ILMU USHUL FIQH (Kajian Ontologis dan Aksiologis)

  • Muhyar Fanani Dosen Pascasarjana IAIN Walisongo Semarang
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At first, Islamic law is a law which encompasses all aspects of
life. In reality, Islamic law only becomes a marginal law. Most of
observers said that its fault is on the methodology aspect that is
Islamic legal theory. Therefore, the effort of this theory
development cannot be avoided. The figures of Islamic legal
theory such as Fazlur Rahman (Pakistan), Mahmoud
Muhammad Taha (Sudan), Abdullahi Ahmed an-Na’im (Sudan-
USA), Muhammad Sa’id Asymawi (Egypt), and Abd al-Hamid
A. Sulaymân (Arab-Malay) remind Moslems to develop this
theory. This writing tries to accept their invitation based on
philosophy perspective, that is a perspective which has not been
used by them.


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