Legal Protection for Disputing Parties through the Aceh Customary Court

Article 13 paragraph (1) of the Aceh Qanun Number 9 of 2008 on the Development of Customary and Indigenous Life discussing customary disputes mentions that ideally, the customary court can solve customary disputes. However, sometimes, it can not solve all cases and provide legal protection for all disputing parties. This study aims to explain the process of resolving private disputes through the customary court and providing legal protection for the parties. This type of research was empirical juridical with qualitative analysis. The results showed that a dispute resolution process could be done through two models. First is through customary judicature using formalized procedures by involving customary instruments. Second is using positive law indicator by not providing legal protection for the parties. Certain parties will typically file a lawsuit again after getting the customary court's decision. This research suggests collaboration among the Government, the Police, and the Customary Assembly in consistently promoting the customary court and improving the quality of customary instruments.
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