• Nanda Septiana Institut Agama Islam Negeri Madura
Abstract views: 103 , pdf downloads: 113
Keywords: Full-Day School, Character, Scientific Approach


SD Plus Qurrota A'yun and SD Islamic Global School are schools that implement full-day learning programs. By learning the full-day school program the teacher can monitor and guide the religious activities of students not only to monitor the development of student academic achievement but also to strengthen character education in students. The purpose of this study was to analyze and describe the full-day school program in strengthening students' character with a scientific approach applied at SD Plus Qurrota A'yun Malang and SD Islamic Global School Malang. The results showed that: (1) The idea of ​​developing the implementation of the full-day school program began with the establishment of the school, factors, and motivation so that the implementation of the full-day school program, curriculum, and main characters at both sites was the presence of PPK; (2) Program planning to strengthen student character begins with the preparation of an academic calendar, conditioning the school environment, developing syllabus and lesson plans, and integrating character development into the curriculum. The implementation of the student character strengthening program consists of the cooperation of all teachers and educational staff, building communication and collaboration with parents of students, establishing harmonious relationships between student teachers, integrating character values ​​into subjects, implementing self-development, and implementing school culture. Evaluation of student character strengthening programs consists of evaluating educators and educational staff, collaborating with parents of students, and assessing student success; (3) The impact on schools consists of results, implications, supporting factors, inhibiting factors, and efforts. Meanwhile, the impact on parents of students at both sites was that each student's parents felt helped by the full-day school program in strengthening their children. As a result of strengthening children's character at home, the values ​​of religious character, discipline, responsibility, independence, environmental care, and social care began to form and achieved very positive results in both sites.


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