Between Tradition and Religious Doctrine: Questioning Kiai’s Status as Zakāt Recipient

Commonly, people pay their zakāt to aṣnāf groups based on their preferences and considerations. However, in Madura, the distribution of zakāt continues to adhere to the traditional notion, wherein it is mainly allocated and prioritized to kiai. This faces a debatable phenomenon whether Kiai could be zakāt recipients or not. Therefore, this research aims to explore the diversification role of Kiai in zakāt payment and describe the theological and social construction among zakāt payment in Madura. The present study employed qualitative research methodologies, specifically utilizing interviews as the primary data collection technique. The participants in this study included kiai, community members, and leaders from Madurese community. This research study indicates that the Madurese Muslim community designates kiai as mustahīqq zakāt under masākīn, fī sabīlillāh, and amīl categories. The diversification of the Kiai’s role is predicated upon the theological perspective held by Madurese Muslim community which posits that the kiai is a rightful recipient of zakāt. Additionally, Madurese Muslim community keeps a social perception that kiai is a revered individual deserving of compensation. Consequently, even though Madurese people understand the existence of religious doctrine to whom they have to spend zakāt, they still prioritize giving zakāt to kiai as the result of their typical social construction.
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