El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/elnubuwwah <p align="justify">The El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis (Print ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20230627431035938" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2988-1943</a>; Online ISSN <a href="https://issn.brin.go.id/terbit/detail/20230627310984519" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2988-1528</a>) aims to encourage and promote the study of the Hadith and Hadith Sciences from a wide range of scholarly perspectives. &nbsp;The topic covers all related issues on the study of the Hadis and Hadith Sciences, including: &nbsp;new and progressive issues on scholarly study of all aspects of Hadith and Hadith Sciences related, but not limited, to Islamic teachings resources, Islamic thoughts, philosophy, geography, history, law, political science, economics, education, culture, anthropology, sociology, literature, Islamic propagation (da'wa), communication, psychology, science and technology, international relations, environmental and developmental issues, as well as ethical questions related to Hadith and Hadith Sciences research available all around the world. <span style="font-size: small; text-align: justify;">in collaboration with</span></p> <p align="justify">The El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis is published regularly <strong>twice a year</strong> in <strong>June and December</strong>. This journal is published by Hadith Sciences Department, Faculty of Ushuluddin and Dakwah, Islamic State Institute of Madura collaboration with <a href="https://www.asilha.com/jurnal/" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>the Association of Indonesian Hadith Sciences</strong> (ASILHA)</a>.<span style="font-size: small; text-align: justify;">in collaboration with</span></p> Prodi Ilmu Hadis Fakultas Ushuluddin dan Dakwah Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura en-US El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis 2988-1943 Urgensi Pendekatan Multi-Interdisiplin pada Kajian Hadis di Ma’had Aly https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/elnubuwwah/article/view/12519 <p><em>Sivagowri Sivagurunathan, Rudhad Ilaina, Suud Sarim Karimullah, and Moh Mansur Abdul Haq mention that there are many cases that cannot be explained or resolved using only one disciplinary approach, including in the study of Islam. However, on the other hand, the multi-interdisciplinary approach in hadith studies at Ma'had Aly Tebuireng does not touch even one-third of its monodisciplinary studies. Through literature review and case study research on the final projects of Ma'had Aly Tebuireng students, the researchers sought to depict the condition of the hadith study climate at Ma'had Aly Tebuireng. The first finding is that the condition of hadith studies depicted in the research pattern of Ma'had Aly Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng is still predominantly monodisciplinary. Monodisciplinary studies account for about 70%. This is evidenced by the theses written from 2020 to 2023. On the other hand, the multi-interdisciplinary approach in hadith studies at Ma'had Aly Tebuireng is still below 10%. However, there are several approaches that can support hadith studies, such as hermeneutics, stylistics, and ethnography. This is the second finding of this research. Therefore, approaches beyond the discipline of hadith become an urgency in the study of hadith at Ma'had Aly Hasyim.</em></p> Yuniar Indra Yahya Copyright (c) 2024 El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 1 26 10.19105/elnubuwwah.v2i1.12519 Pemikiran Hadis Kaum Modernis Indonesia https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/elnubuwwah/article/view/13061 <p>This paper analyzes Soekarno’s thoughts on hadith. Hadith studies that have developed so far are still Arab-oriented, rarely in the context of Indonesia. Using the descriptive-analytical method, this paper tries to explain Soekarno's hadith thoughts that are scattered in several of his books. Soekarno is known as a modernist thinker who is critical in reading religious discourses, including hadith. Among the themes of hadith studies raised by Soekarno in this paper are the importance of hadith studies, ḍa’īf hadith, and the methods of understanding hadith</p> Muhammad Anshori Copyright (c) 2024 El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 27 54 10.19105/elnubuwwah.v2i1.13061 Pemahaman Hadis tentang Kewajiban Wudu https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/elnubuwwah/article/view/11281 <p>The science of hadith sharia is the study of the meaning or explanation contained in a hadith. In studying a hadith, there are several supporting sciences involved, one of which is the science of hadith sharia. When studying the science of hadith sharia, one will also learn about the methods used to explain a hadith. These methods are what help scholars to explain hadiths that are not yet fully understood by readers. Some of the methods used to explain hadiths are the analytical, ijmali, and muqarrin methods. This paper will focus more on the ijmali method used to explain hadiths. The data in this study was obtained from library research sources. The purpose of this study is to understand what the ijmali method is and to understand the hadith sharia about the obligation of wudu for every prayer in one of the hadith sharia books that uses the ijmali method in its explanation.</p> Muhid Muhid Hani Pratiwi Copyright (c) 2024 El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 55 74 10.19105/elnubuwwah.v2i1.11281 Etika Interaksi Sosial dalam Pola Meminta Izin Memasuki Rumah Perspektif Hadis https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/elnubuwwah/article/view/11075 <p>The moral decline that has occurred in the current era of globalization has caused concern in the community. The absence of etiquette when entering other people's homes, the absence of asking permission to enter the house, the absence of prior notification is often found in this day and age. This is contrary to the teachings of Shari'ah, which principle is that Adab is above knowledge. It is better for someone to be civilized but have little knowledge than someone who has a lot of knowledge but is not civilized. Basically, there cannot be any Shari'a demands unless there must be something bad behind it all that must be abandoned. Islam does not only demand knowledge, but must instill Adab first. Surely this is a problem of the people that must be addressed immediately. The purpose of this study is to provide a detailed description of the Prophet's explanation of what procedures / ethics must be considered in entering someone else's house in order to avoid disputes or protect the disgrace of the homeowner. This research collects data through a qualitative approach in the form of a literature review which includes articles, journals, theses, and books. The result of this research is to provide an understanding and emphasis on the importance of the ethics of asking permission in terms of visiting other people's homes. The conclusion of this study also implies that parents should instill good manners from an early age to children, especially the manners of visiting other people's homes.</p> Yandri Agusta Putra Copyright (c) 2024 El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 75 88 10.19105/elnubuwwah.v2i1.11075 Analisis Pelaksanaan Perceraian di Depan Sidang Pengadilan Agama Perspektif Ma’anil Hadis https://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/elnubuwwah/article/view/11672 <p>Divorce is an emergency exit from continuous family conflict. Islam permits divorce but is hated by Allah swt for reasons prohibited by Islamic law. The reality in the community is that there is an incomplete understanding because of the disparity between the provisions of positive law and the hadith that divorce is granted even in jest or in a serious situation and without intention. The position of the court in organising the administration of marriage is very important. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyse the hadith of divorce even in jest or in seriousness and without intention whether it can be used as a basis or is no longer relevant. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection in this research is through literature study. Meanwhile, the data analysis is carried out by examination, classification, verification, analysis and conclusion. The result of the study is that the hadith of the fall of divorce even in jest or in a serious situation and without intention can be used as a basis and as a warning to everyone to be careful in guarding the tongue, especially the issue of divorce. If contextualised with the lives of people in Indonesia, divorce not in front of the court cannot guarantee that it can avoid negative things, especially the fate of women and children after divorce, considering that there are benefits that will be obtained if the divorce is carried out in front of a court session.</p> <p><span class="fontstyle0">&nbsp;</span></p> Moh. Rafi Irvanul Vaza Copyright (c) 2024 El Nubuwwah: Jurnal Studi Hadis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 2 1 89 107 10.19105/elnubuwwah.v2i1.11672