The Discourse Perspective of Translation In Representing The Concept of Thā’at: Case Study of The Moral Ethic Book Bidāyatul Hidāyah

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Keywords: the discourse perspective of translation, Bidāyatul Hidāyah, the concept of loyalty, Arabic–Javanese Translation


Translation is a rendering of form and meaning, but in the other hand, translation also can be defined as the rendering of message (amanah) from the source/start text into target text. This research elaborate the Arabic – Javanese translation text. Arabic is the source language (L1) and Javanese is the target language (L2). The material object selected was the book of Bidāyatul-Hidāyah (Islamic Moral Ethic) written by Imam Al-Ghazali. This research investigate the personal image of Imam Al-Ghazali using the discourse perspective of translation. There are two basics problems in this research, (1) the translation of units language in the book of Bidāyatul Hidāyah in representing the concept of loyalty (thā’at) using the discourse perspective of translation, and (2) the concept of loyalty based on Imam Al-Ghazali in the book of Bidāyatul Hidāyah. The method had been divided into three basic steps: collecting the data using the observation method, analysis data related with the distributional method, and reporting the data. The result had been concluded that Imam al Ghazali’method to delivering the concept of loyalty (thā’at) message was the balancing between fiqh and sufism.

Copyright (c) 2017 by KARSA. All right reserved 

DOI: 10.19105/karsa.v25i1.1180 


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Author Biography

Muhammad Yunus Anis, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta
Muhammad Yunus Anis is a lecturer in Arabic Translation Department at Sebelas Maret University Surakarta. In 2012, he was awarded his master degree (Master of Arts) in Religious and Cross-cultural Studies (Middle East Studies) Graduate School at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia. He has presented his papers at the Udayana University, UPI Bandung, Universitas Indonesia Depok, and Canal Suez University Egypt  and other institutions. His current research is on indigenous language protection, Islamic Sufism, Semitic Language, Arabic Linguistics and Translation. As part of national research orientation he is active on Research Group (RG) of Arabic Translation at Sebelas Maret University. ( SCOPUS ID = 57193251472


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How to Cite
Anis, Muhammad Yunus. 2017. “The Discourse Perspective of Translation In Representing The Concept of Thā’at: Case Study of The Moral Ethic Book Bidāyatul Hidāyah”. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture 25 (1), 228-48.