About the Journal

Focus and Scope

The journal focuses on the issue of Islamic Jurisprudence, Law and social sciences concerning plurality and living values in Southeast Asia. The social sciences that Al-Ihkam specializes in consist of religious studies, anthropology, criminology, economics, history, philosophy, political sciences, sociology and social psychology. The contents of both articles and research reports of the journal range from established and applied Jurisprudence in Southeast Asian society, local culture, to various approaches on legal studies. This journal warmly welcomes contributions from scholars with related disciplines. Novelty and recency of issues, however, are the priority in publishing.

Peer Review Process
The journal follows double blind peer review policy. The paper is sent to many reviewers (the experts in respective field) to review the paper in the light of journal's guidelines and features of a quality research paper. For papers which require changes, the same reviewers will be used to ensure that the quality of the revised paper is acceptable.
The journal follows a systematic review and publication policy:
Step - 1: The submitted manuscript is acknowledged within 12-24 hours upon receipt.
Step - 2: The manuscript/paper is sent to many reviewers (paper without the name and affiliations of the author(s). The review process takes maximum two weeks.
Step - 3: The review reports are collected from the reviewers and the executive editor will send the review reports to the authors including all terms and conditions of the publication.
Step - 4: If the paper is accepted subject to modification, the executive editor will send the review reports to the author/corresponding author including a formal request to modify the paper by seven days as per the suggestions of the reviewers. The executive author will send the modified paper to the same reviewers of the said paper to justify the modifications. If the paper is again returned by the reviewers, the paper is said to be finally rejected. The journal will not proceed with the said paper. However, in case of very minor changes, the editorial board may consider the paper for further modifications.
Step - 5: The accepted paper is processed for publication (soft copy) upon the successful completion of the journal’s terms and conditions.
Step - 6: Proof Reading. The executive editor will send the processed paper for publication (MS Word) to the author/corresponding author for proof reading.
Step - 7: The paper is published online first. The executive editor will notify the author/corresponding author about online publication with necessary download link. The author/corresponding author may request for any correction in published paper (in case of extremely important changes) within one week of online publication.
Step - 8: The journal is published in print within one until two weeks of online publication.
Step - 9: The executive editor will ask the authors of the published papers to send their correct and complete mailing address (with proper ZIP Code and postal code) by one week after print publication.
Step - 10: The executive editor will send the hard copy of the al-Ihkam journal if possible to the authors within one or two months after print publication.

Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Screening for Plagiarism
To check the possibility of plagiarism, using the application Turnitin app.
The article must below 20% of plagiarism.

Plagiarism include
Word for word Plagiarism. The author uses the words of other authors (exactly) without mentioning the source.
Plagiarism over the source. The author uses the idea of others without giving enough recognition (without mentioning the source expressly).
Plagiarism of Authorship. The author acknowledged as the author of the paperwork of others.
Self Plagiarism. Included in this type are authors publish one article in more than one editor of the publication. And recycle paper/papers. That is important in self-plagiarism is that when taking his own works, then the creation of new works produced must have a meaningful change. This means that the old Works is a small part of the new works were produced. So readers will get new stuff, which is really the author of pour on the paper using the old paper.

Journal History

  1. Al-Ihkam journal is published by Sharia Department of STAIN Pamekasan. It was firstly published in 2006 based on the Decree of Chairman of STAIN Pamekasan Number: Sti.21.3/PP.00.9/106/06/2006
  2. Since 2014, the publication has been in collaboration with The Islamic Law Researcher Association (APHI)
  3. Starting fromVolume 10 1 2015, the journal is accessible online at http://ejournal.stainpamekasan.ac.id/index.php/alihkam/index. therefore all articles published by Al Ihkam will have unique DOI number
  4. Since 2015, the journal has been awarded an accreditation "B" based on the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia decree number 12 /M/Kp/II/2015 about results of scientific journals Accreditation Period II 2014 dated 11 February 2015 and valid until 11 February 2020
  5. Starting from Volume 11 1 2016 (11 July 2016), it added The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
  6. Starting from Volume 13 No. 1 2018, the publisher institution is changed to Faculty of Shariah State Islamic Institute of Madura
  7. Starting from Volume 14 No. 1 2019, the Sirahan title is added into the template of al-Ihkam Journal
  8. Starting from Volume 14 No. 1 2019, the journal logo is changed into a colourful and more interesting one
  9. Starting from Volume 14 No. 1 2019, the journal publishes its articles in either English or Arabic languages
  10. Starting from Volume 14 No. 1 2019, the journal’s url has moved from http://ejournal.stainpamekasan.ac.id/index.php/alihkam/index to http://ejournal.iainmadura.ac.id/index.php/alihkam/index
  11. The journal has been accredited (SINTA 2) by The Ministry of Research Tecnology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia decree (SK Dirjen Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kementerian Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi) number 30/E/KPT/2019
  12. The journal was awarded as The First Awardee of Constitution Prize on Scientific Journal of Law and National Constitution 2019 from Indonesian Constitutional Court
  13. Since February 2021, the journal has upgraded its online publication platform using OJS-3 with the same URL addcress.
  14. Since August 2021, the journal has been accredited (SINTA 1)
  15. Since August 2021, the journal has been indexed in Scopus