Main Values of Toba Muslim Batak Culture in Moral Education Perspective

  • Muhammad Abrar Parinduri Universitas Medan Area, Medan
  • Abdul Karim Universitas Muhammadiyah Cirebon
  • Hana Lestari Institut Agama Islam Sahid Bogor
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Keywords: Toba Batak culture, main values, moral


Islamic education has the primary goal of forming morals in order to fulfill things that are material and spiritual. This study emphasized the importance of learning science through education, especially those related to noble character, or better known as moral education. The novelty of this research is courses taught at PTAI to have a noble moral education content. This research used a library research approach. Besides, this study conducted data collection techniques by examining books, journals, literature, notes, and report variants related to the problem being solved. The results show that the main values of the Toba Batak culture include: kinship, hagabeon, hasangapon (glory, authority, and charisma), main value is hamoraon or wealthy, hamajuon, or progress, protection, arsisarian, or mutual understanding. We also concluded that there is no difference in the main cultural values of the Christian and Muslim Toba Batak people.


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Author Biography

Muhammad Abrar Parinduri, Universitas Medan Area, Medan
Islamic Education


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How to Cite
Parinduri, Muhammad Abrar, Abdul Karim, and Hana Lestari. 2020. “Main Values of Toba Muslim Batak Culture in Moral Education Perspective”. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture 28 (1), 121-40.