Efforts to Improve Learning Outcomes in Social Sciences Subjects by Using The Truth or Dare Game

  • Muhammad Hadiatur Rahman Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
  • Denny Agus Setyawan Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
Abstract views: 158 , PDF downloads: 110
Keywords: Student Learning Outcomes,, Social Sciences, Truth or Dare Games


In State Junior High School 5 Pamekasan, the teaching and learning process still often uses the lecture method which is assisted by using textbooks and Student Worksheets (LKS), so that it does not attract students' attention which causes student learning outcomes to be less satisfactory. The purpose of this study was to improve student learning outcomes in social studies subjects through the Truth or Dare game in grade VII of State Junior High School 5 Pamekasan. The main problem studied in this study is about the learning outcomes of grade VII social studies students at SMP Negeri 5 Pamekasan. The method used is class action research (PTK) which consists of three cycles, each cycle has three meetings. The instruments used are observation sheets and student learning outcomes tests. The results of this study also showed an increase in social studies learning outcomes in class VII. This is seen in the series of cycles I, II, and III. In cycle I the average value was 73.55 with a completion percentage of 70.96%. In cycle II the average score was 75.81 with a completion percentage of 77.41%. In cycle III the average value was 78.23 with a completion percentage of 87.09%.


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