EPISTEMOLOGI KEILMUAN HUKUM ISLAM (Sebuah Tawaran Konsep Alternatif)

  • Idri Shaffat Dosen Tetap Jurusan Syari’ah STAIN Pamekasan, Jl. Raya Panglegur Km. 04 Pamekasan
Abstract views: 204 , PDF downloads: 501


This article tries to explain about the study of
epistemological approach to the science of Islamic law,
describing the definition of Islamic law, the analytical
methods of Islamic law science, and the procedures to
analyze the study of Islamic law science. The analytical
methods of Islamic law science elucidated in this article are
in accordance with deductive-coherence method, inductivecorrespondence
method, phenomenological method, as well
as functional-structural method. While the procedures to
analyze the study of Islamic law science conducted with
three approach that are taxonomy analysis, competency
analysis, and information processing. Through the analytical
methods and the procedures of the study of Islamic law
science, it is expected that the science of Islamic law
epistemologically can be developed as long as the growth of
science and technology.


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