The Revelation of the Potential Culture and Entrepreneurship: An Effort to Minimize the Unemployed Graduates of Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools in Tapal Kuda Areas, East Java, Indonesia

  • Akhmad Haryono University of Jember
  • Lutfi Ariefianto University Of Jember
  • Supardi Supardi University Of Jember
  • Ika Barokah Suryaningtiyas University of Jember
  • Evita Soliha Hani University Of Jember
  • Muhammad Iqbal University Of Jember
Abstract views: 302 , PDF downloads: 258
Keywords: culture, entrepreneurship, Islamic boarding school


Islamic boarding schools are an alternative educational institution for people in East Java Tapal Kuda areas. Therefore, Islamic boarding schools have a very large contribution in the development of human resources. This  study aims at finding out the potential culture and entrepreneurship and the factors that can affect the unemployed graduates of the Salaf Islamic Boarding School. The qualitative approach method is used to achieve the research objectives. The data were obtained through participant observation and interviews with recording techniques and notes. As supporting data, quantitative data were also explored through questionnaires. The data obtained through interviews were then interpreted qualitatively, while quantitative data were in percentage in the form of tables and the results were then described. This study result found out that entrepreneurial behavior of graduates of the Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools can be categorized as very low. Some factors causing the high-unemployed graduates of Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools are factor of culture focusing only on religious books, factor of student’s very low education, factor of Islamic boarding schools curriculum that is not oriented on entrepreneurship, factor of parents' low education, and factor of parent’s economy. Among these factors, Salaf Islamic Boarding School curriculum factor is the most dominant because of no curriculum that can provide entrepreneurial skills to students (santri). Through changes in entrepreneurial oriented curriculum it is expected to reduce the unemployed graduates of Islamic boarding schools.


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Author Biographies

Akhmad Haryono, University of Jember

Dr. Akhmad Haryono, M.Pd. was born in Jember 03 October 1967. In 2013 he got his PhD of Humanities focused on Communication Ethnography Study in Faculty of Cultural Science at Gajah Mada University. From 1998 up to now he has been a lecturer at Faculty of Cultural Science, University of Jember.  His research interest includes social humanities, especially on the study of language and ethnic culture (Madurese and Osing).  To develop his professionalism, he has written some articles published in acredited journals. In addition, he is also active to present his papers at both national and international seminars concerning such topics as language, ethnic culture, and language teaching and learning

Lutfi Ariefianto, University Of Jember
Mass Department
Supardi Supardi, University Of Jember
English Department
Ika Barokah Suryaningtiyas, University of Jember
Management Department
Evita Soliha Hani, University Of Jember
Agribusiness Department
Muhammad Iqbal, University Of Jember
Biology Educations Department


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How to Cite
Haryono, Akhmad, Lutfi Ariefianto, Supardi Supardi, Ika Barokah Suryaningtiyas, Evita Soliha Hani, and Muhammad Iqbal. 2019. “The Revelation of the Potential Culture and Entrepreneurship: An Effort to Minimize the Unemployed Graduates of Salaf Islamic Boarding Schools in Tapal Kuda Areas, East Java, Indonesia”. KARSA Journal of Social and Islamic Culture 27 (2), 234-65.

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