Pecel Pithik: Tradition, Culture, and Its Impact on The Socioeconomic Welfare of Osingese People in Banyuwangi

  • Farida Wahyuningtyas University of Jember
  • Akhmad Haryono University of Jember
  • Novia Luthviatin University of Jember
  • Ahmad Nafi' FTP University of Jember
  • Iken Nafikadini University of Jember
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Keywords: pecel pithik, Osingese, tradition, culture, Banyuwangi


This study aimed to explore and describe the existence of pecel pithik in the tradition of Osingese tribe of Banyuwangi and its impact on the social economic welfare of the very community. Qualitative approach method was used to achieve the purpose of this research. Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, note taking, and recording. Data analysis method operative in the study was descriptive qualitative method with thematic content analysis. This study has evinced that pecel pithik is a cultural asset of Osingese society, which is rooted in fundamental traditional agrarian values with selamatan, originally presented in rice fields in the form of tumpeng before harvest in the hope of good harvest and blessing. This was done to improve the society’s welfare and elevate their degree. Today, pecel pithik presented at rituals (selamatan) such as barong ider bumi and tumpeng sewu (bersih desa). Pecel Pithik has now been a potential of socioeconomic capital for regional progress as a resource of economic development to improve societies’ welfare.


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Author Biographies

Farida Wahyuningtyas, University of Jember
Gizi departement, FKM University of Jember
Akhmad Haryono, University of Jember

Dr. Akhmad Haryono, M.Pd. was born in Jember 03 October 1967. In 2013 he got his PhD of Humanities focused on Communication Ethnography Study in Faculty of Cultural Science at Gajah Mada University. From 1998 up to now he has been a lecturer at Faculty of Cultural Science, University of Jember.  His research interest includes social humanities, especially on the study of language and ethnic culture (Madurese and Osing).  To develop his professionalism, he has written some articles published in acredited journals. In addition, he is also active to present his papers at both national and international seminars concerning such topics as language, ethnic culture, and language teaching and learning

Novia Luthviatin, University of Jember
FKM University of Jember
Ahmad Nafi', FTP University of Jember
FTP University of Jember
Iken Nafikadini, University of Jember
FKM University of Jember


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How to Cite
Wahyuningtyas, Farida, Akhmad Haryono, Novia Luthviatin, Ahmad Nafi’, and Iken Nafikadini. 2018. “Pecel Pithik: Tradition, Culture, and Its Impact on The Socioeconomic Welfare of Osingese People in Banyuwangi”. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture 26 (1), 110-28.