The Influence of Brand Image, Price, Service Quality, and Product Reviews on Shopee Consumer Purchasing Decisions in Surabaya

  • Rima Febrianti Supatmo Universitas Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya
  • Jovi Iristian Universitas Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya
  • Gisti Riza Adistie Universitas Dr. Soetomo
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The purpose of the research is to find out the effect of brand image, price, service quality and product reviews on Shopee's consumer purchasing decisions in Surabaya. The methods in this study used a quantitative approach with SPSS Version 25. Sources of this study use primary data. Collection of research data using questionnaires. The study sample was 150 respondents using Infinite Population techniques. The findings of this study are that the variables of brand image, service quality and product reviews directly affect the purchase decision of Shopee consumers in Surabaya. However, there was no direct effect on the purchase decision of Shopee consumers in Surabaya. However, together, the variables of brand image, price, service quality and product review together affect the decision to purchase Shopee consumers in Surabaya.


Keywords: Brand Image, Price, Service Quality, Product Review and Consumer Purchase Decisions


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