Dilema Guru PAUD Inklusi Terhadap Kompleksitas ABK: Antara Tantangan dan Keniscayaan

  • Uswatun Nisa Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
  • Vera Wati Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
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The appearance of early childhood education today cannot be separated from the government's role in the mandate of Law no. 20 of 2003 regarding the National Education System. PAUD as a forum for coaching and educational stimulus for early childhood (pre-school age) was intended to form physical and spiritual growth and development maturity so the children gained the readiness to continue to a higher level. The diversity of children’s condition of this PAUD members exposes teachers to various realities, complexities and 'confusion' about the real children with special need concept. This paper is a field research with qualitative methods and descriptive-narrative purposed to investigate the narrative of inclusive PAUD teachers in Barito Kuala district. Based on the theory of learning differentiation found that every child inherits various abilities, talents, interests and specifications of different needs. The definitions of children with special needs who experience limitations or extraordinary physical, mental-intellectual, socio-emotional which are often called permanent special need children are not always relevant. The complexity of children with special needs in the inclusive field in reality shows that children adapt to development and learning processes with a different tempo. Through observation and mapping of individual abilities, children will provide appropriate and maximum encouragement and fulfillment of their special learning needs.


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