In general, the interpretation of the Qur’an is based on
the Sunnah Rasulullah SAW explanation (tafsîr bi alma'tsûr)
and the results of the experts thought of ijtihad
(tafsîr bi al-ma'qûl) and both must go hand in hand and
complement each other. Interpretation of the holy verses
of the Qur’an have been carried out by the mufassirîn
from various streams such as Sunni, Shi'a and Mu'tazilite
and in many ways we see the various differences of
interpretation that they are doing whether in relation to
issues of fiqh, philosophy and related to the verses, and
the different interpretations that they have done is
something that no longer disputed. All the teachings of
Islâm, including about tawhid discussed in the science of
kalam is derived from the Qur’an and the hadits, both of
the flow Khawarij, Murji'ah, Asy'ariyah, Mu'tazilite, all of
which underlie their views with the two-runway, but
because there are different interpretations of the Qur’an
made by each of these streams then arises the theological
understandings that vary as well.
the Sunnah Rasulullah SAW explanation (tafsîr bi alma'tsûr)
and the results of the experts thought of ijtihad
(tafsîr bi al-ma'qûl) and both must go hand in hand and
complement each other. Interpretation of the holy verses
of the Qur’an have been carried out by the mufassirîn
from various streams such as Sunni, Shi'a and Mu'tazilite
and in many ways we see the various differences of
interpretation that they are doing whether in relation to
issues of fiqh, philosophy and related to the verses, and
the different interpretations that they have done is
something that no longer disputed. All the teachings of
Islâm, including about tawhid discussed in the science of
kalam is derived from the Qur’an and the hadits, both of
the flow Khawarij, Murji'ah, Asy'ariyah, Mu'tazilite, all of
which underlie their views with the two-runway, but
because there are different interpretations of the Qur’an
made by each of these streams then arises the theological
understandings that vary as well.
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