Using Information Gap Activity to Increase Students' speaking Skill at the Twelve Grade of MAN 1 Pamekasan

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Keywords: Information-Gap, Teaching Strategy, Students’ Speaking Skill


Based on the researchers’ observation on the preliminary study on the teaching
of speaking, the problem was found that the students’ speaking skill in the
teaching and learning was very low. It was because the class was heterogeneous
and the teacher used monotonous teaching activity. To cope of this problem, the
researcher employed the Information gap activity. This study tries to prove how
the Information-gap activity can increase students’ speaking skill at the third
grade of MAN 1 Pamekasan. The study was design to increase the students’
speaking skill by using Information gap activity at MAN 1 Pamekasan. The
study was collaborative classroom action research in which the researcher and
the collaborator worked together, the researcher acted as the teacher while the
collaborator observed the students during the implementation of the strategy.
This study was conducted in one cycle consisting of six meetings using the
following procedures; planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The
data of the study were collected through the observation checklists, field notes,
and questionnaires. The subject of the study were 41 students of third grade on
science 3 program MAN 1 Pamekasan.



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How to Cite
Fuqaha, A., & Ghofur, A. (2015). Using Information Gap Activity to Increase Students’ speaking Skill at the Twelve Grade of MAN 1 Pamekasan. OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa Dan Sastra, 9(1), 73-82.