therefore, implementing Pancasila values ​​must be done from an early age. The background of this research is the problem of implementing Pancasila values based on child-friendly learning to form character for 4-5 years old at RA Sirojul Ulum, Pangtonggal Village, Proppo District, Pamekasan Regency. The purpose of this research is to find out what Pancasila values ​​based on child-friendly learning are developed at RA Sirojul Ulum, how Pancasila values based on child-friendly leaarning ​​to form character are implemented at RA Sirojul Ulum, also obstacles in implementing Pancasila values ​​and exertion to overcome them. This type of this research used descriptive qualitative. The data collection techniques used in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The sources of the data include primary data secondary data. Data analysis was carried out by data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that the learning system based on child-friendly learning at RA Sirojul Ulum has several Pancasila values ​​implemented, however in providing learning that adheres to Pancasila values ​​for early childhood is not optimal, so not all Pancasila values ​​are implemented. The application of Pancasila values ​​is also poorly understood because there is no learning about Pancasila values ​​which are directly related to daily life.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Suadah Moh. Saji Strategi Manajemen Pembelajaran Paud Dalam Mengembangkan Potensi Anak Usia Dini (Studi Kasus Di Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini An Nisa Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi) 2024-05-20T14:51:25+07:00 Dewi Lyien Ien Mirhabun Nadzir M. Bisri Ikhwan <p>This research aims to determine early childhood learning management strategies in developing the potential of early childhood at the An Nisa Tegaldlimo Banyuwangi early childhood education institution. This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach. The data analysis was carried out circularly, starting from the overall data display from the results of interviews, observations and documentation obtained while in the field. The results obtained show that PAUD learning activities consist of Teaching and Learning Activities, Review of the Educational Calendar, and Arrangement of Learning Schedules. Guidelines for learning organizations relate to defining stages of development, capacity indicators, defining knowledge concepts introduced, determining themes, developing learning activities, preparing tools and materials. Learning planning strategies must pay attention to SKH (Daily Activity Units) and SKM (Weekly Activity Units). The curriculum must be structured based on By paying attention to the differences that exist in society, students can recognize the diversity of social life. Learning class settings are held in accordance with the school's vision and mission. Teachers' teaching activities start from welcoming students at the front of the school gate, carrying out lessons, escorting students to the front gate until the children are picked up by their respective parents. Early childhood learning activities include learning while dancing or moving; Drawing/coloring while learning; and memorize words while clapping.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 dewi lyien ien layyana Program Parenting Skill Berbasis Konseling Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Intrapersonal Dalam Mewujudkan Lingkungan Belajar Ramah Anak 2024-05-20T15:39:28+07:00 Bagus Mahardika <p>Nowadays, the phenomenon of immoral students is starting to emerge. Cases of students who carry out bullying which leads to fights are a terrible scourge that has not been solved. Considering that children are an investment in the nation, parents really need special programs that can provide education in educating children. The aim of this research is to determine the counseling-based Parenting Skills program in an effort to increase intrapersonal intelligence in children towards a child-friendly learning environment. The research method used in this research is literature study, how the data sources for this research were obtained from books and scientific journals, data collection techniques using documentation techniques on books, journal articles that are relevant to the discussion, data analysis using content analysis, how the data Data in the form of information sources will be processed according to the needs used in studying the phenomenon under study. The research results show that the Parenting Skills program can improve children's intrapersonal intelligence through preventive services, responsive services and developmental services. This counseling approach is able to have a significant impact on children's sensitivity and skills in managing emotions, so that children can adapt and be useful in life in society.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Bagus Mahardika Desain Setting Kelas Ramah Anak Sebagai Penguatan Profil Pancasila Pada Sekolah Penggerak Kabupaten Bangkalan 2024-05-24T21:25:20+07:00 Danang Prastyo Selfi Lailiyatul Iftitah Trisa Kumalasari Wahyuni Ardhana Reswari <p style="font-weight: 400;">Creating a safe and comfortable classroom has a positive effect on children, increasing their motivation in the learning process. Therefore, a conducive learning environment for children is needed. Playing is one of the fun activities for children. This research aims to describe the design of child-friendly preschool classes to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. This concept cannot be separated from the basic principle of children's learning, namely through play. This research uses descriptive qualitative methods. data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. data is analyzed involving data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The research results concluded that classroom design is very important for the growth and development of early childhood. This is because children can freely work creatively according to their identity without any pressure. Class design that is comfortable for children will make them more enthusiastic about playing in an effort to provide meaningful learning. Apart from being comfortable, of course it cannot be separated from being safe. The Pancasila student profile as a foundation for character education, especially for older children, can be applied along with class design. Mutual cooperation, global diversity, critical reasoning, creativity can all be implemented by involving children directly.</p> 2024-05-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Danang Prastyo, Selfi Lailiyatul Iftitah, Trisa Kumalasari, Wahyuni, Ardhana Reswari Model "Market Day" Sebagai Upaya Untuk Memperluas Pendekatan Pembelajaran Yang Ramah Anak di RA Nurur Rahmah 2024-05-24T23:33:39+07:00 Heni Listiana Zilfania Qathrun Nada Najwa Afcarina Izzati Ririn Widiyawati Mohammad Holis <p>Entrepreneurship education for young children has become a primary focus in efforts to provide relevant and profound learning experiences for them. This research discusses the "Market Day" learning model at RA Nurur Rahmah to integrate entrepreneurial skills into early childhood education curriculum. Using a qualitative approach and case study methodology, this research aims to understand the implementation of the learning model and its impact on the development of children's entrepreneurial skills. Data were collected through participatory observation and interviews, highlighting the importance of active participation from both teachers and students. The results indicate that this model provides practical experiences for students to understand basic business concepts such as production, marketing, and sales. They also develop skills such as creativity, innovation, independence, and teamwork. However, the evaluation highlights some challenges, including students' dependence on parental assistance, lack of decoration concepts, and insufficient preparation to handle a larger number of customers than anticipated. Therefore, this research emphasizes the need for adjustments and improvements in implementing the "Market Day" model to achieve optimal learning objectives. This study provides valuable insights for educational institutions and teachers in designing effective learning models to develop entrepreneurial skills in young children. It not only contributes to the development of inclusive and relevant early childhood education curricula but also supports the vision of schools that care about the holistic development of children as part of the concept of child-friendly schools.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Heni Listiana Tipologi Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Mewujudkan Sekolah Ramah Anak 2024-05-25T00:18:55+07:00 Rohmad Arkam Sulistyorini <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p>This research aims to identify the typology of leadership possessed by school principals in creating a child-friendly school, TK Muslimat NU 089 Kepatihan Ponorogo. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative type. Data collection using interview, observation and documentation techniques. The results of this research show that the leadership typology of the Muslimat NU 089 Kepatihan Ponorogo Kindergarten principal in creating a child-friendly school is in line with the transformative leadership typology. This can be proven from the results of interviews and observations at Muslimat NU 089 Kepatihan Kindergarten, Ponorogo Regency, building communication and collaboration with parents and the community. With good communication, school principals can strengthen school policies in creating child-friendly schools. Apart from that, parents and the community are also given the freedom to supervise all existing programs at school in accordance with the principles of child-friendly schools.</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rohmad Arkam Peran Tim Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan (Tppk) dalam Implementasi Sekolah Ramah Anak (SRA) Jenjang PAUD Se-Kecamatan Tandes Kota Surabaya 2024-05-25T01:05:11+07:00 Agus Setiyono Danang Prastyo Selfi Lailiyatul Iftitah <p style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to determine the role of the TPPK (Violence Prevention and Control Team) SRA (Child-Friendly School) in the implementation of early childhood education at the PAUD unit level in Tandes District, Surabaya City. This research is descriptive qualitative. The data obtained in this work was carried out with the help of a literature review and field research, using several data collection methods, namely. observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out descriptively to determine the role of TPPK in the child-friendly school model at the PAUD level in Surabaya City, Tandes District. The results of the data analysis show that the role of TPPK in the child-friendly school model for early childhood in Tandes District, Surabaya City is quite good. In practice, the role of TPPK residents in educational activities according to the principles of Child-Friendly Schools is almost close to the existing theory. This is proven by the results of observations and documents carried out at all levels of PAUD units in Tandes District, Surabaya. The researcher's observations and documentation focused on the completeness of TPPK data, action programs and facilities and infrastructure used in early childhood education units, implementation of teaching methods, attitudes towards students and environmental health in early childhood education units in Tandes sub-district, Surabaya city which are organized in this way in such a way that the environment generally supports children's physical, spiritual and motoric activities. The application of learning methods designed and prepared by TPPK alone, especially teachers as learning leaders, cannot be implemented optimally for several reasons. Apart from that, teachers are quite varied in using teaching methods that are adapted to the material and supported by a game environment in delivering educational material, as well as active communication between teachers and students.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Setiyono, Danang Prastyo, Selfi Lailiyatul Iftitah Mewujudkan Sekolah Ramah Anak: Implementasi Disiplin Positif dalam Kurikulum Merdeka 2024-05-25T01:28:15+07:00 Agus Purnomo Ahmad Putikadyanto Moh. Badruddin Amin Liana Rochmatul Wachidah <p>This article discusses the implementation of positive discipline as an approach to creating child-friendly schools in the context of the Merdeka Curriculum. The research aims to identify effective strategies for implementing positive discipline to enhance a supportive learning environment for the holistic development of children in schools, as well as its successes and challenges. The research method used is qualitative study with a descriptive analytical approach. Data were collected through participatory observation, interviews with teachers and principals, as well as analysis of school policy documents and curriculum. The results show that the implementation of positive discipline in the Merdeka Curriculum can help create an inclusive, collaborative, and supportive school culture that promotes the social-emotional development of children despite challenges in its implementation. This article provides insights into the importance of positive discipline approaches in creating child-friendly schools and offers recommendations for the development of more supportive practices and policies at the school level.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Agus Purnomo Ahmad Putikadyanto, Moh. Badruddin Amin, Liana Rochmatul Wachidah CEFR Pada Materi Bahasa Arab: Inovasi Pembelajaran Ramah Anak Pada Sekolah Dasar 2024-05-25T02:58:32+07:00 Nurul Hidayah Mukmin Cardasyifa <p>Learning Arabic as a foreign language is best started at an early age, but unfortunately not all schools include Arabic teaching materials in their curriculum. Whereas Arabic is one of the foreign languages whose vocabulary is widely absorbed in Indonesian, it's just that students are not much accustomed to hearing and even using it in conversation, CEFR tries to unravel this as a solution to make learning Arabic fun.The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of CEFR as a child-friendly learning innovation in elementary schools. The research method used was mixed method with sequential explanatory type</p> <p>The result showed that this treatment has effectiveness on students' ability to speak Arabic on al-mihnah material. Through this learning, students not only become brave to express themselves in Arabic but also happier because they learn according to their own abilities and learning styles without having to be forced to memorize at the end of the learning meeting.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Hidayah Urgensi Pengenalan Bahan Ajar Ramah Anak Dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia Pada Anak Usia Dini 2024-05-25T22:03:28+07:00 Zainal Abidin Ahmad Marzuki <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p><em>Bahasa Indonesia sangat penting saat kita hidup di era globalisasi karena membantu kita menjadi lebih percaya diri untuk bersaing di dunia internasional. Metode pengajaran untuk pengenalan bahasa Indonesia yang bisa memberikan manfaat bagi guru dan siswa. Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui bahan ajar yang akan berperan dalam pengenalan Bahasa indonesia untuk anak usia dini. </em></p> <p><em>Subjek analisis ini adalah guru dan peserta didik kelas A 1 Indara, dan metode kualitatif digunakan untuk menjelaskan sumber data yang dikumpulkan melalui beberapa tahap Anak-anak usia dini saat ini memiliki akses ke media digital yang berbasis bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, ada rencana yang harus diterapkan untuk mengoptimalkan perkembangan bahasa Indoneisa anak usia dini. Penelitian ini melibatkan 15 peserta didik dari kelas 1A, 12 peserta didik dari kelas A2, dan satu pendidik bahasa Indonesia. Raudlatul Ulum Malang Metode dalam penelitian ini yang digunakan ialah kualitatif deskriptif. Penyajian atau penelitian di RA Raudlatul Ulum Malang menemukan bahwa pembelajaran bahasa Inggris menjadi bagian dari proses belajar mengajar dan memberikan dorongan kepada siswa sejak dini di sekolah. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi, wawancara, dan observasi. Pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia melalui bernyanyi, bermain, tanya jawab, dan menggunakan perangkat kelas. Anak berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Indonesianya dengan cara ini.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zainal Abidin The Strategy for Child-Friendly PAUD Institutions in Handling Children with Special Needs 2024-05-27T14:49:24+07:00 Ria Astuti Fadilah Mudrikatul Amaniyah Thorik Aziz Muammar Qadafi Rasidi Denok Dwi Anggraini <p>This study aims to describe the strategies of Child Friendly Early Childhood Education (ECE) institutions in dealing with children with special needs. This type of research is qualitative with a literature review method to analyse the strategies of Child Friendly ECD institutions in dealing with children with special needs, with the steps of topic identification, literature selection, analysis, and synthesis, resulting in an in-depth understanding to support the development of inclusive education practices at the ECD level. The research results were validated through literature references, ensuring the accuracy and precision of the research findings. The results show that Child Friendly ECD is a holistic educational concept, emphasising inclusivity, parental involvement, and increased educator competence to create a learning environment that supports the development of children, including those with special needs. Child-Friendly ECD strategies include a welcoming environment, adaptive learning methods, differentiation of learning, and active collaboration between institutions, children and parents.</p> 2024-05-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ria Astuti, Mudrikatul Amaniyah Penanaman Karakter Disiplin di Lingkungan Ramah Anak 2024-05-26T00:00:20+07:00 Khairunnisa Ulfadhilah <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p><em>Peran guru disekolah sangat berpengaruh pada karakter anak didik saat dilingkungan sekolah dengan memberikan tauladan maupun contoh sehingga anak dapat menirukan ataupun menerapkan saat disekolah, dan dirumah. Mendidik anak melakukan bertahap dengan telaten oleh guru dalam hal menanaman karakter disiplin pada anak saat disekolah dengan selalu menerapkan hal disiplin dengan hal-hal yang kecil, dan sederhana sehingga anak melihat kemudian akan terekam dalam otak usia dini fase emas yang tentunya sangat baik diberikan stimulasi yang tepat. Selain itu, lingkungan ramah anak di&nbsp; TKIT Al-Umm Cirebon sangat nyaman saat anak bermain dan lingkungan sekolah yang bersih maupun aman. Metode yang dilakukan yakni deskriptif kualitatif untuk menjelaskan hasil riset yang dilakukan oleh peneliti gunakan observasi, wawancara dengan guru TKIT Al-Umm Cirebon kemudian penulis melakukan dokumentasi untuk menguatkan hasil riset yang telah dilakukan. Hasil riset di TKIT Al-Umm Cirebon yakni anak didik mulai menerapkan disiplin saat disekolah ataupun saat dirumah dengan ditambah fasilitas sekolah yang memberikan suasana lingkungan ramah anak, dan aman untuk anak didik. </em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khairunnisa ulfadhilah Analisis Akad Transaksi Jual Beli Pada Anak Usia Dini Perspektif Maslahah 2024-05-26T00:45:06+07:00 Uswatun Hasanah Harisah <p>Penelitian ini berlatar belakang pada hukum terhadap akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usia dini. Diimana salah satu syarat melakukan transaksi jual beli yaitu antara penjual dan pembeli harus sama-sama baligh dan cakap namun realitanya banyak para anak-anak usia dini yang sudah melakukan transakski akad jual beli di berbagai toko atau kios. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui hukum dari akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usia dini persepektif maslahah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penyusunan penelitian ini yaitu library research dengan mengumpulkan berbagai sumber yang relevan dengan topik penelitian. Dan berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari berbagai sumber dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa hukum dari akad transaksi jual beli pada anak usis dini yaitu boleh (jaiz) dengan mempertimbnagkan faktor-faktor kebaikan dan kesejahteraan didalamnya.</p> 2024-05-25T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Uswatun Hasanah Exploring The Harmony: Metode Pembelajaran Ilmu Tauhid Bagi Anak Usia Dini di TK Pertiwi Pamekasan 2024-05-26T02:35:25+07:00 Halimatus Sakdiyah Nita Aprilia Utami <p>The background of this research is because of few research that discusses the inculcation of monotheism in children, but many educators and parents still do not understand how to instill the science of monotheism in the right children, and we as prospective educators also do not know much about how to instill monotheism.&nbsp; in children so that they can be well received by these children, and it is not uncommon for us to encounter children who may not have received monotheism education properly, maybe because the methods applied to these children are not quite right so they have not been realized properly.&nbsp; In this article, a discussion of what has been obtained from the results of research or observations made in the field is explained, the researcher also finds methods that can be applied to children to instill the knowledge of monotheism, such as habituation, memorization, stories or stories, advice, and singing that&nbsp; where the results of the research aim to be able to educate prospective educators, teachers or parents to better understand how or the right method in fostering and educating their children in terms of the science of monotheism</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Halimatus Sakdiyah Manajemen Desain Lingkungan Pada Program Kegiatan Pendidikan Paud Ramah Anak 2024-05-28T11:39:47+07:00 Silma Humairo Muhammad Imam Khaudli Siti Aimah <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p>Environmental design management is one of the management concepts that PAUD educational institutions believe is crucial and should be taught to students. environmental design for both indoor and outdoor spaces. This demonstrates that the early years of education are the golden era since brain development happens so quickly throughout this time. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of PAUD Darussalam Blokagung Banyuwangi's environmental design activities and management process. This type of research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The data collection techniques use observation, interviews and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis uses data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Research findings show that the early childhood education activity program at PAUD Darussalam Blokagung has an effective environmental design management system for all stages of planning, organizing, implementing and assessing. Meanwhile, the form of environmental design management consists of an indoor learning environment and an outdoor learning environment. The indoor environment consists of a study room, office and toilet. Meanwhile, in the outdoor environment, educators not only teach students through pictures and narratives, but also teach verbally to the views of the surrounding environment.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 SILMA HUMAIRO Kolaborasi Guru dan Orang Tua dalam Mengembangkan Literasi Bahasa Ramah Anak pada Anak Usia Dini 2024-05-28T19:26:19+07:00 Liana Rochmatul Wachidah Agus Purnomo Ahmad Putikadyanto <p><span class="y2iqfc"><span lang="EN">Literacy in the early stages of life is very important for children. Language literacy in early childhood is not just about reading and writing, but also involves understanding, speaking and listening skills. Differences in literacy development patterns in children are adjusted to the language abilities they have. The aim of this research is to describe the results of collaboration between the roles of teachers and parents in developing child-friendly language literacy in early childhood. The method used in this research is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Data sources were obtained from teachers and guardians of Al Hidayah Kindergarten Wonorejo students. Data in the form of interview transcripts and questionnaire results. Data collection techniques used interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques in this research are data reduction, verification and conclusions. The results of this research are about close collaboration between parents and teachers creating a holistic learning environment for children through the application of the Read It Again-Prek! (RIA) which aims to facilitate the development of early childhood language and literacy skills in 4 main areas, namely: vocabulary, stories, phonological awareness, and written knowledge. Therefore, open communication is needed to share information, support and respect each other's roles (teachers and parents), and create a conducive child-friendly literacy environment.</span></span></p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Liana Wachidah, Agus Purnomo Ahmad Putikadyanto Manajemen Pembelajaran Ramah Anak dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Pada Anak Usia Dini 2024-05-28T20:00:04+07:00 Mohammad Tijan Abrori <table width="605"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="501"> <p><strong>ABSTRACT </strong></p> <p>The focus of this research is to analyze learning management in shaping children's intelligence at PAUD Mukhtar Syafa'at Blokagung. The type of research used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were teachers and school principals. To collect data, researchers used three techniques, namely: observation, interviews, and documentation. The way to check the validity of the data is by using triangulation. This research analyzes the data using Milles and Hubermant's theory, namely three interactive models starting from data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The result of this research is to find out how Mukhtar Syafa'at PAUD improves the intelligence of early childhood through learning management carried out by; Learning implementation planning is designed by mutual agreement within the school, taking into account the programs that have been established and things discovered later, the planning is also adjusted to the existing learning facilities and the abilities of the teaching staff in their respective fields. Learning is carried out in the classroom with more interesting media and various methods, which are child-centered. Evaluations are carried out to achieve quality learning for early childhood, by describing children's potential in the form of observations, work results, attendance lists and assignments.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 mohammad tijan abrori tijan Penerapan Metode Bercerita dengan Pendekatan Ramah Anak untuk Mengembangkan Bahasa Anak Usia Dini di PAUD Ar Rahman 2024-05-28T20:14:29+07:00 Rizqiyatul Fadilah Thorik Aziz <p>This study investigates the effectiveness of the storytelling method with a child-friendly approach in developing language skills in early childhood at PAUD Ar Rahman. The research employs a qualitative methodology, collecting data through participatory observation and in-depth interviews with educators and parents. The goal is to evaluate the interaction between the children and the story material and its impact on language development. The results of this study indicate that the storytelling method, when integrated into a supportive and participatory approach, significantly enhances vocabulary acquisition, listening comprehension, and children's language expression skills. Furthermore, this approach contributes to the development of social skills and empathy, affirming the positive relationship between the use of stories relevant to the children's daily experiences and their increased engagement in the learning process.</p> 2024-05-24T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rizqiyatul Fadilah, Thorik Aziz Desain Model Permainan Kreatif Tradisional Ramah Anak dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Kognitif Anak Usia Dini 2024-05-29T23:28:11+07:00 St. Maria Ulfah Aris munandar Arifin Ahmad <p style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study was to determine how the description of the development design of traditional creative game models to improve cognitive abilities of early childhood. The method used in this research is a qualitative method using questionnaires and interviews as research instruments. The results showed that learning media, especially about traditional games in kindergarten and the lack of teacher's ability to package traditional games to be interesting in kindergarten are also lacking. The design of the traditional creative game model in this case the makkabacciq game and the mamboi game consisting of 10 students is given a stimulus by modifying the rules of play and media in accordance with the characteristics of early childhood.</p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Keywords: Traditional creative games, cognitive</span></p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 mariauppa arman Implementasi Pendekatan Ramah Anak dalam Pembelajaran Bahasa Kedua bagi Siswa Kebutuhan Khusus di RA Al-Khodijah Rejotangan 2024-06-12T16:29:37+07:00 Mochamad Arifin Alatas Irma Rachmayanti Sahrul Romadhon <p><em>This research is motivated by the second language learning (Arabic) for special needs students at RA Al-Khodijah Rejotangan. The study aims to describe this learning process, including planning, implementation, and evaluation. This research is qualitative descriptive in nature. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and documentation. The data sources for this research are the school principal, teachers, special needs students, and documents. The results of this study provide an overview of second language learning (Arabic) for special needs students at RA Al-Khodijah Rejotangan, including: (1) Lesson planning, which includes the curriculum, syllabus, and lesson plans like other schools. (2) Implementation of the learning process, which includes teaching materials such as Islamic religious books. The teaching methods include alphabet method, demonstration, religious studies, and lectures dominated by sign language. The learning media used are cards and (3) Evaluation of the learning process, which includes process and outcome evaluation indicating that special needs students can recognize Arabic letters but have difficulties in pronunciation.</em></p> 2024-06-12T16:29:36+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Mochamad Arifin Alatas Is Bullying a Moral Disability? Identification of Bullying Behavior In Kindergarten 2024-05-30T00:20:07+07:00 Uswatun Nisa <p>The phenomenon of bullying is a crucial issue that invoked children’s daily lives in school environment. Bullying does not only occured at primary and secondary school levels, but generally its existence can be identified since children on the early educational stage. Understanding bullying behavior and actions carried out by children, both as actors and victims, required serious treatment. Children are in the early cognitive development phase and have a moral dilemma, which causes bullying to become a nature. This research is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach to explore narratives of bullying behavior on early childhood in kindergarten schools spread across the Kalimantan region. Through obtaining informant data from teachers at schools, it was found that bullying usually happen in physical, verbal and relational forms. Gender differences between boys and girls also influence the tendency for forms of bullying. Teachers' mechanism efforts to overcome bullying are brought in many strategies that focus on both the perpetrator, target and mediator.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Uswatun Nisa Pembelajaran Peduli Lingkungan Melalui WEB dalam Mengimplementasikan Sekolah Ramah Anak di PAUD Assalam Kota Bengkulu 2024-05-30T01:06:33+07:00 Dwi Ismawati Yenda Puspita Debi S. Fuadi Meli Afrodita Dwi Lyna Sari Lazfihma <p>The personality of really focusing on the climate is a work or activity to really focus on nature and forestall ecological harm, with the goal that the climate stays feasible. Youth youngsters gain from something concrete and afterward they can think fundamentally. Reinforcing the personality of really focusing on the climate for small kids can be applied in conventional training at school. The school climate is supposed to give ecological training and change conduct to turn out to be more worried about the climate. Learning media in schools is likewise made more imaginative so it can bring up kids' interest. This exploration means to decide the impact of WEB on working on the personality of really focusing on the climate. The exploration utilized quantitative strategies with pre-exploratory examination utilizing a one gathering pretest - posttest plan. The complete testing of respondents in class B1 was 12. Information assortment strategies utilized tests and perception. Information was dissected utilizing the Autonomous Example T-test. The exploration results show that Asymp.Sig (2-followed) has a worth of 0.000 &lt; 0.05, so H0 is dismissed, and Ha is acknowledged, intending that there is a typical distinction between the pretest and posttest so it very well may be inferred that picking up utilizing WEB can work on the ecologically mindful person of youth.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Ismawati Implementasi Program Sekolah Ramah Anak dalam Membentuk Karakter Anak Usia Dini 2024-05-30T12:59:48+07:00 Saadatul Kholidiyah Nisael Amala <p>This research aims to determine the extent to which the implementation of child-friendly school programs has shaped the character of young children. Child-friendly education, especially in early childhood education institutions, provides opportunities for children to develop according to their potential through supporting facilities and infrastructure, learning plans that suit the child's characteristics and developing the child's character. The research was carried out at the RA Sunan Muria Poncokusumo Malang. The research method used is a qualitative method with data mining techniques using interviews, observation and literature study. The results of this research are that by implementing child-friendly school programs at PAUD institutions, positive early childhood characters can be formed, such as independence, discipline, care for the environment, achievement and the ability to appreciate the achievements of students. However, researchers also found several characteristics that need to be further optimized, such as responsibility for one's own waste</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nisael Amala Intervensi Kemampuan Berbicara Anak Berkebutuhan Khusus dalam Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini di PAUD Mukhtar Syafaat Banyuwangi 2024-05-30T13:44:12+07:00 Fina Zaidatul Istiqomah Muhammad Fauzi Al Hamidi Luluk Sri Agus Prasetyoningsih <p>Speaking skills are closely related to child development. Especially for children with special needs who have delays in their development. One of them is delayed speaking in early childhood. With these problems, intervention is needed to support the development of speaking from an early age. This research concept uses a social model of intervention through an environmental approach. This research aims to 1) How is the speaking ability of ABK in learning. Early childhood in preschool Mukhtar Syafaat, 2) What are the forms of intervention for Children with Special Needs (ABK) through learning approaches for early childhood Mukhtar Syafaat. The research method in this research uses case studies. In this research, researchers used observation, interview and documentation data collection techniques. Data analysis. used is Spradley data analysis including domain analysis, taxonomic analysis, and componential analysis. The results of the research show that the speaking ability of children with special needs in PAUD Mukhtar Syafaat. The speaking ability of children with children with special needs in PAUD Mukhtar Syafaat in the Speech Delay type of children with special needs in communicating with their friends is also still halting. Meanwhile, children who have learning difficulties cannot make complete articulations or the words they say are not clear. The next thing is that autistic children don't want to talk during learning activities because they are still confused when communicating. The forms of intervention include the UDL, Mentessori, TEACCH, ABA, and Son-rice methods. Methods. The intervention used makes children with special needs able to interact like other children.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fina Zaidatul Istiqomah The Role of Ghuruh Alep In Instilling Islamic Values In Early Childhood: Towards Child-Friendly And Islamic-Oriented Formal Education 2024-05-30T14:36:59+07:00 Moh. Abdan Syakuro Ardhana Reswari Danang Prastyo Lisa Apriliyana <p><em>Ghuruh Alep</em>, the pioneer in teaching the Arabic alphabet found in the Qur'an to children or students, plays a crucial role in instilling Islamic values in early childhood. This qualitative case study aims to describe <em>Ghuruh Alep</em> role in planting Islamic values in young children. The analysis focuses on Quranic verses as a perspective to understand <em>Ghuruh Alep</em> role. The research is conducted at Mushalla Nurul Islam in the village of Karduluk, Sumenep Regency. The informants include one teacher, three parents of students, and five students from Mushalla Nurul Islam. The findings reveal that <em>Ghuruh Alep</em> holds a key role in imparting religious values to young children. Through a careful approach, he introduces the Arabic alphabet until students can read the Qur'an. Guidance in worship, moral education, affection, positive examples, and wise advice are central to his approach. <em>Ghuruh Alep</em> ensures progression from desired behaviors to moral principles and cognitive maturity before teaching abstract concepts. This article highlights the significance of <em>Ghuruh Alep</em> role in shaping religious values, emphasizing adaptation to the changing times.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Abdan Syakuro, Ardhana Reswari, Danang Prastyo, Lisa Apriliyana Penerapan Pola Makan Bergizi untuk Kecerdasan Anak Usia Dini di PAUD Ramah Anak 2024-05-30T15:40:44+07:00 Yayik Indah Susnita Selfi Lailiyatul Iftitah <p style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to determine the efforts of teachers in implementing nutritious food patterns that are beneficial for early childhood intelligence. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The research was conducted at the Cambodian Ponteh PAUD, Galis Pamekasan. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews, and documentation. The sources of informants in this study were the principal and teachers. Checking the validity of the data using triangulation techniques and sources. The results of the study show that: First, the application of a nutritious diet for children's intelligence is carried out twice a month on Fridays. The process begins with a discussion stage between the schools, then informs the students at the closing of learning, and also informs the student's guardians when it's time to go home from school. The results of implementing this nutritious diet have a positive impact on children's intelligence, such as language, musical, and kinesthetic intelligence. Second, the supporting factors in the implementation of this program are the full support of parents, the child's good mood, social, economic, knowledge, physical and mental, and good cooperation. While the inhibiting factors are the child's mood is not good, the child takes too long to chew food, the child does not like food provided from home, prefers friends' food, eats while chasing, fights to be fed by the same teacher, is too active in playing so the child does not want to follow the shared meal program, children's preferences and appetite. Third, the way the teacher overcomes obstacles that occur during the process of implementing a nutritious diet for children's intelligence, namely singing, telling stories, blending food if it is difficult to swallow, giving children appetite enhancing drugs, giving rewards in the form of children being allowed to go home early for those who manage to finish eating early, feed children by taking turns, form food with interesting creations according to children's preferences and if the child runs the teacher will tell the child to chase him back.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yayik Indah Susnita, Selfi Lailiyatul Iftitah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Berbasis Ramah Anak Dalam Penerapan Pendidikan Karakter 2024-05-30T15:37:23+07:00 Melia Eka Daryati Muhammad Hatta <p>The aim of the research is to describe how child-friendly early childhood education is implemented in the implementation of character education at Fatma Kenanga Kindergarten, Bengkulu City. Child-friendly based early childhood education includes planning, implementation and evaluation of the implementation of character education. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data collection techniques use observation, interviews and field notes. The data analysis technique uses the Miles Huberman model. The results of the research show that the implementation of early childhood education is child-friendly in the implementation of character education at Fatma Kenanga Kindergarten for character education planning through integrating character education values into basic competencies. The implementation of character education is implemented using several methods including the habituation method, reward method, exemplary method, consequence method, and storytelling method. Character education assessment is carried out using the observation method, conversation method, assignment method, performance method, anecdote method, and work product method</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 melia eka daryati melia Penggunaan Media Sandpaper Letters 3D Sebagai Media Ramah Anak dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun 2024-06-03T22:49:42+07:00 Ine Nirmala Nida’ul Munafiah Neng Gina Ashilah <p>This research aims to describe and analyze the use of Sandpaper Later 3D media as child-friendly media in improving early reading skills in children aged 5-6 years at PAUD Nurul-Ilmi Karawang. Qualitative methods were chosen to gain an in-depth understanding of children's experiences and perceptions of the use of this media in the context of learning to read. A qualitative approach allows researchers to explore the dynamics of interactions between children and learning media. Research Results The use of sandpaper later 3d media as child-friendly media in improving the initial reading abilities of children aged 5-6 years at PAUD Nurul-Ilmi Karawang has been proven to improve the initial reading abilities of children aged 5-6 years. These positive results provide the basis for the development of more innovative and child-friendly learning approaches at the pre-school education level. The use of 3D sandpaper letter media has been proven to be a child-friendly learning media in improving the beginning reading skills of children aged 5-6 years because it is designed according to the developmental stages of pre-school age children, this learning media can be accessed by touch and stimulates children's senses, helping to increase motivation and their interest in reading. The ability to design your own letter shapes through this media can stimulate children's imagination. Their learning strategies to improve children's beginning reading skills. So, the sandpaper later 3D media confirms that choosing the right learning media can play an important role in enriching the learning experience of pre-school aged children and make a significant contribution in improving their reading skills.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ine Nirmala Stimulasi pengembangan Kognitif Anak melalui Media Tanaman dengan Pembelajaran Berbasis STEAM 2024-06-03T23:28:11+07:00 Viti Fatimah Nurul Ismaiyah <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p>Pendidikan anak usia dini bertujuan untu meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa. TKIT Nurul Hidayah Sampang melakukan pembelajaran berbasis STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), dan HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill), pembelajaran tersebut mampu menstimulasi perkembangan kognitif anak sesuai tahapan usia dengan peningkatan keseluruhan aspek perkembangan anak. Metode penelitian yang dipilih merupakan penelitian kualitatif naturalistic, peneliti mengkaji setiap kejadian yang terjadi secara riil. Sumber data diperoleh dari pendidik dan anak. tekhnik pengumpulan data yakni melalui observasi, wawancara serta dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan peningkatan terhadap kualitas pembelajaran anak dan memiliki pengaruh terhadap pendidikan kognitif dan pemahaman anak dalam memecahkan masalah. Hal ini nampak pada pencapaian delapan dari sepuluh anak mencapai perkembangan sesuai harapan dan dua diantaranya mulai berkembang.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Viti Fatimah Vitii Implementation of The Use of Youtube Media Book "Bacalah Sayangku 1" For Vocabulary Introduction In Child-Friendly Paud In Pre-Delima Class of National Preschool Tanjong Sepat Malaysia 2024-06-04T00:19:26+07:00 Alfarobi Ahmad Sulaiman Wardah Nabila Ardhana Reswari Muammar Qadafi <p><span class="s9">Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan implementasi pemanfaatan media yotube buku bacalah sayangku 1” untuk pengenalan kosa kata pada anak. Adapun penelitian ini dilaksanakan di pra delima prasekolah kebangsaan tanjong malaysia. Penggunaaan media yutube dalam pembelajaran PAUD</span><span class="s9"> ramah anak</span><span class="s9"> sangatlah berpen</span><span class="s9">garuh terutama Bahasa melayu</span><span class="s9">, dengan adanya media digital ini</span><span class="s9"> dapat mempermudah dan efektif dalam pem</span><span class="s9">belajaran anak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif dengan data observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Adapun validasi data menggunakan triangulasi sumber dan Teknik. Hasil penelitian menujukan pemanfatan media youtube dalam pengenalan kosa kata berdampak pada peningkatan motivasi belajar anak dan capaian</span><span class="s9">anak.</span><span class="s9"> belajar anak. Penelitian ini</span></p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Alfarobi Ahmad Sulaiman Child Friendly PAUD Classroom Design 2024-06-04T13:29:36+07:00 Khoirun Nisa Nurul Ismaiyah <p>The purpose of conducting this research is to provide information to all elements related to early childhood regarding the importance of arranging classrooms where children learn so that they are safe, comfortable and friendly. With good and appropriate planning, the objectives of the learning and stimulus will develop optimally. Please note that not everything can be used for early childhood without adult supervision. In reality, there are still many adults, especially early childhood educators, who provide room facilities without thinking about whether these facilities are safe and comfortable for children to use</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Khoirun Nisa Family Partnership-Based Environmental Care Learning Model in Creating Child-Friendly Schools in PAUD Melati, Bengkulu City 2024-06-04T13:30:29+07:00 Dwi Ismawati Debi S Fuadi Yenda Puspita Meli Afrodita Dwi Lyna Sari Lenni Mantili Hutauruk <p>This research was conducted to see the practicality of an environmental care learning model based on family partnerships in creating child-friendly schools in PAUD Melati, Bengkulu City, which consists of 3 parts, namely: practicality from teachers, parents and observers. This research is a type of research and development (research and development). ). This research procedure refers to the stages of the Borg and development model.This research was conducted at PAUD Melati, Bengkulu City with a total of 62 children, 62 parents and 4 teachers from PAUD Melati, Bengkulu City.Data collection in this research was carried out using observation, interviews and response questionnaire techniques. The results of this research are that the implementation of the model gets a score of 86%, the practicality of the model is seen from its usefulness based on the results of the teacher response questionnaire to the model, the percentage score of teacher 1 is 93%, teacher 2 is 89%, teacher 3 is 91% and teacher 4 is 90% in the very good category and in terms of effectiveness using the anova test, a sig value of 0.00 &lt;0.05 was obtained, which shows that there is a difference after the use of an environmental care learning model based on family partnerships in creating child-friendly schools in PAUD Melati, Bengkulu City</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Ismawati, Debi S Fuadi, Yenda Puspita, Meli Afrodita, Dwi Lyna Sari, Lazfihma, Lenni Mantili Hutauruk Membentuk Ketahanmalangan Anak di Lingkungan Sekolah Melalui Permainan Tradisional 2024-06-04T13:26:54+07:00 Ratri Nuria Muhammad Zainal Abidin <p>Efforts to optimize children's development are based on strengthening children's resilience to adversity. One way to build children's resilience is by facilitating children to play outdoors, namely through traditional games. In this research, traditional games were limited to Gobak Sodor and Skipping Rope by examining 25 children aged 5-7 years. The research was carried out in 2 cycles to get results on indicators (1) Solving problems independently, the results of cycle 1 were 63%, while the results of cycle II were 97%; (2) Not giving up easily, the results in cycle I were 67%, while in cycle II it was 94%; (3) Hardiness results in cycle I were 67%, while in cycle II it was 93%; (4) Liked the challenge, getting results in cycle I was 65%, while in cycle II it was 98%; (5) Dare to take risks and the results in cycle I were 68%, while in cycle II the results were 95%.Efforts to optimize children's development are based on strengthening children's resilience to adversity. One way to build children's resilience is by facilitating children to play outdoors, namely through traditional games. In this research, traditional games were limited to Gobak Sodor and Skipping Rope by examining 25 children aged 5-7 years. The research was carried out in 2 cycles to get results on indicators (1) Solving problems independently, the results of cycle 1 were 63%, while the results of cycle II were 97%; (2) Not giving up easily, the results in cycle I were 67%, while in cycle II it was 94%; (3) Hardiness results in cycle I were 67%, while in cycle II it was 93%; (4) Liked the challenge, getting results in cycle I was 65%, while in cycle II it was 98%; (5) Dare to take risks and the results in cycle I were 68%, while in cycle II the results were 95%.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 RATRI NURIA Mengajar dengan Cerita: Pendekatan Berbasis Narasi dalam Pendidikan Pra-Sekolah yang Menyenangkan dan Ramah Anak 2024-06-05T23:20:58+07:00 Nida'ul Munafiah Ine Nirmala Ferianto Ria Astuti Misbachol Munir <p><em>Pre-school education has a crucial role in forming the basis of children's development. This research aims to explore and describe teaching with stories: a narrative-based approach in a fun and child-friendly pre-school learning process at Nur Faqih Kindergarten, East Karawang. This approach is not only directed at delivering learning material, but also creates a fun and child-friendly learning experience and utilizes the power of stories as a learning tool to increase children's enjoyment, involvement and understanding. Qualitative research methods are used with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation analysis. The research results show that the use of a narrative-based approach in Nur Faqih Kindergarten makes a positive contribution to the development of cognitive, social and emotional skills of pre-school children. Stories integrated into learning not only increase children's interest, but also support language development, creativity and problem solving. This narrative-based approach not only creates a fun learning environment, but also helps children understand moral and ethical values through the stories told. Thus, this research contributes to the development of more innovative and interesting learning strategies at the pre-school level.</em></p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nida'ul Munafiah, Ine Nirmala, Ferianto, Ria Astuti, Misbachol Munir Keteladanan dan Home Visit Berbasis Safari Tadarus Bentuk Kolaborasi Guru dengan Orang Tua dalam Mewujudkan Sekolah Ramah Anak di PAUD Matsaratul Huda Pamekasan 2024-06-05T23:48:03+07:00 Ulfa Ainun Nikmah <p><em>This research is based on the urgency for teachers and parents to become role models for young children besides in guiding and educating children at school and home. A part from that, there is a tadarus safari-based home visit activity by visiting each child’s house in turn to train children from an early age to live socially, teachers can know and understand the condition of each child, and parents can consult intensively with teachers to find out the strengths and weakness of their children at school. This research aims to determine the form of teacher example towards early childhood and tadarus safari-based home visits in child-friendly schools. The method used is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach as well as interview and observation techniques. The results obtained in this research indicate that exemplary attitudes from teachers and parents have an effective influence in shaping children’s positive behavior. Then tha tadarus safari-based home visit activity is conducted by visiting each child’s home which included reciting Al-Qur’an and reviewing its meaning, communicating and evaluating.</em></p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ulfa Ainun Nikmah Dampak Pemanfaatan Gawai terhadap Pemerolehan Bahasa Anak Usia 3-6 Tahun: Pendekatan Ramah Anak 2024-06-06T10:47:17+07:00 Sahrul Romadhon Mita Cintiya Sari Mochamad Arifin Alatas <p>This study aims to explore the impact of gadget use on language acquisition in children aged 3-6 years using a child-friendly approach. The use of gadgets is increasingly widespread among children, raising concerns about its effects on their language development. This study employs qualitative methods, including observation and interviews with children aged 3-6 years in the vicinity of Desa Lemper Rt 001/002 Pademawu, Pemekasan. The results indicate that children who excessively use gadgets tend to experience delays in vocabulary acquisition and verbal communication skills. However, with a child-friendly approach, such as the use of educational applications and proper parental supervision, negative impacts can be minimized. Children who use gadgets in a controlled manner with appropriate content show improvements in word recognition and storytelling abilities. In conclusion, gadgets do not always negatively impact children's language development if used wisely and properly supervised. It is crucial for parents and educators to understand how to positively and child-friendly utilize technology to support optimal language development. This research provides significant contributions in the effort to integrate technology into children's lives without neglecting the aspects of their language development.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Sahrul Romadhon Media Belajar Grafis berbasis Ramah Anak di Rumah Belajar Jauzaa Education 2024-06-06T14:15:58+07:00 Endah Tri Wahyuningsih Lili Mulyani <p>The aim of this research is to see how the provision of child- friendly learning media is used by the Jauzaa Learning House to stimulate early childhood development. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection was carried out by observation, interviews and documentation studies at the Jauzaa Learning House. In making graphic learning media, it is developed in accordance with Child Friendly Schools, where teaching materials are not limited to the use of textbooks provided, but look for teaching materials that are more contextual to the child's environment and conditions. The principles used in developing child-friendly graphic learning media are: 1) Developing developmental aspects by utilizing technology</p> <p>2) Not consumable for repeated use 3) Materials are easy to obtain and economical 4) Non-hazardous materials for children's safety; 5) Functions can be used individually or in groups 6) Media must be able to generate creativity and be playable so that it can add fun to children and be able to play with children's imaginations. The development of graphic media at the Jauzaa Learning House was made by modifying the use of graphic application technology in the form of Canva, Coreldraw, Instashot and Adobe Illustrator and modified with used or natural materials such as used cardboard, cans, paper, wood, etc. Child-friendly graphic media is classified according to the learning objectives that children will achieve, namely in language, cognitive, social emotional, artistic, religious values, moral and physical motor development.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Endah Tri Wahyuningsih Pengaruh Penerapan Modifikasi Permainan Roblox Mosar terhadap Perkemabangan Motorik Kasar 2024-06-06T15:20:26+07:00 Elva Novianti Putri Elva Neng Awalia Farida Dede Ridwan <p>The development of gross motor skill is very important to stimulate and to attention. This is because gross motor development influences physiological, social and cognitive development. Children's habit of moving or having good gross motor skills tends to improve. Increasing self-confidence also makes it easier for children to socialize. Meanwhile, children who experience gross motor development problems often feel embarrassed and close themselves off from their peers. Apart from that, the prevalence of excessive screen time is also the biggest factor that makes children tend to be passive, and of course their gross motor activities become less developed. Therefore, gross motor development cannot be considered trivial. This research aims to determine whether or not there is an influence from implementing the Roblox Mosar game on the gross motor development of children aged 5-6 years at Dewi Sartika 1 Kindergarten Gegerbitung Kab. Sukabumi. Based on this, this research is a type of experimental research using a quantitative approach. The design used is One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampling is a saturated sample where less than 30 people are sampled, therefore all samples receive treatment, using a treatment test of 10 activities from 5 indicators. The results of this research conclude that there is an influence from implementing the Roblox Mosar game on the gross motor development of children aged 5-6 years at Dewi Sartika 1 Kindergarten Gegerbitung District. Sukabumi. It is proven from the results of data analysis using Paired-Samples t-Test that the Sign value is 0.01 &lt; 0.05. That means Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Elva Novianti Putri Elva Bermain sambil belajar: Strategi Pembelajaran Kreatif di Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini ramah anak 2024-06-06T15:54:05+07:00 Christin Yekesinta Limbong Sindi Rotua Pardede Dahlia Padang Etri Rehenda <p>This research explores creative learning strategies that can be applied in Early Childhood Education (ECE) to facilitate fun and meaningful learning experiences for children. Through a play while learning approach, the main goal of this research is to create a child-friendly learning environment where children can develop their cognitive, motor, social and emotional skills.</p> <p>This research method involves a literature review from various sources that discusses the concept of playing while learning, creative learning strategies, and appropriate approaches for ECE. The results of this literature review are then used to formulate concrete strategies that can be applied in the ECE context.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Some of the creative strategies identified include thematic learning, role playing, creative play using various types of materials, sensory activities, collaborative learning, use of the environment, and appropriate use of technology. These strategies aim to increase children's involvement in the learning process, stimulate their imagination and creativity, and strengthen their understanding of various concepts and skills.</p> <p>The practical implication of this research is the importance of developing a curriculum and learning approach that takes into account children's needs and interests, and provides space for them to explore and learn through direct experience. By implementing this creative learning strategy, it is hoped that ECE can become a fun and stimulating environment for children to grow and develop holistically.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Christin Yekesinta Limbong Konsep Kurikulum Ramah Anak di Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Uisa Dini 2024-06-06T20:59:03+07:00 Agus Niada Lawolo Esra Pakpahan Ester Gustina Wati Sihotang Glori Sonnya Simanugkalit <p>Implementing a child-friendly curriculum in PAUD (Early Childhood Education) institutions is an important approach to ensure children's learning experiences are not only academically effective, but also pay attention to their holistic development. This curriculum emphasizes play as a key element, allowing children to learn naturally and joyfully while developing social, cognitive and motor skills. The importance of a differentiated approach is also emphasized, ensuring that each child receives support according to their needs. The integration of moral values and character as well as the wise use of technology are also part of this curriculum. Collaboration between PAUD institutions, teachers, parents and communities is important to create a supportive learning environment. With holistic, integrated and sustainable steps, implementing a child-friendly curriculum can provide a meaningful learning experience and support children's overall&nbsp;development.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Agusniada Lawolo Pembelajaran Berbasis Permainan Dakon Sebagai Implementasi Literasi Budaya Pada Anak Usia Dini di PAUD Al-Amin Bugih Pamekasan 2024-06-06T23:27:02+07:00 Fadilah Alfin Herawati Intan Maya Febriani Kafilah Rahmawati Khoirul Ummati Rahmatika <p>This study explores the use of the traditional game Dakon in early childhood education at PAUD AL-AMIN Bugih Pamekasan to develop cultural competence. The background of the research is based on the importance of cultural education for child development and the Indonesian government's efforts to preserve traditional games. This study employs qualitative methods with a descriptive approach, incorporating observation, documentation, and interviews with teachers and students as research instruments. The results show that Dakon-based learning at PAUD AL-AMIN Bugih Pamekasan is implemented through a structured lesson plan consisting of opening, core, and closing activities. Teachers explain the importance of Dakon as a cultural heritage and teach how to play it gradually. This game has proven effective in enhancing various aspects of child development, including motor skills, cognition, emotions, language, social skills, spirituality, ecology, and moral values. Dakon not only helps children learn about Indonesian culture but also boosts their creativity, social interaction, and collaboration skills. This study concludes that early childhood education focusing on traditional Dakon games is an effective method to provide valuable learning experiences and enrich children's cultural understanding while developing various developmental aspects.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 FADILAH ROSY Pembelajaran Outing Class Melalui Kegiatan Fun cooking dalam Mengembangkan Kreativitas Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun 2024-06-07T09:23:37+07:00 Zonalisa Fhatri Dwi Haryanti Abdi Susanto Hari Kiswanto Wulan Naroh Wika Wilandari <p>This study was conducted to describe the Outing Class learning through fun cooking activities in developing and describing the creativity of 5-6 year old children at the Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Cahaya Toboali and Khoirunnisa Kindergarten in Central Bangka. The type of research used was descriptive qualitative research. This research is included in field research with a qualitative descriptive approach. Observation and interviews were used to collect data, with the data sources referred to as respondents. The data analysis technique used the main components of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing carried out simultaneously with the data collection process, in a cyclic form during the research process. The results showed that the outing class learning through <em>fun cooking</em> activities at the Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Cahaya Toboali and Khoirunnisa Kindergarten in Central Bangka showed significant benefits for 5-6 year old children. After participating in the Outing Class learning through <em>fun cooking</em> activities, 5-6 year old children at the Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Cahaya Toboali and Khoirunnisa Kindergarten in Central Bangka experienced significant development in their creativity.</p> 2024-05-18T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Zonalisa Fhatri Harmonizing Child-Friendly Early Childhood Education: The Impact of Gamelan Music on Focus and Attention in Child-Centric Learning Environments 2024-06-07T14:32:10+07:00 Safiruddin Al Baqi Ratna Nila Puspitasari <p>Focus and attention are very important abilities for children to train because they will affect various aspects of their future lives This study aims to explore the influence of gamelan music on young children's focus during cutting and pasting activities. Using the experimental method, the number of participants was 30 children (12 boys and 18 girls) with a mean age of 5.54 years (SD: 0.50). The research subjects were divided into two groups, namely the experimental group who were given galeman music and the control group who were not given. . The results of the study showed that children who were given gamelan music while carrying out these activities tended to have lower levels of concentration. These findings highlight the importance of paying attention to the auditory environment when designing early childhood learning experiences. Gamelan music, with its distinctive sound characteristics, can be a distractor that affects a child's ability to focus on a given task. Therefore, the recommendation to carefully select the type of music played in the background in early childhood learning activities is necessary to support their cognitive development optimally.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Safiruddin Al Baqi, Ratna Nila Puspitasari Pembelajaran Sentra Iman dan Taqwa (IMTAQ) Melalui Smart TV Pada Anak Usia Dini 2024-06-07T10:16:24+07:00 Ervina Muzakki Aghnaita Neela Afifah <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p><em>This research is motivated by the Center for Faith and Piety (IMTAQ) learning via Smart TV. The Center for Faith and Piety (IMTAQ) learning model is a learning model in schools by implementing Smart TV in the teaching and learning process for children. On this basis, this research aims to describe the learning of the Center for Faith and Piety (IMTAQ) via Smart TV. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. The research subjects were one homeroom teacher and one student in the RA Perwanida Kasongan Center for Faith and Taqwa (IMTAQ) class, Central Kalimantan. Data collection methods include observation, interviews and documentation. At the end of the research carried out, the results were obtained that in an effort to implement the Center for Faith and Piety (IMTAQ) learning at RA Perwanida Kasongan via Smart TV with the theme of Islamic learning, the universe and language, it can help children in the learning process, it will involve children more enthusiastically and happily in participating. learning. Apart from that, it also makes it easier for children because they use Smart TV by utilizing digital technology and makes it easier for teachers to provide learning material when conveying it to children.</em></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ervina Hubungan Tingkat Pendidikan Guru Terhadap Kinerja Guru Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 2024-06-07T10:32:37+07:00 Yesi Novitasari Fatmawati Danang Prastyo <p>This study aims to determine the relationship between the level of teacher education and the performance of Early Childhood Education (ECE) teachers. The type of research is correlation research with two variables. The method used in drawing this sample is total sampling, which is a sampling technique where the number of samples is the same as the population. The reason for taking total sampling is because the population is less than 100. The sample taken from this study was 40 people. The results showed that ECE teachers in making lesson planning, implementing learning and evaluating learning in the dominant always namely 53.17% and included in the moderate category, meaning that Early Childhood Education teachers do not have good performance in carrying out their duties at school. The implication of the research results, ECE teachers should continue their education according to their field of expertise, in order to create suitability and good performance in the field of PAUD science.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yesi Novitasari Strategi Pembelajaran Kreatif dan Inovatif di Lembaga Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini 2024-06-07T11:00:29+07:00 Tan Ikha Tatik Ariyati <p>Early childhood education plays an important role in developing aspects of development such as social, emotional, self-reliance, moral, and religious values. At this time children are beginning to learn about many things that can develop their life skills. It is important for teachers to understand the needs of children so that they can serve them effectively at school. The teaching methods must also be appropriate and must be adapted to the child's growth. This Creative and Innovative Learning Method is perfectly suitable for application in everyday learning at PAUD institutions, as it aims to develop the potential of children precisely targeted according to the interests and talents of children, in addition to providing a pleasant experience in learning as a supporting form in the growth of early childhood. The study also investigates the challenges faced by early childhood education institutions in providing creative and innovative learning and how its implementation is carried out effectively in PAUD institutions. The study uses a literary study that is the development of a library information selection approach. The study identifies effective strategies used by PAUD institutions to implement creative and innovative learning methods, such as through loose parts learning media and edutainment-based learning media. These strategies are successful in boosting creativity and innovation in early childhood, demonstrated by the creative and unique ideas that emerge in young children.</p> 2024-05-17T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Tan Ikha Fungsi Keluarga Sebagai Pembentukan Karakter Islami Anak di Tk Allam Desa Pelemwatu Kecamatan Menganti Kabupaten Gresik 2024-06-07T12:56:54+07:00 Fitrianti Wulandari Wulan Novita Widyaningrum Umi Matsturoh <p><em>The family as an informal educational institution plays an important role in forming the Islamic character of early childhood. The function of the family as a place to cultivate children's character is the responsibility of parents. It is the responsibility of parents to provide religious education, moral values, culture, personality and self- skills as members of society. The aim of this article is to describe (1) implementation of family functions; and (2) the formation of Islamic character of early childhood. This article uses a qualitative research method with a case study approach The location of this research is the Allam Kindergarten in Pelemwatu Village, Menganti District, Gresik Regency. The research subjects were five families. The subjects of the research were five families. Data collection using observation techniques, interviews, and document study. The results of the study provide an overview of the implementation of family functions reflected in three functions namely: the religious function, the educational function, and the socialization function. In forming the Islamic character of early childhood in sub-urban families, it is reflected in three Islamic characters, namely: noble character, love of truth, and exemplary. The conclusions from the implementation of family functions in the formation of the Islamic character of early childhood in sub-urban families provide an overview of the function of the family as a center for instilling religious values, as the first place of education, and as a means of socializing children to know rules, traditions, religious values and norms. In addition, the family is the place for the formation of Islamic noble character. love the truth, and exemplary children to become a person who has good manners, smiles generously, monotheism, gentleness, and becomes a positive person in the family, school and community environment.</em></p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fitrianti Wulandari Wulan Pengembangan Media Buku Pop-Up dalam Mengenalkan Huruf Tema Daerahku (Bangka Belitung) untuk Anak Usia Dini 2024-06-07T16:30:34+07:00 Dwi Haryanti Rezki Juniarti Novitasari Yurinda Withasari <p>Recognizing letters is one of the stages of early childhood development. The process of recognizing letters according to a child's age stage is an ability that needs to be stimulated so that they go from not knowing to knowing. Media or learning tools are objects that are used as tools to stimulate children to recognize letters. Therefore, developing Pop-Up books is an alternative, especially in connection with the local wisdom of an area. In developing pop-up book media with a regional theme, the aim is for children to be able to recognize letters and also get to know their regional culture. Adding themes in media creation to focus the material to be provided. Added my regional theme to introduce Bangka Belitung which has not been introduced in the school environment or outside of school. The research method used is research and development (R&amp;D) using the Bord and Gall model. This model includes 10 stages, namely 1) needs analysis, 2) planning, 3) initial product development, 4) product validation, 5) product revision, 6) main product trial, 7) product revision, 8) wide scale trial , 9) product revision, and 10) use and production. This research collects data through observation, interviews, documentation, and questionnaires (expert validation). These collection techniques will be analyzed to obtain final results.</p> <p>The results of the research at the second media validation stage were 4.9 very feasible criteria and the second material validation was 5 very feasible criteria. In the main product trials that were carried out at the Az-Zakyyah Kindergarten in Kace Village, the results were 66.25% with a good percentage. And in a wide scale trial the results were 91.25% with a percentage level reaching very feasible.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dwi Haryanti, Rezki Juniarti Novitasari, Yurinda Withasari Inovasi Pendidikan Dalam Mempertahankan Keputusan Orang Tua Memilih Jasa Pendidikan Sebelum Dan Sesudah Belajar dari Rumah (BDR) 2024-06-11T14:08:11+07:00 Dwi Haryanti Nurul Qomariah Nurul Alimah <p>Conditions during the pandemic also had an impact on the decrease in the number of students attending PAUD institutions. This research is based on the belief that local cultural forms are legitimized by formal schools and formal schools can facilitate cultural reproduction. This research agrees that schools only promote and uphold values, norms, traditions and behavior that are acceptable to the local community. The methodology used in this research is a qualitative descriptive research methodology. Innovation in the marketing of education services is very important to attract public interest and attention in sending their children to these institutions. Innovation is also carried out so that the school can maintain its existence in society. The innovations carried out include the marketing of educational services. This must be done by all members involved in educational institutions consisting of teachers, employees, students, to parents or guardians so that it can run successfully. There are seven elements to focus on in carrying out these innovations, namely product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process.</p> 2024-06-07T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Qomariah Implementasi Pendidikan Akhlak Melalui Metode Storytelling Interaktif Pada Anak Usia Dini 2024-06-11T16:17:01+07:00 Afifah Nurul Hidhayah Nur Tanfidiyah <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p>Write the abstract in English and the maximum English Based on this, the aim of this research is to find out how moral education is implemented through the interactive storytelling method for early childhood at TKIT Mutiara Insan Sukoharjo in the 2023 academic year. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques used participatory observation methods, semi-structured interviews and documentation. The data validity technique uses triangulation techniques and sources, while the data analysis technique uses data collection, data condensation, data presentation and conclusions.</p> <p>The results of the research are, the use of interactive storytelling methods in strengthening moral education at TKIT Mutiara Insan is carried out through the stages of learning planning, learning implementation and evaluation. At the planning stage the teacher prepares the RPPH, the implementation stage the teacher carries out 3 steps: opening the teacher greets and conveys the material, the main activity is the teacher telling stories with a theme that is in accordance with the curriculum, asking questions, conveying messages, closing the teacher recalling what has been done. studied. The evaluation stage is carried out every day at the end of the lesson using checklist and anecdotal assessments.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Afifah Nurul Pengembangan Buku L-UNIQ untuk Meningkatkan Perkembangan Sosial-Emosional dan Kognitif Anak Usia 4-6 Tahun 2024-06-20T08:48:39+07:00 Emi Kuswanti Imron Arifin Eny Nur Aisyah Pramono Yudith Dian Putra <p>This study explores the development of the L-Uniq Book at TK RAHMAT Surabaya, designed to support children's development through an interactive and enjoyable approach. The L-Uniq Book helps children understand and manage emotions, enhance critical thinking skills, and develop social skills such as empathy and cooperation. The implementation of the L-Uniq Book involves introducing and training teachers and parents to integrate the book into daily activities at school and home. The research method uses the Research and Development (R&amp;D) approach, starting from needs analysis, content and activity design, prototype creation, to limited trials. Evaluation is conducted through observation, interviews, questionnaires, and child development tests. The research results show that the L-Uniq Book effectively improves children's social-emotional and cognitive skills. Children show increased empathy, emotion management, critical thinking, creativity, as well as literacy and numeracy skills. The response from teachers and parents is very positive, noting increased children's self-confidence and the book's effectiveness in supporting holistic development. The integration of the L-Uniq Book into the curriculum is carried out through curriculum analysis, teacher training, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation. Collaboration between teachers, parents, and education experts is key to the successful implementation of this program. This study concludes that the L-Uniq Book provides a strong foundation for the social-emotional and cognitive development of children at TK RAHMAT Surabaya. Further research is needed to ensure long-term effectiveness and adjust the implementation methods to meet the children's needs.</p> 2024-06-20T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 EMI KUSWANTI Implementasi Metode Belajar Membaca Tanpa Mengeja (BMTM) Untuk Mengembangkan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Pada Anak Usia Dini 2024-06-20T09:53:35+07:00 Riris Wahyuningsih Habibah Afiyanti Putri <p><em>This research intends to see how effective the use of the BMTM method is in developing early reading aspects in children aged 5-6 years at Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 2 Muncar Kindergarten. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach, namely the results are obtained using observation techniques. The source of the results was obtained from the interview technique used by the researcher, namely unstructured interviews and documentation. The subjects of this research were students aged 5-6 years at Kindergarten Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal 2 Muncar, totaling 20 children who had difficulty learning to read at first. The results of the research showed that the use of the Learning to Read Without Spelling Method (BMTM) was able to develop children's abilities in learning to read initially, as evidenced by the increase in the number of research subjects, from children who had difficulty learning and concentrating, starting to be able to read smoothly.</em></p> 2024-06-13T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Riris Wahyuningsih Preferensi Pendidik Atas Konsep Sekolah Ramah Anak di PAUD Inklusi 2024-06-26T14:23:01+07:00 Ana Falera <p>Child-friendly schools in Early Childhood Education institutions are a concept that emphasizes an environment that supports children's overall development. Child-friendly schools in Early Childhood Education institutions tend to promote inclusivity, meaning they open the door for children with special or different needs to join the same learning environment as other children. This study on child-friendly schools in inclusive Early Childhood Education institutions was carried out using the literature study method. Data collection was carried out by collecting references relevant to the study theme in the form of previous research results and then drawing an analysis regarding child-friendly schools in inclusive schools. The results of this study are that educators who support the concept of child-friendly schools in inclusive schools will demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity. in school practices and policies. A flexible teaching approach will be the hallmark of educators in child-friendly schools in inclusive schools. Also, educators at child-friendly schools in inclusive schools will utilize supporting technology to support inclusive learning.</p> 2024-06-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ana Falera The Role of Teachers in Creating a Child-Friendly School at TK Negeri Pembina Gianyar Bali 2024-06-30T14:19:55+07:00 Noviarta Briliany Anak Agung Ari Laksemi <p>Early childhood education is the first formal education that young children attend. Children’s joyful experiences at this educational stage become crucial because they lay the foundation for a love of learning, a love of education, and lifelong learning. In 2015, the Indonesian Government initiated the program of “Sekolah Ramah Anak” (Children-Friendly School) to serve the right of children to gain knowledge at schools. Teachers possess important roles in Children Friendly Schools. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of teachers in a Children-Friendly School, TK Negeri Pembina Gianyar - Bali. This research applies the qualitative-descriptive method. The research method used is qualitative, the purpose of this study uses qualitative research so that researchers can describe a that occurs such as the role of teachers in child-friendly schools. The sample in this study was 11 teachers with a minimum teaching experience of 5 years. Data collection techniques in this study used interviews. Data analysis in this study was carried out through the stages of data reduction, data presentation, then conclusions (Miles and Huberman). The result explains that the teachers in TK Negeri Pembina Gianyar - Bali have various roles, such as facilitators, mentors, and motivators. They involve children, school staff, parents, and the community to establish a children-friendly environment.</p> 2024-06-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Noviarta Briliany, Anak Agung Ari Laksemi MEMBANGUN PENDIDIKAN RAMAH ANAK DALAM KELUARGA: STUDI PENDIDIKAN DALAM SURAH AL-BAQARAH AYAT 133 2024-05-30T14:36:08+07:00 Moh. Samsul Ma'arif Luthfatun Nisa' Ilham Ali Hasan <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p>The aim of this research is to find out about the verses of the Koran and their relevance to building child-friendly education in the family, so that it can give birth to a concept of early childhood education. The research methodology used is al-tafsir al-maudhu'i, which starts from taking an inventory of verses from the Qur'an about the importance of child-friendly education in the family. The rise of violence in the family against children makes it necessary to strengthen the family to build child-friendly education and apply it in everyday life, with the aim of knowing (1) the concept of children's education in the family according to Islam. (2) the concept of children's education in the family according to experts. (3) Efforts to apply the educational concept of Surah Albaqarah verse 133 in family life. Parents are obliged to provide child-friendly education from an early age on a continuous basis to instill positive behavior in children in their lives. So that a child-friendly generation will be born within the child's personality as well as breaking the chain of violence in children, because education with violence will have an impact on the child's growth and development phase and the child's life phase from adolescence to adulthood. Child-friendly education in the family can be done by: 1) Implementing balanced communication between parents and children; 2) Implementation of non-violent discipline; and 3) Implementation of positive character formation in children.</p> <p>The relevance to children's education concerns the value system, parenting function, learning materials and learning methodology. The purpose of this research is to make a positive contribution to the concept of early childhood education, so that it can be used as a guide in educating children, so that they become pious children with noble character, create a sakinah family, and foster love.</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-05T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Moh. Samsul Ma'arif IMPLEMENTASI BUDAYA SEKOLAH DALAM PEMBINAAN KARAKTER SISWA 2024-06-08T08:44:53+07:00 Rendy Frasandy <p>This research is motivated by the early behavior shown by children in their childhood. Like, say dirty and theft. Parents' indifference about their child's behavior makes the child's character worse. Therefore, a solution is needed to foster character for children through positive habits that are able to build character gradually. From this, the role of educational institutions such as school is to foster student character through the school culture in it. The objectives to be achieved in this study are to describe the character values and school culture in implementing school culture in fostering student character at school.&nbsp; This study uses a qualitative descriptive type, where the researcher tries to describe in full the phenomena that occur systematically. The data collection method used by researchers is a structured interview method for students and unstructured for principals and classroom teachers. In addition to the interview method, the researcher also uses the method of observation and documentation in this study.&nbsp; The results of this study indicate that the implementation of school culture in fostering student character shows significant results. This can be seen from the daily behavior of students both at school and at home. The characters in question are religious, honest, disciplined, independent, love the homeland, and so on. Of course, this was achieved thanks to the support of various parties, especially parents.</p> 2024-05-14T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rendy Frasandy Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini ditengah Perkembangan Tekhnologi: Peran Kurikulum Ramah Anak dan Literasi AI 2024-05-15T08:19:20+07:00 Nurul Qomariyah Nurul Qomariyah <p>Abstract</p> <p>Early childhood learning (PAUD) is an important stage in forming the foundations of child development. However, in an era where technology is developing rapidly, the challenges for the quality of early childhood learning are increasingly complex. This article proposes a strategy to improve the quality of PAUD learning by paying attention to technological developments, especially artificial intelligence (AI) literacy, as well as implementing a child-friendly curriculum. Through library research using a content analysis approach, this research reveals that The role of a child-friendly curriculum is to ensure that the learning process is appropriate to the needs and developmental stages of early childhood. This curriculum does not only focus on academic aspects, but also integrates social, emotional learning and relevant life skills. Apart from that, AI literacy is an important aspect in the context of future learning. Children need to be introduced to basic concepts about artificial intelligence and related technologies, so that they can become intelligent and critical users in facing future technological challenges. Effective early childhood education must be able to accommodate the dynamics of current technology while still paying attention to the child's overall needs and development stages.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-15T08:19:20+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Qomariyah Nurul Qomariyah KERJASAMA ORANG TUA DAN GURU DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR ANAK DI SEKOLAH 2024-07-01T17:25:16+07:00 Rendy Frasandy <p>This research aims to determine: (1) The duties and responsibilities of parents and teachers regarding students' learning motivation at school; (2) Forms of collaboration between parents and teachers in increasing students' learning motivation at school; This research is field research (Field Research) with qualitative descriptive methods. Data collection tools in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this research are: (1) The duties and responsibilities of parents in increasing students' learning motivation at school are almost the same as the duties and responsibilities of a teacher, only the duties and responsibilities of parents are more comprehensive than to teachers because children spend more time at home than at school. The duties and responsibilities of teachers in increasing students' learning motivation at school are as professional educators, as facilitators, as educators, as counselors, as motivators; (2) Forms of collaboration between parents and teachers are parents participating in school meetings, creating WhatsApp groups, visiting parents of students with educators.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rendy Frasandy Penanaman Karakter Anak Usia Dini melalui Pembelajaran Tari Kreatif Berbasis Ramah Anak 2024-07-01T17:26:15+07:00 Ayu Vinlandari Wahyudi <table width="548"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="416"> <p>The growth and development of early childhood is certainly supported by several aspects, such as development in cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. Nowadays, many cases arise due to the erosion of individual character values. Thus, every individual needs to have a good personality and character from an early age. This research aims to find out how to instill character in early childhood through child-friendly creative dance learning. This research is qualitative research with descriptive analysis methods. Data collection techniques in this research were obtained through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are obtained using data reduction, data verification, and data presentation. The results of this research show that dance learning has the potential to instill character in early childhood. Creative dance learning on a child-friendly basis makes it easy for young children to learn dance and develop their creativity, because through creative dance learning children are given aesthetic experiences to express and be creative through dance works. The character values that serve as a reference for cultivating character through child-friendly creative dance learning are religious values, self-confidence values, mutual cooperation values, and tolerance values.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Vinlandari Wahyudi STEAM-BASED LEARNING IN CHILDREN IN THE ERA OF INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY 5.0 2024-05-20T09:46:34+07:00 Allan Firman Jaya <p>STEAM-based learning is learning that combines a set of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics knowledge to help students develop the skills and abilities needed for future preparation. There are several PAUD units in Tuban that implement STEAM-based learning, so the author is interested in analyzing the process of implementing STEAM-based learning in early childhood. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, with data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation. The informants or respondents in this research were the Unit Heads and PAUD educators. Data validation techniques use data reduction techniques, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the data analysis obtained are a description of the application of STEAM-based learning in early childhood in accordance with existing reality.</p> 2024-05-15T08:40:09+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Allan Firman Jaya Penanaman Karakter Pada Lembaga PAUD 2024-07-01T17:30:39+07:00 Vina Misykah Zaidah <p>Early childhood education plays a crucial role in the development of children's physical, cognitive, social, and emotional skills. It is during this period that children begin to learn about the world around them and develop important life skills. The cultivation of good character in early childhood is essential for children to adapt to their environment, have good social relationships, and make responsible decisions. The research aims to explore the strategies used in early child education institutions to instill character values in young children and to understand the role of early child education in character development. The study also investigates the challenges faced by early child education institutions in character development and proposes solutions to address these challenges. The research adopts a qualitative approach with a case study design. The study identifies effective strategies employed by ECE institutions for character development, such as habituation, role modeling, storytelling, games, and songs. These strategies have successfully instilled positive character values in children, as evidenced by their disciplined, responsible, and cooperative behavior.</p> 2024-05-15T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Vina Misykah Zaidah Lingkungan Belajar Aman Di PAUD Persepektif PAUD Berkualitas Kemendikbudristek 2024-07-01T21:07:30+07:00 Habibah Afiyanti Putri Hibana Hibana <table> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p><em>This research aims to explore the concept of a safe and conducive learning environment in the PAUD environment. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach, especially literature review, to describe the content descriptively. Data collection involves primary sources such as quality early childhood education guidebooks from the Ministry of Education and Culture, as well as secondary sources such as books and scientific articles related to safe learning environments in early childhood education. The study identifies indicators of a safe learning environment, emphasizing physical and psychological aspects. These findings underscore the importance of creating a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable space for optimal early childhood development in early childhood education. By implementing consistent and comprehensive measures such as mutual respect, non-violence values, positive discipline, and learning non-violence values, educational institutions can create a safe and supportive environment for all individuals involved, thereby significantly reducing violent behavior.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-07-01T21:07:29+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Habibah Afiyanti Putri, Hibana, Hibana Media Pembelajran Berbasis Kebudayaan Lokal pada Pembelajaran Anak Usia Dini 2024-07-01T17:29:22+07:00 annisa wahyuni <p>Learning media plays an important role in the learning process, while culture is an aspect of local wealth that must be preserved and passed on to the next generation. Through learning media local culture can be preserved and inherited. This research uses field research methods at the Raudharul Athfal educational institution. By using local culture-based learning media that highlights the richness of local culture. In the local content learning process, you must have a learning plan that includes the introduction of local content, and appropriate learning methods that are suitable for integrating local content, so that it will have a positive impact on students and also on the preservation of local culture.</p> 2024-07-01T17:29:22+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 annisa wahyuni