the basic 0f Islamic ekonomy, it is actually
different with the basic of Modern Economic System.
Because of the view of islam for ekonomy have the
characteristic what may be in Modern Economic System.
Islam has the guidence based the Al-Qur’ an and Hadist
and the guidence has the interpretation. The system
difference between Islam versus Modern System bears a
conclusion : Islamic Ekonomy continuesly and by the all
aspects compleyely concerning humanism. Islam has a
economic system having the principle of responsibility
towards a social community, social living have ability and
population economic stimulation. So for the last wise is
done by government will always relate with all element of
society. There are some economic system is not ruled yet in
the sources of Islamic law, as the poroblems of ekonomic
system; BUDGET, so it needs to be new Ijtihad, therefore,
that system always bases on the social service and in line
with the guidence of islamic law.
different with the basic of Modern Economic System.
Because of the view of islam for ekonomy have the
characteristic what may be in Modern Economic System.
Islam has the guidence based the Al-Qur’ an and Hadist
and the guidence has the interpretation. The system
difference between Islam versus Modern System bears a
conclusion : Islamic Ekonomy continuesly and by the all
aspects compleyely concerning humanism. Islam has a
economic system having the principle of responsibility
towards a social community, social living have ability and
population economic stimulation. So for the last wise is
done by government will always relate with all element of
society. There are some economic system is not ruled yet in
the sources of Islamic law, as the poroblems of ekonomic
system; BUDGET, so it needs to be new Ijtihad, therefore,
that system always bases on the social service and in line
with the guidence of islamic law.
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