Articles written for the REVELATIA Journal include scientific papers On the boundary of Quranic studies, interpretation on Quran, living Quran, contemporary thought of Quran, results of library and field research on Quran, book review.

The following are the provisions on article writing in REVELATIA Journal. That is:

  1. Script must be scientific in forms of conceptual ideas or research results;
  2. Script must be original and have never been published in any media;
  3. Script must be written in Indonesian or English, on A4 paper size, 1 space
  4. The script is directly sent via OJS Journal REVELATIA;
  5. The author must complete the data fields available in OJS account;
  6. It is preferable to use the available journal template;
  7. The authors must be willing to follow the editing process set by the Editor;
  8. The author must write the reference based on turabian style and recommended to use the Zotero or Mendeley application;

Manuscript Preparation Guidelines

Structure of the manuscripts

  1. Title. The title should be short, bright, and informative, but does not exceed 12 words. It has to be pinpoint with the issues discussed. The article title does not contain any uncommon abbreviation. The main ideas should be written first and followed then by its explanations. (typed using the Palatino Linotype 13pt Font).
  2. Author’s names and institutions. The author's names should be accompanied by the author's institutions, institutions address, and email addresses, without any academic titles and job title. (typed using the Palatino Linotype 10pt Font).
  3. Abstract. Abstracts are written in Indonesian and English. Many words in abstract between 150-200 words. Abstract is made in one paragraph which consists of the background, objective, research methods, results, conclusions and keywords (3-5 phrases). (typed using the Palatino Linotype 11pt Font).
  4. Introduction. The introduction includes the background of the issue or problem as well as the urgency, rationalization, and purpose of the research (which distinguishes it from other studies). Relevant literature review and hypothesis development (if any) can be included in this section.
  5. Research Methods. This section is used both for articles originating from research and studies. The method section for the research paper can contain the design of the steps or procedures carried out in data collection and data analysis techniques used in research or study. Articles of a review nature may contain steps in data collection, analysis techniques, criteria, or reference standards used to conduct studies and lines of thought in conducting studies. The method can also be the method used to solve the problem in the article.
  6. Result and Discussion. This section provides research and division results in one unit, so writers do not need to make sub-chapters separately between results and division. The results of the research provided in this section are ‘clean’. Proses analisis data seperti perhitungan statistik dan proses pengujian hipotesis tidak perlu disajikan. Only analytical and hypothetical test results have to be reported. The research results can be provided with tables, images, and graphics to clarify the study results verbally. Tables and graphs should be commented on or discussed.
The results and discussion in the article is intended to: (1) answer the problem novels and research questions; and (2) show how these findings are obtained; (3) interpret/ interpreting acquired findings; (4) link research findings with mapped knowledge structures; and (5) generate new theories or modifications of existing theories.
Table, picture, or graph writing is placed in the middle. By forming the number and title of the image, table, or graph. Seven of these examples.
Writing the table does not display the entire table line enough at the top of the table head and the bottom of the table head, as well as the bottom line of the table.
  1. Conclusions. Conclusions are written in one paragraph, which is a summary of the results and discussion as well as answering the objectives of the research/publication. Emphasize the novelty of invention or development. This section contains suggestions compiled for practical activities or further research based on the new findings found.
  2. References. Contains references according to citations in the published manuscript. Primary source references (books, journals, research reports including theses and dissertations) at least 70% of all references used and published in the last 10 years. Palatino Linotype font, size 11pt, with line spacing 1sp, spacing after 3pt ("Reference" style).
Provisions for writing references alphabetically are adjusted to a predetermined format. Writing should use a reference management application such as Mendeley. The writing format used refers to the Turabian Style format. Typing citations using Turabian Style is to write the full author's name, comma, italicized title, opening brackets, Publisher City, colon, Publisher Name, comma, year, closing brackets, period, page number, period.