BURGELIJK WETBOEK (Menelusuri Sejarah Hukum Pemberlakuannya di Indonesia)

Burgelijk Wetboek or the book of civil law is historically
derived from Dutch. It has been applied on the basis of
concordancy principle; in fact, the legislative institution
has not published civil laws that being coded and unified
yet. It is urgent to apply new laws that exclusively manage
law of contract (in particular or general) as a part of civil
laws, in order to support the economic activity of nation.
Dutch has already revised their own Burgelijk Weboek that
has been applied in Indonesia.
derived from Dutch. It has been applied on the basis of
concordancy principle; in fact, the legislative institution
has not published civil laws that being coded and unified
yet. It is urgent to apply new laws that exclusively manage
law of contract (in particular or general) as a part of civil
laws, in order to support the economic activity of nation.
Dutch has already revised their own Burgelijk Weboek that
has been applied in Indonesia.
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