Tarètan journal presents the latest information on research results in the fields of library management, information organization, information services, digital libraries and repositories, IT, media and information literacy, knowledge management, information and media preservation, documentation systems, archive management, and social issues.
Library Management means that libraries are able to carry out planning, budgeting, policy making, personnel management, public relations and program assessment, organizing information and establishing a conceptual framework for organizing and retrieving information, including the study of systems and their objectives and structures, formats, standards and vocabulary.
Digital Libraries and Repositories means libraries can preserve and protect archival collections, modern repositories are equipped to meet today's environmental and security control standards. Information Technology in Information Institutions. Information and communication technology (ICT) facilitates the identification, collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information in libraries/information centers/information institutions.
Media and Information Literacy means that libraries are able to access, analyze, critically evaluate, interpret, use, create and disseminate adequate information and media products with the help of existing facilities and tools creatively and legally. and basic ethics.

Knowledge Management. The process of creating (generating, capturing), storing (preserving, organizing, integrating), sharing (communicating), applying (implementing), and reusing (transforming) organizational knowledge to enable the organization 5 to achieve its goals and objectives.

Information and Media Preservation means the Documentation system. The process of systematically collecting, organizing, storing, retrieving, and disseminating technical documents, especially scientific, technical, or legal documents, usually to facilitate research or preserve the memory of an institution.

Archives Management. Refers to the office or organization responsible for appraising, selecting, preserving, and providing access to archival materials.

Social means that the Tarètan journal library plays a role in facilitating the community to develop their potential. Social inclusion-based library transformation is an approach to library services that is committed to improving the quality of life and welfare of library users.

Current Issue

Vol. 1 No. 2 (2024): Tarétan: Journal of Library Information System (on progress)
Published: 2025-03-27
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