Application of Market Day Activities for Social-Emotional Abilities of Children Ages 5-6 Years in IT Mina Aceh Besar

  • Rani Puspa Juwita Rani Puspa Juwita UIN Ar-raniry Banda Aceh
Abstract views: 573 , PDF downloads: 606
Keywords: Market day Activities, Social-emotional Abilities, Children ages 5-6 years


This study was carrying out by the importance of children's social skills which are obtained from various opportunities and experiences of making friends with the people around them. Social development is individual skills in character or behavior when establishing relationships with socializing factors in society. Market Day is an entrepreneurial learning activity, children are guided how to promote a product to their friends, educators, or outsiders, these activities are generally carried out in bazaars or markets held in schools. Market Days can foster self-confidence, improve children's communication skills and form children's business intelligence. This study aims to find out how the implementation of Market Day activities on children's social-emotional abilities and can find out what are the teacher's obstacles in implementing Market Day activities on the social-emotional abilities of children aged 5-6 years. This study used a descriptive qualitative research using interview techniques to collect the data. The subjects of this study were all teachers of the Mina Aceh Besar IT Kindergarten in class B. The results showed that the social emotional abilities of children aged 5-6 years had met the indicators of achieving social emotional abilities in Market Day activities, but there were about 3 children who still have not reached the indicators of social emotional ability of children aged 5-6 years because during Market Day activities there was still children who have not obeyed the rules and have not been able to interact with the peers. In addition, the obstacles faced by teachers in implementing this Market Day activity was the lack of accompanying teachers in Market Day activities, teachers still have obstacles in the implementation of buying and selling and teachers lack mastery of the location of Market Day activities.


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