At the end of 2008, the super power United States suffered from
economic crisis. It shocked the world since US economic policy
legalizes capitalism. Not only US experienced the crisis but also
other countries did, including Indonesia. The crisis repeatedly
occurs many times however it is unstoppable. Only those that
apply Islamic economic system endures the crisis. They are
Arabian countries. The questions had been purposed is that how
come the capitalism easily injured crisis? The hypothetical
answer is that because economic capitalism allows the practice
of maghrib, the acronym of maysir, gharar, and riba’. These have
been insulted in Syariah economical system. Ironically, these
three concepts of capitalism have been applied and adopted by
conventional banking such as stock exchange, insurances and
money market. These are suspiciously caused the downfall of
conventional financing system. This brief article is about to
describe the prohibition of riba (bribery) practice.
economic crisis. It shocked the world since US economic policy
legalizes capitalism. Not only US experienced the crisis but also
other countries did, including Indonesia. The crisis repeatedly
occurs many times however it is unstoppable. Only those that
apply Islamic economic system endures the crisis. They are
Arabian countries. The questions had been purposed is that how
come the capitalism easily injured crisis? The hypothetical
answer is that because economic capitalism allows the practice
of maghrib, the acronym of maysir, gharar, and riba’. These have
been insulted in Syariah economical system. Ironically, these
three concepts of capitalism have been applied and adopted by
conventional banking such as stock exchange, insurances and
money market. These are suspiciously caused the downfall of
conventional financing system. This brief article is about to
describe the prohibition of riba (bribery) practice.
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