Binā al-Jumal al-Mu’aqqodah fī Riwayah “Mā Lā Nabūh Bih” ala Asāsi Nadhariyyati Tagmemic Kenneth L. Pike [Complex Sentence Construction in Novel “Mā Lā Nabūh Bih” Based on the Perspective of Kenneth L. Pike’s Tagmemic]

  • Abdul Basid Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanity, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Malang 65145
  • Hanna Izzah Syafina Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanity, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Malang 65145
  • Husnizan Hayati Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Humanity, Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang, Malang 65145
  • Husni Nazir Ushul Fiqh Study Program, Faculty of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law, Al-Azhar University, Cairo 11751
  • Fakhrur Razi Arabic Language and Literature Study Program, Faculty of Arabic Language, Institute for Arabic Research and Study (ALESCO), Cairo 11519
Abstract views: 1358 , PDF (ARABIC) downloads: 716
Keywords: Complex sentence, Novel, Sentence construction, Tagmemic theory


Sentence studies that are rarely discussed in the realm of linguistics are complex sentences. This article aims to describe the construction and types of complex sentences based on their clause formation in the novel Mā Lā Nabūh Bih based on Kenneth L. Pike's Tagmemic theory. This research was a qualitative and descriptive study, with the primary data source were the novel Mā Lā Nabūh Bih by Sandra Serag. Each type of complex sentence was selected and described according to Tagmemic theory. The results of this study found that four ‘harf’ functions were used as subordinating conjunctions based on the formation of the clauses, which consists of the arrangement of musnad (subject), musnad ilaih (predicate), and maf'ul bih (object). The distinguishes among four ‘harf’ functions are in the form and position of the subordinating conjunctions that separate the main sentence and its subordinate clauses, namely time relations (mundzu/since), causal relationship (lianna/because), complementary relationships (anna/really), comparative relationship (kaanna/as if). Complex sentences in the Tagmemic perspective are more complex than other types of sentence structures since they may consist of two slots, two classes, two roles, or two cohesions. In contrast, other sentence structure types have only one slot, class, role, and cohesion.


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How to Cite
Basid, A., Syafina, H. I., Hayati, H., Nazir, H., & Razi, F. (2022). Binā al-Jumal al-Mu’aqqodah fī Riwayah “Mā Lā Nabūh Bih” ala Asāsi Nadhariyyati Tagmemic Kenneth L. Pike [Complex Sentence Construction in Novel “Mā Lā Nabūh Bih” Based on the Perspective of Kenneth L. Pike’s Tagmemic]. OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra, 16(2), 214-244.