• Ika Novianti Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Wiryanto Univesitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Hitta Alfi Muhimmah Univesitas Negeri Surabaya
Abstract views: 605 , pdf downloads: 421
Keywords: Kata Kunci: Teori humanistik; Bahasa Indonesia


The writing of this article is expected to be able to contribute knowledge aimed at teachers especially at the elementary school level. Learning is a process of changing the behavior of students towards their environment, these changes can lead to better or in a bad direction. The background for writing this article is due to the application of Indonesian in grade one, especially speaking skills which are still lacking, this is because many students still use Javanese ngoko (not refined Javanese or not Javanese krama). In learning activities it is necessary to apply learning theory to support teaching and learning activities. One of the learning theories that can be integrated with learning Indonesian is the humanistic learning theory. In humanistic learning theory, educators guide students to instill values ​​in behaving and speaking in a better direction, with the hope that students will get used to speaking Indonesian as the language of instruction in learning activities. Writing in this article with a qualitative method using library research. The data analysis technique obtained from the results of the documentation that has been analyzed is identified and conclusions are drawn. The results of writing this article prove that the application of humanistic learning theory can lead to changes in polite speech according to Indonesian language rules.

Keywords: Humanistic theory; Indonesian


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