KDRT (domestic violence) must be ended. Both wife and
husband come to a conclusion to finish it. However, it
doesn't mean that the role of a husband, as discipline
upholder, has to be denied. Islam does not agree with it.
As an Imam (leader), a husband must maintain moral
values to establish a peaceful and perfect harmonious
family. UU. No 23 Th. 2004 implicitly states that domestic
violence is any violence types occurring in a family. A
husband has been a person who always be blamed on in
this case. This article analyzes a kind of violence
committed by a husband against the family members---
children and wife from the perspective of Fiqh (Islamic
husband come to a conclusion to finish it. However, it
doesn't mean that the role of a husband, as discipline
upholder, has to be denied. Islam does not agree with it.
As an Imam (leader), a husband must maintain moral
values to establish a peaceful and perfect harmonious
family. UU. No 23 Th. 2004 implicitly states that domestic
violence is any violence types occurring in a family. A
husband has been a person who always be blamed on in
this case. This article analyzes a kind of violence
committed by a husband against the family members---
children and wife from the perspective of Fiqh (Islamic
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