The Governance of Ex-Indonesian Migrant Workers Empowerment Based on Entrepreneur Skill in Malang

  • Lely Indah Mindarti Universitas Brawijaya
  • Putri Nabila Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang
  • Henny Rosalinda Postgraduate Researcher, Faculty of Science and Health, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth Hampshire
  • Shinta Happy Yustiari College of Public Administration, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan Hubei
Abstract views: 285 , PDF downloads: 269
Keywords: Society Empowerment, Governance, Indonesian Migrant Workers


This study aims to understand the process of ex-Indonesian migrant workers’ empowerment through the Productive Migrant Village (Desmigratif) program in Arjowilangun Village. In this study, the writers use a qualitative approach because they want to directly observe the empowerment of ex-Indonesian migrant workers (PMI) in Arjowilangun Village. The research type used in this study is a case study. The data collection techniques are observation, interview, and documentation. Desmigratif program has several focused activities. One of them is to develop productive businesses. These productive business activities aim to help the growth of the entrepreneurship spirit of ex-Indonesian migrant workers and improve their confidence and welfare. The purposes and the main focuses of this study are to know and to decipher as follows: (1) various efforts that are done in the empowerment of ex-Indonesian migrant workers through productive business activities; (2) various factors that can support and detain the effort of ex-Indonesian migrant workers’ empowerment in Arjowi-langun Village. The result of this study shows that Desmigratif Program in Arjowilangun Village has run well. Still, the empowerment process of ex-Indonesian migrant workers in Arjowilangun Village is not yet maximum. It is caused by the lack of capital assistance in productive business activities and the minimum knowledge of ex-Indonesian migrant workers about marketing.


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How to Cite
Mindarti, Lely Indah, Putri Nabila, Henny Rosalinda, and Shinta Happy Yustiari. 2022. “The Governance of Ex-Indonesian Migrant Workers Empowerment Based on Entrepreneur Skill in Malang”. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture 30 (1), 55-76.