Eltoukhi, A. M.; Yunus, B. M.; Musthafa, I.; Bahruddin, U. Taţwîr Mãddatin Nahwi Al ‘Arabî Min Khilãli an Nushûsh Al Qur’ãnîyah Litarqiyati Mahãrõtil I’rõb Ladã Thullãbi Ma’had Al Aîmah Al ‘Ãlî Al Islãmî Bi Malang: Development of Nahwu Material Using the Texts of Al-Qur’an to Improve I’rab Skills for Students of Ma’had ’Ali Al-Aimmah Malang. OKARA JURNAL BAHASA DAN SASTRA 2022, 16, 146-169.