The Challenge of Madura’s Teacher Organization on The Commitment and Interpersonal Communication

  • Abdul Hobir UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi
  • Eko Ariwidodo Center for Social and Southeast Asian Studies, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
Abstract views: 242 , PDF downloads: 169
Keywords: Madura’s teacher organization; commitment interpersonal communication


This study plans to decide the impact of relational correspondence, authoritative culture, and accomplishment inspiration on hierarchical responsibility. This research uses a quantitative approach through strategic studies. The number of inhabitants in this review was generally educators coming from state secondary schools in Madura island. In the interim, the example was those one hundred and seventy-five educators taken by the complete testing method. The exploration instrument utilizing poll and the information was handled and investigated by way examination, beginning with the several prerequisites examination test. The investigation results show that: i) the immediate impact of relational correspondence on authoritative responsibility with a way coefficient is very critical; ii) The immediate impact of hierarchical culture on authoritative responsibility with a way coefficient is less huge; iii) relational correspondence additionally hierarchical culture impact authoritative responsibility are exceptionally huge impact; iv) the effect of relational correspondence on accomplishment inspiration with a way coefficient is very huge; v) the authoritative culture and relational correspondence and hierarchical culture have a concurrent impact straightforwardly on accomplishment inspiration are solid critical; vi) the effect of accomplishment inspiration straightforwardly on authoritative responsibility with a way coefficient is not huge in any way; vii) relational correspondence, authoritative culture, and accomplishment inspiration at the same time influence the hierarchical responsibility are exceptionally critical. That information shows that relational correspondence, traditional culture, and accomplishment inspiration influence hierarchical responsibility.


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How to Cite
Hobir, Abdul, and Eko Ariwidodo. 2019. “The Challenge of Madura’s Teacher Organization on The Commitment and Interpersonal Communication”. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture 27 (2), 312-40.