MORALIS (Paradigma Baru dalam Etika Bisnis Modern)

  • Rudi Haryanto Dosen Jurusan Syari’ah STAIN Pamekasan, Jl. Raya Panglegur Km. 04 Pamekasan
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Human life naturally needs a perfect moral norm system to
bridge social clash caused by the different right and
interest. In this condition, the uniformity of values is
required by human to create a well-ordered life. It is
religion, as the highest authority of truth that could launch
a uniformity of values. Islam, as the total way of life, has
purposed a sequence of business concepts containing a
universal moral-ethic principle. According to Islamic
concept, business and moral cannot be separated to each
other. An Islamic business moral ethic values reflects
unity, equilibrium, free will, responsibility, truth, good
deeds and honesty. This article discloses how a business
must be run on the basis of Islamic business moral ethic
values. Some people assume the practice of Islamic
business generates a gap between ideality and reality.
However, an intensive study on these concepts has been
done to establish Islamic moral ethic values becoming
business reference. Consequently, an ethic-expectation of
society demands business activists that are moralists. This
is to uphold ethic in business as well as to survive in
running it.


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