Analisis Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), Efikasi Diri, dan Kesiapan Guru Pada Kurikulum Merdeka Fase Fondasi

  • Mutiara Sari Dewi Universitas Islam Malang
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Keywords: PCK; Self efficacy; Teacher readiness (IKM);


Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) competence, self-efficacy, and teacher readiness in implementing the foundation phase independent curriculum are important components that must be possessed by early childhood teachers today, especially RA teachers. This study aims to: 1) describe the condition of PCK competence, self-efficacy, and teacher readiness in the foundation phase of IKM; 2) describe the relationship of the three variables. This study used mixed research (mix method) with the type of sequential explanatory research. Quantitative research in this study was conducted through a survey used to describe the condition and relationship between PCK competence, teacher self-efficacy on readiness in the foundation phase of IKM. Qualitative research is conducted to strengthen facts related to the conditions of the three variables. The research sample consisted of 74 RA teachers in Malang City. Data collection techniques use surveys, interviews, observations, and documentation. Techniques for analyzing combined data quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed that: 1) The best condition of teacher PCK competence in the dimensions of Orientation of Teaching (OT) and Knowledge of IECE Subject Matter (KISM) was 4.19 or interpreted as good (high).  In the self-efficacy variable, the efficacy indicator to promote student engagement (ESE), while the teacher readiness variable in IKM, the best average on the dimension of readiness in the implementation of learning (KPlP) was 4.16. 2) PCK competence and self-efficacy have a significant effect on the readiness to implement the foundation phase of the independent curriculum in RA Malang City.


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