The main characteristic of a law is capacity to force included
Islamic law. Islamic law has God (rabbaniyah) as its source to
people (insâniyah), that all aspects related with people
concerned by Islamic law. When Islamic law is in confrontration
with nation context, so a khilafah or a power that sides with the
benefit and avoids kemafsadatan. It is the first and main purpose
of force capacity in Islamic law. Dialectical thinking about Islam
in substantif and formality becomes the irrefutable reality. The
first way to make Islamic law becomes rahmatan li al-‘âlamînin is
actualization from Islamic law that becomes a togetherness
increases people life to be better in all domain both internal and
external domain.
Islamic law. Islamic law has God (rabbaniyah) as its source to
people (insâniyah), that all aspects related with people
concerned by Islamic law. When Islamic law is in confrontration
with nation context, so a khilafah or a power that sides with the
benefit and avoids kemafsadatan. It is the first and main purpose
of force capacity in Islamic law. Dialectical thinking about Islam
in substantif and formality becomes the irrefutable reality. The
first way to make Islamic law becomes rahmatan li al-‘âlamînin is
actualization from Islamic law that becomes a togetherness
increases people life to be better in all domain both internal and
external domain.
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