Robinah: A Dignified Women in the Dutch East Indies in Dutch Colonial Era

  • Latifatul Izzah Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jember, Jember
  • Eko Ariwidodo Center for Social and Southeast Asian Studies, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura, Pamekasan
  • Andang Subaharianto Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jember, Jember
  • IG. Krisnadi Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jember, Jember
  • Suharto Suharto Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jember, Jember
  • Neneng Afiah Manyar Senior High School, Gresik
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Keywords: Robinah, concubinage, Dutch colonial era, indigenous women, respected status


Dutch colonialism from 1860 to 1935 witnessed a prevalent phenomenon of indigenous women in the Dutch East Indies entering into concubinage arrangements with European men, often assuming the position of  “nyai” (mistresses) due to various socioeconomic factors. This study explores whether this situation was universal among indigenous women by examining the case of Robinah, who achieved an esteemed status during this era. Utilizing feminist theory and historical research methodologies, the investigation analyzes primary and secondary sources related to the Regentschap Bondowoso region in East Java. The research reveals that Robinah, a woman of Madurese descent, became the legitimate wife of Dutch investor George Birnie, diverging from the typical concubinage model. Robinah's intellectual acumen and communicative prowess were crucial in expanding Birnie's tobacco plantation enterprise, facilitating labor acquisition and land management within the predominantly Madurese local community. This case exemplifies how certain relationships between Dutch men and indigenous women could transcend the conventional concubinage paradigm, resulting in more egalitarian partnerships and enhanced social standing for the indigenous women involved. The study contributes to the scholarly discourse on the intricate dynamics of cross-cultural relationships and female agency within colonial contexts. Navigating mixed marriages can be challenging due to family resistance and social pressures, which can hinder the couple's integration into each other's groups. Sociological research examining power dynamics and identity in these unions is crucial for understanding their impact on social change and harmony and overcoming these obstacles.


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Author Biographies

Andang Subaharianto, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jember, Jember



IG. Krisnadi, Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Jember, Jember




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How to Cite
Izzah, Latifatul, Eko Ariwidodo, Andang Subaharianto, IG. Krisnadi, Suharto Suharto, and Neneng Afiah. 2023. “Robinah: A Dignified Women in the Dutch East Indies in Dutch Colonial Era ”. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture 31 (2), 297-327.

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