Zakat is a worship mâliyah ijtimâ’iyah that has very important
and strategic position in empowering and development of
economic welfare in society. Because of that, zakat can function
as an instrument of even distribution of society’s economy. But
this function is not longer felt by the society because of some
reasons. The first, the knowledge of society to their treasure that
zakat must be given is limited to the konventional sources. The
second, the mechanism of zakat distribution is still traditional
konsumptif. In such a way, the function of instrumentatif zakat
as a media of mental learning mustahiq to put productive way
forward in financing is not reached. Therefore, the
understanding of society. management and its distribution
need refreshing. This writing discusses how zakat can really
function as the solution of imbalance society’s economy.
and strategic position in empowering and development of
economic welfare in society. Because of that, zakat can function
as an instrument of even distribution of society’s economy. But
this function is not longer felt by the society because of some
reasons. The first, the knowledge of society to their treasure that
zakat must be given is limited to the konventional sources. The
second, the mechanism of zakat distribution is still traditional
konsumptif. In such a way, the function of instrumentatif zakat
as a media of mental learning mustahiq to put productive way
forward in financing is not reached. Therefore, the
understanding of society. management and its distribution
need refreshing. This writing discusses how zakat can really
function as the solution of imbalance society’s economy.
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