Tarètan: Journal of Library Information System https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/taretan <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>Tarètan journal presents the latest information on research results in the fields of library management, information organization, information services, digital libraries and repositories, IT, media and information literacy, knowledge management, information and media preservation, documentation systems, archive management, and social issues.</p> <p><em>Library Management</em> means that libraries are able to carry out planning, budgeting, policy making, personnel management, public relations and program assessment, organizing information and establishing a conceptual framework for organizing and retrieving information, including the study of systems and their objectives and structures, formats, standards and vocabulary.</p> <p><em>Digital Libraries and Repositories</em> means libraries can preserve and protect archival collections, modern repositories are equipped to meet today's environmental and security control standards. Information Technology in Information Institutions. Information and communication technology (ICT) facilitates the identification, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information in libraries/information centers/information institutions.</p> <p><em>Media and Information Literacy </em>means that libraries are able to access, analyze, critically evaluate, interpret, use, create and disseminate adequate information and media products with the help of existing facilities and tools creatively and legally. and basic ethics.</p> <p><em>Knowledge Management</em>. The process of creating (generating, capturing), storing (preserving, organizing, integrating), sharing (communicating), applying (implementing), and reusing (transforming) organizational knowledge to enable the organization 5 to achieve its goals and objectives.</p> <p><em>Information and Media Preservation</em> means the Documentation system. The process of systematically collecting, organizing, storing, retrieving, and disseminating technical documents, especially scientific, technical, or legal documents, usually to facilitate research or preserve the memory of an institution.</p> <p><em>Archives Management</em>. Refers to the office or organization responsible for appraising, selecting, preserving, and providing access to archival materials.</p> <p><em>Social means</em> that the Tarètan journal library plays a role in facilitating the community to develop their potential. Social inclusion-based library transformation is an approach to library services that is committed to improving the quality of life and welfare of library users.</p> </div> Library of State Islamic Institute of Madura en-US Tarètan: Journal of Library Information System Peran Komunikasi dalam Penyelesaian Konflik di Perpustakaan SMA Bakti Ponorogo https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/taretan/article/view/14745 <p align="justify">This research explores the role of communication in handling conflict in the Bakti Ponorogo High School library environment. As a place that provides access to information, libraries involve many individuals, both library staff and visitors who come every day. This diversity makes libraries a place that is vulnerable to conflict. The role of librarians in using effective communication has an important impact on the continuity of libraries, especially at Bakti Ponorogo High School. The data collection method used is a descriptive study with an observation, interview and documentation approach. The results show that librarians play a role as the main controller in maintaining the continuity of the library. From the research results, it was revealed that communication in the Bakti library involves several aspects, such as the use of communication to convey intentions, increasing interaction between librarians and visitors, as well as emotional intelligence of staff in handling conflicts. This shows that communication plays an important role as a means of conveying thoughts and ideas in an interactive way, especially in managing libraries with good emotional intelligence.</p> <p>(Penelitian ini mendalami peran komunikasi dalam menangani konflik di lingkungan perpustakaan SMA Bakti Ponorogo. Sebagai tempat yang menyediakan akses informasi, perpustakaan melibatkan banyak individu, baik itu staf perpustakaan maupun pengunjung yang datang setiap harinya. Keberagaman ini menjadikan perpustakaan sebagai tempat yang rentan terhadap konflik. Peran pustakawan dalam menggunakan komunikasi yang efektif memiliki dampak penting bagi kelangsungan perpustakaan, terutama di SMA Bakti Ponorogo. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi deskriptif dengan pendekatan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa pustakawan berperan sebagai pengendali utama dalam menjaga kelangsungan perpustakaan. Dari hasil penelitian, terungkap bahwa komunikasi di perpustakaan Bakti melibatkan beberapa aspek, seperti penggunaan komunikasi untuk menyampaikan maksud, peningkatan interaksi antara pustakawan dan pengunjung, serta kecerdasan emosional staf dalam menangani konflik. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa komunikasi memegang peran penting sebagai sarana untuk menyampaikan gagasan dan ide dengan cara interaktif, khususnya dalam mengelola perpustakaan dengan kecerdasan emosional yang baik).</p> Eny Supriati Meri Eginitami Addelia Ayu Wulansari Copyright (c) 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 1 1 13 Librarians, Information Technology (IT), and the Digital Native Generation https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/taretan/article/view/14499 <p align="justify">Libraries aim to make the nation smarter by making libraries a primary need in the nation's daily life. The library ideally is a place to fulfill scientific satisfaction for oneself and even the general public. Librarians are human resources in libraries who should know their main duties and functions as librarians in accordance with applicable library legislation. Furthermore, the library digitalization movement is a form of progress launched by the government in facing the era 4.0 or generation Z. Information Technology (IT) has also been widely used by libraries in Indonesia, whether by elementary schools, middle schools, high schools or even high desert library. Furthermore, the role of librarians has also begun to be overwhelmed by the presence of users who are digital native generations with the existence of IT and its devices. The research method in this scientific work uses descriptive qualitative research methods and also uses library research methods. Librarians as human resources really determine whether library management is good or not by providing maximum services to users. Of course, the competence and knowledge of librarians is supported by IT, which can ideally make a library a beacon of knowledge and even the heart of an institution or organization or even the Indonesian nation, where the main goal of libraries is to educate the life of a just and prosperous nation, with adequate knowledge. obtained from the library.</p> Fathan Bashori Affan Copyright (c) 2024 Tarètan: Journal of Library Information System 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 1 14 27 Masyarakat Informasi dan Society 5.0 serta Efektivitas Artificial Intelligence (AI) pada Masyarakat https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/taretan/article/view/14882 <p align="justify">Information society and Society 5.0 are two terms that have gone viral among the information society. People who are starting to be smart in selecting information are experiencing digital euphoria with the presence of digital-based information and Society 5.0, especially among the millennial generation and students from elementary, middle, high school or even higher education levels. The presence of information plus the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Society 5.0 society can ideally lead to increasingly rapid access and even development of information. The research method in this scientific work uses descriptive qualitative research methods and also uses library research methods. The information society is a society where the creation, distribution, use, integration and manipulation of information is an important economic, political and cultural activity and is supported by AI programs that really help ease human work.<br><br>(Masyarakat informasi dan Society 5.0 merupakan dua istilah yang sudah viral di kalangan masyarakat informasi. Masyarakat yang sudah mulai cerdas dalam memilih informasi, mengalami euforia digital dengan hadirnya informasi berbasis digital dan Society 5.0, terutama kalangan generasi milenial dan para peserta didik mulai tingkat dasar, menengah, atas atau bahkan masyarakat perguruan tinggi. Kehadiran informasi ditambah adanya <em>Artificial Intelligence</em> (AI) pada masyarakat Society 5.0 idealnya bisa menyebabkan akses dan bahkan perkembangan informasi semakin pesat. Metode penelitian dalam karya ilmiah ini menggunakan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan juga menggunakan metode <em>library research</em> (penelitian kepustakaan). Masyarakat informasi adalah masyarakat di mana penciptaan, distribusi, penggunaan, integrasi dan manipulasi informasi merupakan aktivitas ekonomi, politik dan budaya yang penting serta didukung dengan adanya program AI yang sangat membantu meringankan pekerjaan manusia).</p> Zaini Copyright (c) 2024 Tarètan: Journal of Library Information System 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 1 28 43 Gerakan Literasi dalam Manajemen Perpustakaan di Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/taretan/article/view/14555 <p align="justify">This research discusses the role of library management in supporting the digital literacy movement at IAIN Madura campus. Digital literacy is becoming increasingly important in today's digital era, where access to information through digital technology has become an integral part of daily life. As an Islamic higher education institution in Madura, IAIN Madura has the responsibility to enhance the digital literacy of its students to prepare them for the increasingly digital demands of the future. Library management plays a crucial role in supporting this effort by providing access to digital information resources, developing digital literacy programs, and facilitating training and workshops related to digital literacy. This research uses a descriptive-analytical method by collecting data through observations, interviews, and document analysis related to library management and digital literacy at IAIN Madura campus. The research findings indicate that the library management has taken significant steps in supporting the digital literacy movement on campus, but there are still some challenges to be addressed, such as limited access to digital information resources and a lack of awareness of the importance of digital literacy among students.</p> <p align="justify">(Penelitian ini membahas peran manajemen perpustakaan dalam mendukung gerakan literasi digital di kampus IAIN Madura. Literasi digital menjadi semakin penting di era digital saat ini, di mana akses terhadap informasi melalui teknologi digital telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari. Kampus IAIN Madura sebagai lembaga pendidikan tinggi Islam di Madura memiliki tanggung jawab untuk meningkatkan literasi digital mahasiswa guna mempersiapkan mereka menghadapi tuntutan masa depan yang semakin digital. Manajemen perpustakaan memegang peran penting dalam mendukung upaya ini dengan menyediakan akses terhadap sumber informasi digital, mengembangkan program literasi digital, dan memfasilitasi pelatihan dan workshop terkait literasi digital. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitis dengan mengumpulkan data melalui observasi, wawancara, dan analisis dokumen terkait manajemen perpustakaan dan literasi digital di kampus IAIN Madura. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa manajemen perpustakaan telah melakukan langkah-langkah yang taktis dalam mendukung gerakan literasi digital di kampus, namun masih terdapat beberapa tantangan yang perlu diatasi, seperti akses terbatas terhadap sumber informasi digital dan kurangnya kesadaran akan pentingnya literasi digital di kalangan mahasiswa).</p> Susi Hardiyanti Rukmana Halimatus Sa'diyah Copyright (c) 2024 Tarètan: Journal of Library Information System 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 1 44 52 Pergeseran Budaya Baca Masyarakat Sampang di Era Digital https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/taretan/article/view/14802 <p align="justify">Reading culture has experienced a major transformation in the current digital era. The aim of this research is to study changes in the reading culture of Indonesian society, especially in Sampang, Madura. Apart from that, this research will also look at how technology influences people's reading interests and habits. This research is qualitative with a descriptive approach and uses observation, interviews and documentation. The research results show that people in Sampang are not very interested in reading, especially children, who prefer playing online games rather than reading books. Reading culture is influenced by digital technology, both positively and negatively. On the one hand, technology makes information more accessible and provides various digital reading sources. On the other hand, digital entertainment and social media can be obstacles that reduce the desire to read. In the digital era, major problems in reading include technological distractions, lack of technological knowledge, security and privacy concerns, digital distractions, and lack of media literacy. To improve the reading culture in Sampang, the government, schools and parents must collaborate to encourage digital and traditional literacy and create an environment that supports reading activities.</p> <p align="justify">(Budaya membaca telah mengalami transformasi besar di era digital saat ini. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mempelajari perubahan dalam budaya membaca masyarakat Indonesia, khususnya di Sampang, Madura. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga akan melihat bagaimana teknologi memengaruhi minat dan kebiasaan membaca orang. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dan menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang-orang di Sampang tidak terlalu tertarik untuk membaca, terutama anak-anak, yang lebih suka bermain game online daripada membaca buku. Budaya baca dipengaruhi oleh teknologi digital, baik secara positif maupun negatif. Di satu sisi, teknologi membuat informasi lebih mudah diakses dan menyediakan berbagai sumber bacaan digital. Di sisi lain, hiburan digital dan media sosial dapat menjadi hambatan yang mengurangi keinginan untuk membaca. Di era digital, masalah utama dalam membaca termasuk gangguan teknologi, kurangnya pengetahuan teknologi, masalah keamanan dan privasi, distraksi digital, dan kurangnya literasi media. Untuk meningkatkan budaya membaca di Sampang, pemerintah, sekolah, dan orang tua harus berkolaborasi untuk mendorong literasi digital dan tradisional serta menciptakan lingkungan yang mendukung aktivitas membaca).</p> Nawal Oktavia Copyright (c) 2024 Tarètan: Journal of Library Information System 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 1 1 53 67