Fatwā on The Ruling of Hajj Without Taṣrīh; The Case of Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims in 2024

  • Ahmad Nabilul Maram Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Imam Ghazali Said Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Titik Triwulan Tutik Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya
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Keywords: Hajj without taṣrīh; Fatwā; Sharia law; Regulation; Indonesia


Compliance with government regulations and religious fatwas is essential to ensure the legality and safety of the hajj pilgrimage. However, performing hajj without a tarīh (official visa) has become a significant issue, particularly for Indonesian pilgrims with long waiting periods for official visas. This study examines the perspectives of religious scholars and fatwā institutions on the validity of hajj without tarīh factors that contribute to non-compliance and policy recommendations for Indonesian and Saudi authorities to address these violations. Using a qualitative case study approach, the research includes direct observation, in-depth interviews, and thematic analysis to explore the reasons and experiences of unauthorized pilgrims while depicting the perspectives of religious authorities and community leaders. Findings reveal that tarīh violations involve various actors, including individual pilgrims, public officials, and religious leaders like kiai, who use their influence to facilitate unauthorized hajj. Conflicting fatwas from authorities such as Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, and Hay'ah Kibār al-ʻUlamā’ add complexity to the issue. This study highlights the need for harmonized fatwā issuance and enhanced education on the implications of unauthorized hajj. Policy recommendations aim to improve compliance, align Sharia law with government regulations, and ensure a safe, orderly pilgrimage.


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