KAWIN PAKSA (Problem Kewenangan Wali dan Hak Perempuan dalam Penentuan Jodoh)

Religion teaching is connected with the forms of such as the
freedom of choosing, deciding, and doing or not doing
something in positive way. Unfortunately, the freedom often
causes the problem in implementation, such as the freedom of
choosing or deciding the mate that often ends in the practice of
force marriage. It is a relational problem between parents and
their children in deciding their children’s mate because both of
them keep their wish stubbornly that claim as their rights. Their
parents think that they has authority in deciding their mate to
their children because they think ijbar right is theirs. On the
other hand, the children also think that they have the right to
decide their mate by themselves. Islam protects human rights in
everything including the right to their daughter in deciding
their mate.
freedom of choosing, deciding, and doing or not doing
something in positive way. Unfortunately, the freedom often
causes the problem in implementation, such as the freedom of
choosing or deciding the mate that often ends in the practice of
force marriage. It is a relational problem between parents and
their children in deciding their children’s mate because both of
them keep their wish stubbornly that claim as their rights. Their
parents think that they has authority in deciding their mate to
their children because they think ijbar right is theirs. On the
other hand, the children also think that they have the right to
decide their mate by themselves. Islam protects human rights in
everything including the right to their daughter in deciding
their mate.
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