Pembacaan Surah Al-Ikhlash dalam Tradisi Shamadiyah di Kampung Krepek Bangkes Kadur Pamekasan

  • Ummi Maqhfiroh Ilmu al-Qur’an dan Tafsir IAIN Madura
Abstract views: 520 , PDF downloads: 573
Keywords: Al-Ikhlash, Shamadiyah, Al-Qur’an


One of living tradition in Bangkes, Kadur, Pamekasan, is Shamadiyah forum where members read Surah al-Ikhlash. This research aims to observe the practice using qualitative method with phenomenological approach. It uses observation, interviews and documentation as data compilation technique while phenomenological approach. it uses observavation, interviews and documentation as data compilation technique while the analysis is throung descriptive-explanatory. Checking the data validity using extended participation, persistent observations and triangulation, it reveals two results: (1) Shamadiyah is a forum after seven to forty days of anyones’s death. Fellows of the forum read Surah al-Ikhlash 100,000 times in a certain period of time using tools such as stationery or the likes to be sent later to the tomb. (2) The recitation implies a wish that it can atone for the deceased’s sins as fida’an min al-nar. The community believes that reading Surah al-Ikhlash in that condition can send blessings to the deceased so that it can atone the grave’s torture and his/her sins.


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