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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

  1. The article is a scientific paper in the form of conceptual ideas or research results.
  2. The article is an original work and has not been published in other print media.
  3. The article can be written in Indonesian, English, or Arabic on A4 paper with 20 -25 pages, provision of writing using the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition.
  4. Authors are required to submit files and print out it by using the program Microsoft Word to send one email to: or through the portal OJS in:
  5. Submission and processing of articles in this journal is free of charge.
  6. Article conceptual includes: (a) title, (b) the name and identity of the author, (c) an abstract (100-150 words), (d) the keyword, (e) introduction, (f) discussion, (g) the cover and (h) bibliography.
  7. Research article including: (a) title, (b) the name and identity of the researcher, (c) an abstract (100-150 words), (d) the keyword, (e) introduction, (f) research methods, (g ) the results of research and discussion, (h) conclusions, and (i) bibliography.
  8. The word derived from Arabic and not be a word in Indonesian uptake using transliteration (as listed on page v) and italics (italic), for example: siyasi, tajdid, al-ijtimâ`îyah.
  9. Footnote have to use the composition as follows:
  • Book: The author's name, comma, book title (italic), an opening parenthesis, a publisher, colon, publisher name, comma, year, closed parenthesis, comma, pages (abbreviated p), point, page numbers, period. Example: Qasim Amin, al-Tahrir al-Mar'ah Mar'ah wa al-Jadidah (Cairo: al-Markaz al-`Arabî li al-Bahts wa al-Nasyr, 1984),. 78.
  • Journal/magazine: The author's name, comma, quotation marks, the title of the article, quotes, comma, name of the journal / magazine (italic), comma, volume, comma, number, comma, parenthesis, moonrise, comma, year of publication, cover parenthesis, comma, pages (abbreviated p), point, page numbers, period. Example: David Sagiv, "Judge Ashmawi and Islamic militants in Egypt", Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 28, No. 3 (July, 1992),. 86.
  • Website: The author's name, comma, quotation marks, the title of the article/headline writing, quotation marks, commas, provided the source (italic), coma, writing edition, colon, website address, point. Example: Azyumardi Azra, "Religion and Islamic authenticity", Republika, October 25, 2002: id: 16. (accessed on 23 June 2003).
  • Works of translation: the author's name, comma, title (italic), coma, said trans., A translator, an opening parenthesis, a publisher, comma, publisher name, comma, year, closing parenthesis, comma, pp., Comma, page number. Example: C. Barker, Cultural Studies; Theory and Practice, trans. Tim Key Cultural Studies Center (Yogyakarta: Landscape, 2005),. 45.
  • Newspaper: The author's name, comma, title (in quotation marks), the comma, the name of the newspaper (italic), an opening parenthesis, date, month, and year of publication, the closing parenthesis), coma, pp., page numbers, and the point. Example: Muhammadun, Conscious Spirit Regeneration Mandela ", Jawa Pos (7 December 2013),. 4.
  • Thesis / Dissertation: name, comma, title (in quotes), open parenthesis, thesis or doctoral dissertation M.A./Ph.D., comma, the name of the college, the college, the year for thesis or dissertation, a closing parenthesis , comma, page numbers and dots. Example: Ljubica Malinajdovska, "The acculturation of Macedonian Immigrants in the United States" (Ph.D. Dissertation, the Kent State University College and Graduate School of Education, Health, and Human Services, Kent, 2006),. 56.
  • Government Official Documents Published by Publisher Without An Author and Without Institute: the title of the document name (Italic), an opening parenthesis, a publisher, colon, publisher name, comma, the publisher, closing parenthesis, comma, page number, period. Example: Act No. 20/2003 in National Education System (Jakarta: Arta Duta Mas, 1994),. 12.
  • Papers Presented in Scientific Meeting: author's name, comma, title of paper (italic), comma, followed by the statement; Paper presented ... (name of the meeting), written in plain (not italics or underline), coma, the providers, open parenthesis, venue, colon, month and year of the implementation date, the closing parenthesis, comma, page number, period. Example: Wildan, Metodologi Penelitian Wacana Kebudayaan, paper has presented in Pelatihan Penelitian Kualitatif bagi Dosen STAIN Pamekasan dan Dosen PTAIS/PTU se Madura, P3M STAIN Pamekasan (Pamekasan: 22 Januari 2013),. 5.
  • Encyclopedia: The author's name entry, commas, quotation marks open, the title entry, close quotation marks, commas, name encyclopaedia, vol. (volume) (if any), ed. (editor), open parenthesis, a publisher, colon, publisher name, comma, the publisher, closing parenthesis, comma, page numbers and dots. Example: Evan M. Zuesse, "Ritual", in The Encyclopedia of Religion, Vol. 11, ed. Mircea Eliade (New York: Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1995),. 405.
  • Al-Qur'an: The word of Al-Qur’an, comma, letter name, an opening parenthesis, the letters number, a closing parenthesis, colon, paragraph numbers and dot. Example: the Qur'an, al-Baqarah (2): 34. If that is quoted in the translation form of  Qur’an verses, or Al-Qur'an and translation, then how to write it written in full as usual. Example: Ministry of Religious Affairs, the Koran and Terjemahnya (Surabaya: Crown, 1989), pp., 119
  • The source is not clear, if the place, the name or the publication does not exist in a book or journal, it must be marked (without place [publisher]), t.p. (without [name] publisher) and t.t. (without the year [publishing]). In addition, a question mark (?) Should also be used, if one element in the identity of the doubt because it is not written clearly. Example: al-Nawawi, al-Majmoo 'Sharh al-Muhadzdzab, vol. 5 ( al-Maktabah al-Salafi, 1950),. 34. HAR Gibb, Modern Trends in Islam (Chicago: tp, 1947),. 67. M. Hatta, "Political Synthesis", Flow Islam (February, 194?),. 45.
  • Arabic sources. Arabic writing source must be transliterated with transliteration style following the Arabic-Indonesian each piece in the identity of the source transliterated exactly like the original, except for the name of the place of publication, adjusted standardized place names in Indonesian. Example: Abû Ishaq Ibrahim al-Shirazi, Sharh al-Luma ', Volume I (Beirut: Dar al-Gharb al-Islami, 1989),. 158-9.

9. Bibliography use composition as follows:

  • Books: author last name, comma, first name, period. The title of the book, point, town publisher, colon, publisher name, comma, year, period. Example: Zuhaylî, Wahbah al. Al-Wasit fi Usul al-Fiqh al-Islami. Damascus: Dar Al-Mustaqbah, 1986.
  • Journals: Last name author, comma, first name, dot, the post title (in quotes), the point, the name of the journal (italic), comma, numbers, commas volume, open parenthesis, month, comma, year, parentheses, period. Example: Hamdany, Deny. "Cultural System of Cirebonese People: Tradition of Maulidan in the Kanoman Kraton". Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences, volume 4, number 1 (July, 2012).

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