Enhancing Students Interest in Social Studies through Wordwall Application

This research was motivated by the initial condition of class VII-D students at SMPN 8 Pamekasan where during the lesson the students were still less focused on the lesson, still talking to their classmates and the students were easily bored with the material being presented. This is because the method used by teachers is still in the form of lectures and the lack of use of learning media. Under these conditions, class VII-D students cannot develop indicators of learning interest in social studies learning. Therefore, the use of learning media is very important to increase students' interest in learning. To increase students' interest in learning by implementing the wordwall application in social studies learning.
This research used the classroom action research (PTK) method which was carried out in two cycles. Each cycle there are three meetings which consist of: Planning, Implementation, Observation and Reflection. The subject of this research is class VII-D with a total of 29 students at SMPN 8 Pamekasan and there are 3 data collection techniques in this research, namely: Observation, Questionnaire and Documentation.
The results of this research in cycle I in the analysis of teacher observation sheets reached category 2.9, the results from student observation sheets reached 47% and on the student interest questionnaire reached 67%. In cycle II, the analysis of teacher observation sheets reached category 3.9, the results from student observation sheets reached 83% and on the student interest questionnaire reached 84%. So it can be concluded that in this research using learning media in the form of the Wordwall application can increase students' interest in learning in social studies class VII-D at SMPN 8 Pamekasan. Thus, it can be concluded that students' interest in learning can increase by implementing the Wordwall application in social studies learning for class VII-D at SMPN 8 Pamekasan
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