KARSA is a peer-reviewed and open-access journal published by Islamic State University of Madura every June and December. KARSA is an accredited national journal in Indonesia that has been most cited in the field of social studies and Islamic culture from 2012 until the present. Since 2015, KARSA: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Keislaman has reflected the Islamic State University of Madura's strong commitment to publishing the best of multidisciplinary research, arts and humanities, social studies, environmental or ecological studies, including decision studies, gender studies, theoretical or empirically grounded, contemporary or interdisciplinary research in a social and cultural investigation, especially in ethnic or socio-cultural studies and related areas on Southeast Asia, Western Europe, and Indo-Pacific region. KARSA is intended for a regional and global readership. This journal aims to promote excellent, agenda-setting scholarship and provide a forum for dialogue and collaboration within and beyond the region. Karsa has implemented quality assurance standards for journal articles by inviting members of the editorial board from several countries, including Indonesia, The United Kingdom, Malaysia, Singapore, Netherlands, Germany, Brunei, Canada, Czech Republic, China, France, Japan, Australia, Belgium, United States of America, Sweden, Turkey, Irlandia, Republic of Uzbekistan, Thailand, Austria, and The Russian Federation.

Current Issue

Vol. 32 No. 1 (2024)
Published: 2024-06-23


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