Students’ Gains in English as a Second or Foreign Language through Game-Based Learning: A Meta-Analysis

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Keywords: game-based learning, language domains, English language learning, meta-analysis, students’ achievement


Various digitally aided applications have prompted ESL/EFL teachers to adopt them in their classrooms for games and experiments; hence, the concept of play in pedagogical settings has grown and become more modern, modifying the structures of Game-based Learning (GBL). This study, therefore, aims to analyze the effectiveness of GBL through meta-analysis. Following the set of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 16 studies in East Asia, Middle East Asia, and South America conducted from 2018 to 2023 have qualified for this study with 14 studies on tertiary level (n=822); 1 on secondary (n=56); and 1 on primary (n=46). Studies were obtained from Google Scholar, OpenAlex, Scopus, and Crossref. Further, the researchers used Harzing’s Publish or Perish software to exhaust the search process. Sample size, mean, and standard deviation were analyzed using the Jamovi software version 2.4 to determine the effect sizes (Hedge's g) and the results of moderator analysis, forest plot, funnel plot, and Classic Fail-Safe N test. Findings have shown that GBL, as an approach to teaching English, had a significant and positive effect (ES=1.19) on students' achievement in different language domains. Educational levels and the type of game-based learning employed as moderators were also proven to be factors that may affect learning outcomes. Hence, more studies testing the subgroups mentioned above should be conducted to facilitate more comprehensive comparative educational research in the future.


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Author Biographies

Jason S. Barrun, Language Education Department, Sorsogon State University, Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City, 4700

JASON S. BARRUN is the Senior Education Program Specialist for Planning and Research of the Schools Division Office of Masbate City. He is a student in the Doctor of Philosophy in Language Education (PhD L.E.) program at Sorsogon State University, Sorsogon City, Philippines—his interests in research range from English teaching pedagogies to bilingualism/multilingualism and language.

Sherill A. Gilbas, Language Education Department, Sorsogon State University, Magsaysay St., Sorsogon City, 4700

SHERIL A. GILBAS is the Head of the Admission Services Unit and the Program Chair of the Doctor of Philosophy Language Education Department at the Graduate School of Sorsogon State University, Sorsogon City, Philippines. She is the ninth-best researcher in the institution based on the Alper-Doger (AD) Scientific Index 2024. Her research interests include Humanities, Literature, and Language and Cultural Studies.


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How to Cite
Barrun, J. S., & Gilbas, S. A. (2025). Students’ Gains in English as a Second or Foreign Language through Game-Based Learning: A Meta-Analysis. OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra, 18(2), 244-265.