Al-Qur’ân stipulation on syûrâ, as principal law, is exceedingly
short; the detailed ways to perform it has been absence. The
Holy Qur’ân does not persist whether the social problems must
be determined on the basis of syûrâ, also on the matter that is
syûrâ specifically applicable on government issues? Yet the
Prophet Muhammad saw. didn’t recommend certain outlines to
be followed. It was reflected on the method of leader
substitution done by khalîfah after his period of time. The
process of substitution was merely different among one to
another. The unspecific explanation on syûrâ, takes it into a
flexible, smooth and appropriate to any situation and to the
whole social problems. Consequently, the concept of al-Qur’ân
on syûrâ is not identical with democracy, though its idea has
highly appreciated the major opinion as stated in democracy
short; the detailed ways to perform it has been absence. The
Holy Qur’ân does not persist whether the social problems must
be determined on the basis of syûrâ, also on the matter that is
syûrâ specifically applicable on government issues? Yet the
Prophet Muhammad saw. didn’t recommend certain outlines to
be followed. It was reflected on the method of leader
substitution done by khalîfah after his period of time. The
process of substitution was merely different among one to
another. The unspecific explanation on syûrâ, takes it into a
flexible, smooth and appropriate to any situation and to the
whole social problems. Consequently, the concept of al-Qur’ân
on syûrâ is not identical with democracy, though its idea has
highly appreciated the major opinion as stated in democracy
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