Sosialisasi Kemukjizatan Al Qur’an Terhadap Komunitas Pendengar Radio Baiturrahman Aceh Melalui Program Interaktif Al Qur’an dan Sains

  • Andri Nirwana Universitas Serambi Mekkah
  • Ainal Fitri Universitas Serambi Mekkah
  • Rahmadon Rahmadon Universitas Serambi Mekkah
  • Fahmi Arfan Universitas Serambi Mekkah
  • Zahari Zahari universitas serambi mekkah
  • Fitri Meliya Sari Universitas Serambi Mekkah
Abstract views: 296 , PDF downloads: 197
Keywords: miracle, scientific, radio, al Qur'an


This dedication article aims to socialize the miracles of the Qur'an in the scientific field. Based on our observation that the public does not know what scientific content the Qur'an has. The findings from the results of this dedication are people with an educational background who have a good understanding of the delivery of material content, it is different from ordinary people, their impression of this program is good and requires a slow delivery strategy so that the message conveyed can be understood. This activity provides many benefits to the Radio community listeners loyal to Baiturrahman in increasing insight, literacy in understanding the miracles of the Qur'an.


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Andri Nirwana, (2015), Ulumul Qur’an dan Ulumul Hadis, Banda Aceh, Searfiqh

Andri Nirwana, (2016), Tafsir ayat ayat Sains, Banda Aceh, Searfiqh

Andri Nirwana, (2019), Tafsir Tematik Al Qur’an, Banyumas Jawa Tengah, Pena Persada

Khairul Muttaqin dkk,(2019), Metode cepat membaca Al Qur’an di Yayasan Miftahul Ulum Kecamatan Lenteng Kabupaten Sumenep dalam Jurnal Perdikan: (Journal of Community engagement, Vol 1 Nomor 1
