Diffusion of 3-D Quiver Application Innovation Based on Augmented Reality Technology at Early Childhood Education Institutions

  • Kisno K Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro
  • Nia Fatmawati Universitas Lampung
Abstract views: 826 , PDF downloads: 710
Keywords: Diffusion of innovation; Augmented Reality; 3D Coloring Quiver App;


This innovation diffusion research aims to disseminate innovative applications containing Augmented Reality (AR) technology in Early Childhood Education institutions through coloring activities in developing children's creativity. Because every child has talent and creativity that must be welcomed through various activities that can help their development. It is important for children in their learning environment to be given the opportunity to explore multi-media in order to realize the fertilization of their creative potential. Children's interest in digital devices can be used as a great opportunity for teachers in utilizing media and learning resources in early childhood education institutions. Augmented Reality (AR) technology content contained in the Q-3D Application in coloring activities provides an interesting offer by presenting virtual world visual images formed in 3-D animation into a real environment with the help of smartphones for images created and colored, so as to develop their creativity. In this innovation diffusion research, the descriptive analysis method is used with two approaches, namely: qualitative and quantitative. The data were obtained through three methods, namely: observation, interview, and documentation. Innovation diffusion research provides important findings that the level of adopter acceptance of the innovation of the Aaugmented Reality-based Quiver 3D app is very high and children's creativity is well developed.


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